

Din sökning på "*" gav 535449 sökträffar

Diapause decision in the small tortoiseshell butterfly, Aglais urticae

Insects in temperate areas spend the inhospitable winter conditions in a resting stage known as diapause. In species that diapause in the larval or pupal stage, the decision whether to diapause or develop directly is customarily taken during the late instars, with long days (i.e., long light phases) and high temperatures promoting direct development. Among butterflies that overwinter as adults, da

Attosecond insight into electron correlation

Photoionization with a single photon is one of the fundamental processes in nature, in which one electron is ripped away from its atom. Traditionally studied in the energy domain, this process was believed to be instantaneous, but recent advances in the production of attosecond pulses (1 as 10−18 s) in the eXtreme UltraViolet (XUV) have renewed interest in understanding the temporal aspects of ele

Meta-analysis of fecal metagenomes reveals global microbial signatures that are specific for colorectal cancer

Association studies have linked microbiome alterations with many human diseases. However, they have not always reported consistent results, thereby necessitating cross-study comparisons. Here, a meta-analysis of eight geographically and technically diverse fecal shotgun metagenomic studies of colorectal cancer (CRC, n = 768), which was controlled for several confounders, identified a core set of

The Axiomatic-Deductive Ideal in Early Modern Thinking : A Cognitive History of Human Rationality

Euclid completed his geometrical proofs in the Elements (c. 300BC) with the abbreviation “QED” (quod erat demonstrandum). This phrase was not only used in mathematics in the early modern period, but also in deductive proofs in physics, astronomy, philosophy, and ethics. This chapter is a cognitive- historical interpretation of the axiomatic-deductive ideal that consists of some widely accepted pro

Vision Based Tracker for Dart-Catching Robot

This paper describes how high-speed computer vision can be used in a motion control application. The specific application investigated is a dart catching robot. Computer vision is used to detect a flying dart and a filtering algorithm predicts its future trajectory. This will give data to a robot controller allowing it to catch the dart. The performance of the implemented components indicates that

Gambling habits, gambling norms, and problem gambling in foreign born and native populations in Denmark — A general population survey

Background: Being foreign born, i.e. not born in the reception country or belonging to an ethnic minority, has been described as a risk factor of problem gambling, although research so far has been inconclusive. Also, there is limited knowledge about whether this association is caused by differing gambling norms. The present study aimed to study whether foreign origin is associated with problem ga

Uppföljning efter hjärtstopp - nu finns svenska riktlinjer

Kognitiva och emotionella svårigheter är vanliga hos personer som överlevt ett hjärtstopp. Rutinerna för uppföljning efter hjärtstopp varierar stort mellan olika regioner och sjukhus i Sverige.För att förbättra vården har Svenska HLR-rådets arbetsgrupp för vård efter hjärtstopp tagit fram svenska riktlinjer för uppföljning efter hjärtstopp.According to previous research, a structured cardiac arrest follow-up may contribute to identifying health problems and the potential need of support among survivors and their relatives. However, a survey on post CA care and follow-up in Sweden, reported a lack of structure and major variations among Swedish hospitals. In 2016, Swedish guidelines were published with the aim to improve care. Accord

18 F-fluoride as a prognostic indicator of bone regeneration

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a form of nuclear imaging, which quantitatively assesses the metabolic activity through the uptake of radioactive tracers. 18 F-fluoride is a positron-emitting isotope with high affinity for bone. Despite its potential as a non-invasive measure of bone metabolism, quantitative 18 F-fluoride PET has only been used sparsely in orthopaedic applications. It has

Integrated molecular analysis of undifferentiated uterine sarcomas reveals clinically relevant molecular subtypes

Purpose: Undifferentiated uterine sarcomas (UUS) are rare, extremely deadly, sarcomas with no effective treatment. The goal of this study was to identify novel intrinsic molecular UUS subtypes using integrated clinical, histopathologic, and molecular evaluation of a large, fully annotated, patient cohort. Experimental Design: Fifty cases of UUS with full clinicopathologic annotation were analyzed

Measurements of Strain and Bandgap of Coherently Epitaxially Grown Wurtzite InAsP-InP Core-Shell Nanowires

We report on experimental determination of the strain and bandgap of InAsP in epitaxially grown InAsP-InP core-shell nanowires. The core-shell nanowires are grown via metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The as-grown nanowires are characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, micro-photoluminescence (μPL) spectroscopy, and micro-Raman (μ-Raman) spectroscopy measurements. We o

Implementing energy measures in renovations for multi-family dwellings : Influence and practice of professionals

Aging buildings will sooner or later be in need of renovation, which opens opportunities to reduce energy use. Even if economically feasible energy measures or technologies exist, they are not always implemented, leading to an energy efficiency gap. This dissertation deals with how energy measures are handled and why they are enabled or disabled during the planning and design of renovations. Durin

The significance of batch and patch test method in establishing contact allergy to fragrance mix I—EDEN Fragrance Study Group

Background: A fragrance mix consisting of eight separate fragrance ingredients (fragrance mix I [FM I]) is present in most baseline patch test series. Patch testing with the TRUE Test technique is considered to detect less contact allergy to FM I than testing with the Finn Chamber technique. Objective: To investigate the possible significance of batch and patch test method in establishing contact