

Din sökning på "*" gav 533385 sökträffar

Symmetric competition causes population oscillations in an individual-based model of forest dynamics

Individual-based modelling is a promising tool for scaling from the individual to the population and community levels that allows a wide range of applied and theoretical approaches. Here, we explore how intra-specific competition affects population dynamics using FORSITE, an individual-based model describing tree-tree interactions in a spatial and stochastic context. We first describe FORSITE desi

Exposure-response relationships between movements and postures of the wrist and carpal tunnel syndrome among male and female house painters : a retrospective cohort study

OBJECTIVES: To investigate exposure-response relationships between measured movements and postures of the wrist and the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and any modifications by sex.METHODS: In 2011, we established a historical cohort of 9364 members of the Painters' Union in Denmark. Self-reported task distributions were obtained by questionnaire (53% responded) and combined with sex-sp

New and interesting records of lichens from Pältsan (Mt Bealccan) in northernmost Sweden

Austroplaca subtiroliensis, Gyalidea lecideopsis, Phacographa protoparmeliae, Placynthium pulvinatum and Solorina octospora are reported new to Sweden. Several other rare or rarely collected lichens are also reported: Absconditella annexa, Arthrorhaphis vacillans, Farnoldia micropsis, Gyalidea polyspora, Ionaspis ventosa, Lecanora lecanoricola, L. leptacinella, Lecidea commaculans, Pachyascus lapp

Aqueous behaviour of characteristic molecules in the synthesis of porous silica materials : - an atomistic description

Kisel är ett vanligt förekommande grundämne som gärna bildar en oxid, nämligen kiseldioxid. Kiseldioxid träffar man i hög utsträckning på i det dagliga livet. Det är nämligen huvudbeståndsdelen i sand, glasvaror, kvarts, många keramiska material men också i den färgskiftande ädelstenen opal. Det finns också flera grupper av porösa kiseldioxidmaterial, till exempel så kallade zeoliter som har myckeThe formation process of porous silica materials is an intricate process, involving a number of components that interact to form a highly organized material. Both zeolites and mesoporous silica materials typically require the presence of organic structure director agents (SDAs) around which the silica network polymerizes. For zeolites the SDAs are molecular and for mesoporous silica the SDAs assem

Scholarly publishing: one practice between the two systems of communication and academic meriting

The aim of this paper is to highlight and discuss the complexities of scholarly publishing being a practice closely relating to two different systems, the system of academic merit and the system of scholarly communication, by showing how the two systems work on different sets of logic and therefore needs to be analyzed in different ways and using different kinds of data. These complexities are dis

Sociology and Literature

The paper discusses the general relation between sociology and literature and argues that the former has not only a lot in common with the latter, but also things to include and elaborate on. The paper uses as examples a number of sociologists and novelists and compares their ways of interpreting modern society and modern man.

Packaging Logistics Performance

Popular Abstract in Swedish Konkurrensen har ökat markant under 2000-talet med ökad globalisering och hållbarhetstrender. Ständigt pågående teknologiska utvecklingar har medfört att kraven på rätt kvalitet på varor och tjänster har ökat. Tillverkare måste också följa skärpningar inom lagstiftning och krav på spårbarhet. Det har sammantaget lett till att det ställs allt hårdare krav på effektiv förToday’s trends are the ever growing competition with increased globalization and sustainability. Together with ongoing technological developments and the demand for right quality of products and services, this has also resulted in increased demands for legislation and traceability. This development has also had an impact on packaging and Packaging Logistics. This thesis deals with packaging, logis

Hållbarhetskriterier för biogas : En översyn av data och metoder

I Sverige är biodrivmedel befriade från energi- och koldioxidskatt förutsatt att drivmedlet uppfyller hållbarhetskriterierna i EU:s direktiv om främjande av användningen av energi från förnybara energikällor. Ett av kriterierna är att användningen av biodrivmedlet måste leda till minskade emissioner av växthusgaser jämfört med fossila bränslen. Utsläppsreduktionen ska beräknas på det sätt som ange