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Artikel om receptionen av Anton Bruckners musik i Sverige.

Radial vs. femoral approach for primary percutaneous coronary intervention in octogenarians

BACKGROUND: The transradial approach is associated with fewer bleeding complications during percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) but is more technically challenging and associated with prolonged times during intervention. The aim of this study is to retrospectively compare the results of radial vs. femoral approach in patients >or=80 years old undergoing primary or rescue PCI.METHODS: Betwee

Tick based clustering methodologies establishing support and resistance levels in the currency exchange market

We establish support and resistance levels from data in intraday currency exchange market activity based on machine learning methods. Specifically we design two semi-supervised classification neural networks. The first one is based on a variant of the K-means method while the second is based on a Gaussian mixture model with expectation maximisation. Each performs classification from tick data on v

Applications of porous frameworks in solid-phase microextraction

Porous frameworks are a term of attracting solid materials assembled by interconnection of molecules and ions. These trendy materials due to high chemical and thermal stability, well-defined pore size and structure, and high effective surface area gained attention to employ as extraction phase in sample pretreatment methods before analytical analysis. Solid-phase microextraction is an important su

Early Holocene Scandinavian foragers on a journey to affluence : Mesolithic fish exploitation, seasonal abundance and storage investigated through strontium isotope ratios by laser ablation

At Norje Sunnansund, an Early Holocene settlement in southern Sweden, the world’s earliest evidence of fermentation has been interpreted as a method of managing long-term and large-scale food surplus. While an advanced fishery is suggested by the number of recovered fish bones, until now it has not been possible to identify the origin of the fish, or whether and how their seasonal migration was ex

Överklagande av länsstyrelsens tillstånd till invändig renovering i Dalby kyrka, Dalby socken, Lunds kommun, Dnr 433-28602-2018

Dalby församling inlämnade i augusti 2018 till länsstyrelsen i Skåne en ansökan om tillstånd till invändig renovering av Dalby kyrka innefattande en flytt av dopfunten från nuvarande plats på ett podium längst bak i långhuset till en plats i koret, strax till höger om predikstolen. Länsstyrelsen beviljade flytten 2018-10-10 på, som jag menar, felaktiga grunder. Jag insände därför ett överklagande

Spermatogonia Loss Correlates with LAMA 1 Expression in Human Prepubertal Testes Stored for Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation for male childhood cancer survivors not yet capable of producing mature spermatozoa, relies on experimental approaches such as testicular explant culture. Although the first steps in somatic maturation can be observed in human testicular explant cultures, germ cell depletion is a common obstacle. Hence, understanding the spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) niche environment and i

American Society of Anesthesiologists Score: still useful after 60 years? : Results of the EuSOS Study

Objective:The European Surgical Outcomes Study described mortality following in-patient surgery. Several factors were identified that were able to predict poor outcomes in a multivariate analysis. These included age, procedure urgency, severity and type and the American Association of Anaesthesia score. This study describes in greater detail the relationship between the American Association of Ana

Effects of forest fire smoke and volcanism on the stratospheric aerosol

Denna avhandling utforskar den stratosfäriska aerosolen genom både in-situ mätningar och fjärranalys. Bakgrundsaerosolen är komplex och påverkas av injektioner av skogsbrandrökspartiklar och av partiklar skapade från vulkaniskt SO2. Klimatmodeller behöver träffsäkra beskrivningar av den stratosfäriska aerosolen för att ha rimliga strålningsbudgetar. Genom att använda fjärranalystekniken satellitbuThis thesis explores the stratospheric aerosol through both in-situ measurements and remote sensing. The background stratospheric aerosol is complex and is perturbed by injections of forest fire smoke particles and by particles formed from volcanic SO2. Climate models need accurate description of the stratospheric aerosol in order to have sound radiation budgets. Using the remote sensing technique