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Anmeldelse af Oskar K.s grafiske roman Af Olafur Kjartanssons optegnelser over den skjulte skrift.
Peacebuilding, Structural Violence and Spatial Reparations in Post-Colonial South Africa
Peacebuilding approaches have placed emphasis on the restoration of political relationships and symbolic notions of community reconciliation, paying limited attention to the material causes of violence. In South Africa, the historical structural economic violence has been maintained, and after the formal end of apartheid, a lack of equitable distribution of resources is ongoing. This article conce
Nutrient limitation may induce microbial mining for resources from persistent soil organic matter
Fungi and bacteria are the two principal microbial groups in soil, responsible for the breakdown of organic matter (OM). The relative contribution of fungi and bacteria to decomposition is thought to impact biogeochemical cycling at the ecosystem scale, whereby bacterially dominated decomposition supports the fast turnover of easily available substrates, whereas fungal-dominated decomposition lead
Comparison of Locus Coeruleus Pathology with Nigral and Forebrain Pathology in Parkinson's Disease
Background: Pathology in the noradrenergic A6 locus coeruleus has not been compared with more rostral dopaminergic A9 substantia nigra and A10 ventral tegmental area, and cholinergic Ch4 basal nucleus and Ch1/2 septal regions in the same cases of Parkinson's disease (PD). Objective: To determine whether there is a gradient of caudal to rostral cell loss in PD. Methods: Postmortem brains were colle
Insights into Nucleation and Growth of Colloidal Quaternary Nanocrystals by Multimodal X-ray Analysis
Copper chalcogenide nanocrystals find applications in photovoltaic inks, bio labels, and thermoelectric materials. We reveal insights in the nucleation and growth during synthesis of anisotropic Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals by simultaneously performing in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Real-time XAFS reveals that upon thiol injection into the reaction f
Fibroblast growth factor 23 is an independent marker of COPD and is associated with impairment of pulmonary function and diffusing capacity
Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a phosphaturic hormone that in recent years has been reported to have significant effects on numerous tissues. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with hypophosphatemia but the evidence for elevated plasma levels of FGF23 in COPD subjects is ambiguous. Recently, FGF23 has even been shown to be involved in the inflammatory pathways activ
Mönster i grönt : Graham Greene och 1900-talslitteraturens villkor
Mönster i grönt undersöker sambanden mellan receptionen av Graham Greenes verk och 1900-talslitteraturens villkor, med särskilt hänseende till genremässiga och mediala hierarkier på den internationella bokmarknaden. Studien visar att komplexiteten i Greenes litteraturhistoriska position – där omfattningen och den internationella spridningen av hans verk lett till ett slags frikoppling från enskild
Immunity to cancer. Naturally occurring tumours in domestic animals as models for research. Part 2
Part 1 of this Memorandum appeared in Vol. 49, pages 81-91. Part 2 covers neoplasia of the bovine urinary bladder; tumours of unknown cause (including melanomas, osteosarcomas, mammary tumours, lymphosarcomas, mastocytomas, transmissible venereal tumours, and histiocytomas); and the applications of animal models in studies of neoplasia. A summary of animal models is included as an annex.
Psychopaths and Symmetry : A Reply to Nelkin
An agent is morally competent if she can respond to moral considerations. There is a debate about whether agents are open to moral blame only if they are morally competent, and Dana Nelkin’s “Psychopaths, Incorrigible Racists, and the Faces of Responsibility” is an important contribution to this debate. Like others involved in this dispute, Nelkin takes the case of the psychopath to be instructive
The publication of memory : From the Via Crucis to the terrorist memorial
The notion of memory is ambiguous in multiple ways. It can be an event, an act of memory; or it can consist of a structure conserving and organizing a set of facts. In the first case, it may involve the automatic retention of the ‘just evolved’ moment in the stream of consciousness, or it can be a deliberate act with a purpose to build up, or to search, the space of recorded facts. In the second c
Choice Awareness and Manipulation Blindness : a cognitive semiotic exploration of choice-making and memory
Whose Justice? Which Future?
This paper was originally presented in a conversation with Christoph Türcke and Bernhard Waldenfels as part of the event The Future of Memory, which took place in Helsinki 2019. I here offer a reflection on the theme against the backdrop of recent developments in memory politics, both in my own Swedish context and more generally. My basic assumption, which is mirrored in the title, is that there i
Translation and Literature in East Asia: Between Visibility and Invisibility by Jieun Kiaer, Jennifer Guest, and Xiaofan Amy Li, London, Routledge, 2019, vii + 120 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8153-5827-5
Efterskrift : Det som binder den språkliga klyvningen
Increasing importance of precipitation in spring phenology with decreasing latitudes in subtropical forest area in China
Climate warming has significantly advanced plant spring phenology in temperate and boreal biomes in the northern hemisphere. However, the response of subtropical forest phenology to climate change remains largely unclear. This study aimed to determine the spatiotemporal patterns of spring photosynthetic phenology in subtropical forests in China over the period 2002-2017 and explore its underlying
The impact of kin proximity on net marital fertility and maternal survival in Sweden 1900-1910 – Evidence for cooperative breeding in a societal context of nuclear families, or just contextual correlations?
ObjectiveWe investigate the association between the geographic proximity of the grandparents on net marital fertility and maternal survival in Sweden, 1900–1910, within the framework of the cooperative-breeding-hypothesis.MethodsData were derived from Swedish full-count censuses (1880–1910) and the Swedish Death Index. Married couples were linked to their parental households. Poisson and logistic
A detailed description of the phenotypic spectrum of North Sea Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy in a large cohort of seventeen patients
Introduction: In 2011, a homozygous mutation in GOSR2 (c.430G > T; p. Gly144Trp) was reported as a novel cause of Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy (PME) with early-onset ataxia. Interestingly, the ancestors of patients originate from countries bound to the North Sea, hence the condition was termed North Sea PME (NSPME). Until now, only 20 patients have been reported in literature. Here, we provide a
Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids in plasma and erythrocytes of children with inborn errors of amino acid metabolism
Essential fatty acids (EFAs), and their longer-chain more-unsaturated derivatives (LCPUFAs) in particular, are essential for normal growth and cognitive development during childhood. Children with inborn errors of amino acid metabolism represent a risk population for a reduced LCPUFA status because their diet is low in EFAs and LCPUFAs. We have investigated the EFA and LCPUFA status of children wi
Plasma pipecolic acid is frequently elevated in non-peroxisomal disease
We reviewed our data on patients in whom plasma pipecolic acid was analysed. Mild to moderate elevations of pipecolic acid were frequently found in non-peroxisomal disorders and this should be taken into account when interpreting the laboratory data.