

Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar

Eliminating the dipole phase in attosecond pulse characterization using Rydberg wave packets

We propose a technique to fully characterize the temporal structure of extreme ultraviolet pulses by ionizing a bound coherent electronic wave packet. The influence of the dipole phase, which is the main obstacle for state-of-the-art pulse characterization schemes, can be eliminated by angle integration of the photoelectron spectrum. We show that in particular, atomic Rydberg wave packets are idea

Distribution of iridium and associated geochemistry across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in sections at Kuhjoch and Kendlbach, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria

Samples from strata spanning the Triassic-Jurassic boundary at the GSSP at Kuhjoch and at Kendlbachgraben were studied by NAA, XRF and combustion analysis to determine Ir levels and associated geochemistry. The results are compared to previously determined carbon isotope stratigraphy at these sections. Ir concentrations in the limestones of the Kössen Formation at Kuhjoch are very low (

New hybodontiform and neoselachian sharks from the Lower Triassic of Oman

Elasmobranchs are reported for the first time from Lower Triassic deposits in Oman. The well-preserved remains consist of isolated teeth, dermal denticles and fin spines, recovered from conodont residues. The low-palaeolatitude sections consist of Lopingian-Olenekian shallow and pelagic carbonates in exotics, olistoliths and breccia blocks that have been redeposited in younger allochthonous strata

Weakening association of parental education: analysis of child health outcomes in 43 low- and middle-income countries

BackgroundParental education has been suggested to be an effective instrument for improving child health in low- and middle-income countries. Both education and child health have improved, however, as well as related factors. These changes may have implications for the observed association.MethodsWe used Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 43 countries at two points in time, between 1991 a

A return to Wonderland : Exploring the links between academic identity development and creativity during doctoral education

Creativity is essential to knowledge production within universities and beyond. Yet, conditions for creativity receive scant scholarly attention as a feature of doctoral development, or as an element of institutional evolution within higher education. Even fewer authors have considered how creativity may be linked to doctoral students’ academic identity formation. In this paper, we analyse literat

Dissolved organic carbon in tropical watersheds : Linking field observation and eco-hydrological modelling

Löst organiskt kol (DOC) är en allmän beteckning på organiskt material upplöst i vatten. DOC är en viktig källa för energi, kol och näring som överförs från markbundna till akvatiska ekosystem. Exporten av DOC till akvatiska ekosystem kan bidra till kolbalansen i markbundna ekosystem och till försämrad vattenkvalitet. Pågående klimat- och markförändringar kommer att påverka både genereringen och tDissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a general description of the organic material dissolved in water. DOC is an important source of energy, carbon, and nutrient transfers from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems. The export of DOC into aquatic ecosystems may contribute to the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems and to water degradation. Ongoing climate and land cover changes will affect both DOC

Modeling and Control Strategies of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

In this work, comprehensive mathematical models for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) with three different controllers (PID, FOPID and fuzzy + PID) are developed. The models are designed to control the PEMFCs' output voltage at a determined value by indirectly regulating the input hydrogen mass flow rate. The simulation results show that the developed model is well suitable for characterizing

Predicting dynamic fuel oil consumption on ships with automated machine learning

This study demonstrates a method for predicting the dynamic fuel consumption on board ships using automated machine learning algorithms, fed only with data for larger time intervals from 12 hours up to 96 hours. The machine learning algorithm trained on dynamic data from shorter time intervals of the engine features together with longer time interval data for the fuel consumption. To give the oper

Consequences of planetary migration on the minor bodies of the early solar system

Pebble accretion is an efficient mechanism that is able to build up the core of the giant planets within the lifetime of the protoplanetary disc gas-phase. The core grows via this process until the protoplanet reaches its pebble isolation mass and starts to accrete gas. During the growth, the protoplanet undergoes a rapid, large-scale, inward migration due to the interactions with the gaseous prot

Glucocorticoid-resistant B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia displays receptor tyrosine kinase activation

The response of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to dexamethasone predicts the long-term remission outcome. To explore the mechanisms of dexamethasone resistance in B cell ALL (B-ALL), we generated dexamethasone-resistant clones by prolonged treatment with dexamethasone. Using RNA-sequencing and high-throughput screening, we found that dexamethasone-resistant cells are dependent on rec