

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

Neutral dissociation and non Franck-Condon effects in valence excited N and O molecules

Neutral photodissociation processes and non Franck-Condon effects in the N2 and O2 molecules induced by excitation with synchrotron radiation photons have been studied in the 15-35 eV region. Neutral dissociation processes have been studied by monitoring dispersed fluorescence from excited N and O atoms. The excited atoms are created through excitations to members of the molecular Rydberg seri

Liberty and its Circumstances – A Functional Approach

The philosophical debate about liberty has recently gained in complexity and political relevance through the revival of the republican understanding of liberty as the absence of asymmetric power relations or domination. As a staunch defender of the importance of theorizing liberty in this way, I nevertheless argue that a theory of liberty in the social world needs to be conceptually multifaceted a

Konsten i nätverket lever sitt egna liv

Konst på internet för en undangömd tillvaro så länge som vi inte riktar blicken mot de mest framgångsrika objekten som lever i detta nya medium, nämligen spelen. Artikeln placerar in spel och visuella objekt i spel inom ramen för samtida offentlig konst.

Is Luke's Rhetoric Hellenistic, Semitic or Both? The Last Supper as a Test Case

Abstract in Italian Sono qui messi a confronto due modelli per l’analisi dei Vangeli da un punto di vista retorico: l’utilizzo delle categorie retoriche dei Progymnasmata ellenistici e «la retorica biblica e semitica». Si sostiene che l’utilizzo di un modello non escluda l’utilizzo dell’altro, ma che anzi si completino a vicenda. Un’analisi dell’ultima cena in Lc 22,11-38 serve a illustrare l’uso Two approaches to the rhetorical analysis of Gospel texts are being compared in this essay: on the one hand, the use of the rhetorical categories of the Hellenistic Progymnasmata, and on the other, «Biblical and semitic rhetoric». It is argued that these two approaches are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. The last supper in Luke 22,14-38 functions as a test case. An introduction offers s

A European roadmap for ageing and the environment.

The core of the research theme ageing and the environment is the better understanding of the interrelations between ageing persons and their physical-social surroundings (home environments; out-of-home environments; technology and products) including intervention and implementation.

Event-based time intervals in an Amazonian culture

We report an ethnographic and field-experiment-based study of time intervals in Amondawa, a Tupi language and culture of Amazonia. We analyse two Amondawa time interval systems based on natural environmental events (seasons and days), as well as the Amondawa system for categorising lifespan time (“age”). Amondawa time intervals are exclusively event-based, as opposed to time-based (i.e. they are b

Capillary electroseparations with mass spectrometric detection Nanoparticle-based continuous full filling and applications for complex sample matrices

One of the major challenges in analytical chemistry is to find techniques and methods for determinations of low abundance compounds in complex sample matrices. This thesis describes the development of new miniaturised analytical techniques comprising capillary electroseparation combined with mass spectrometric detection. The techniques are rapid, sensitive, efficient, and suitable even for analyte