

Din sökning på "*" gav 536279 sökträffar

Comparison between CISG II, Swedish and Chinese Contract Law

Kina har under flera års tid varit en av världens snabbast växande ekonomier och utgör därmed en enorm potentiell marknad för svenska företag. Den ökande handeln och transaktionerna med Kina kräver förståelse för kinesisk kontraktsrätt, som ännu inte är särskilt välkänd eller studerad i resten av världen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra och analysera likheter och skillnader mellan svensk och China has for many years been one of the world's fastest growing economies and has enormous potential for Swedish companies. The increase in trading and transactions with China requires an understanding of Chinese Contract Law, which is neither widely studied nor well known to the world. The purpose of this study is to compare and analyse the similarities and differences between Swedish, Chin

Design flexibility of prefabricated housing systems

With the growing global demand for affordable housing, the housing deficit needs to be addressed with building solutions that are fast to build while less expensive to operate and construct. As most prefabricated systems are targeted to mess production, individuality and option for customization has become highly limited. Looking into what is currently available in the market, reviewing these off

Effects of hypoxia on bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells linked to pathogenesis in chronic lung disorders

Introduction: Chronic lung disorders involve pathological alterations in the lung tissue with hypoxia as a consequence. Hypoxia may influence the release of inflammatory mediators and growth factors including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and prostaglandin (PG)E 2. The aim of this work was to investigate how hypoxia affects human lung epithelial cells in combination with profibrotic s

Modifying effect of gender on the prognostic value of clinicopathological factors and Ki67 expression in melanoma : a population-based cohort study

BACKGROUND: Malignant melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer. Female sex is known to have a protective effect on incidence, tumour characteristics, and mortality from melanoma. However, the potentially modifying effect of sex on the prognostic significance of clinicopathological and investigative factors is generally not taken into consideration in biomarker studies. In this study, we com

Clinical controversy : methodology and indications of cardioneuroablation for reflex syncope

In 2005, Pachon et al.1 proposed cardiac vagal denervation to treat neurally mediated syncope. Since then, a metanalysis of observational studies2 and a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT)3 have provided some evidence that cardioneuroablation (CNA) is able to prevent syncope recurrence at least during the first 2 years following the procedure in patients affected by reflex syncope. In brief,

The Filter

This thesis report treats my individual project “The Filter”, a result from the Bachelor Studio Contemporary Architecture at the faculty of Engineering at Lund University. The report describes my design and concept process. I Investigated how to design a Filter that demonstrates the natural cleaning process, and how to design the other parts of the naturrum. The report displays how the design deci

Plastic turbulence: illusions of containment, clean-up, and control, and the emergent promise of diverse economies

Global ecosystems are currently buckling under the weight of “plastics turbulence:” the condition of ubiquitous plastic entanglement within all human and non-human natural systems. This chapter argues that “global plastics governance” - the fragmented and variable political and institutional response to the plastics crisis - suffers from strategies that are doomed to fail because they miss what is

Why can only member states participate in EU decision-making?

Marja-Liisa Öberg unpacks the logic behind EU ‘decision-making autonomy’ – where only member states can participate in making EU decisions – suggesting that treating third countries as outsiders is not a flaw in the system but a fundamental policy choice that is unlikely to change any time soon.

Historical Evolution of Entrepreneurial Education as a Scholarly Field

Contemporary entrepreneurial education (EE) has global reach and impact, with a growing number of entrepreneurship courses, specializations, and degrees in all parts of the world. There is no longer a question of the significance and demand for EE in the higher education system. At the same time, the interest in scientific knowledge and proven experience of “what works” has accelerated, resulting

Medical Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf- Could health collaboration improve intergovernmental relations and public health in the Gulf- region?

Introduction: International cooperation is essential for public health, as countries need to access medical equipment, combat health crises, and strengthen health capacities. Medical Diplomacy is a concept and practices that combines the goals of improving intergovernmental relations and health, by initiating and facilitating intergovernmental health cooperation. Objectives: This study specificall

Human Rights and Human Dignity

This contribution is an analysis of the philosophical construction of the dignity of the human, with a critical but hopefully constructive engagement with Dan Egonsson’s reflections on social attitudes about the dignity of humanity and how and why moral philosophers ought to account for then. I agree that philosophers should account for actual social attitudes, but my discussion will tend towards

Sex och funktionshinder i Danmark och Sverige : Hur man hjälper och hur man stjälper

Ska allt vi förknippar med den offentliga sfären – tillgång till offentliga miljöer, arbetsliv, sociala relationer – vara tillgängligt för personer med funktionsnedsättning? Knappast någon skulle idag svara ”nej”. Men hur resonerar vi kring den privata sfären, kring frågor om intimitet och sexualitet? Är det möjligt att öka tillgängligheten också till dessa viktiga delar i en människas liv? Och ka

Governing Black and White : A History of Governmentality in Denmark and the Danish West Indies, 1770-1900

This dissertation explores and compares the rationalities through which Danish state officials sought to govern the colonized Afro-Caribbean population in the colony of the Danish West Indies and the state’s Danish subjects living in the metropole of Denmark in the period 1770-1900. Theoretically, it relies upon Michel Foucault’s conception of ’governmentality’ and the way this approach to governi

Things that make you go Hmm: Myths and misconceptions within cognitive-behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

The past four decades have yielded a robust body of evidence supporting the efficacy and effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as a gold-standard treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) across the lifespan. Exposure and response prevention (E/RP) has been identified as a key component of this approach. Despite robust research support for CBT with E/RP, several myths and mis

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This article seeks to explore the internal and external struggles and battles within the Danish legal profession in the period 1922-1957. Following Bourdieu’s critique of the notion of professions, we provide an insight into how the Danish Bar and Law Society have been shaped through internal power struggles. Our analysis shows that the Danish Legal profession is not a unit, but instead consists o