Din sökning på "*" gav 534374 sökträffar
Beheading the Hydra: Combating Corruption and Organised Crime in the KMT and DPP Eras
Lokal makt
Laccases from New Fungal Sources and Some Promising Applications
Fungi are a group of organisms with the ability to produce different types of enzymes in order to get access to nutrients. Among the enzymes, oxidoreductases have the ability to degrade lignocellulosic material via an oxidative mechanism, facilitating the uptake of cellulosic material, which will be metabolized using other enzymes to provide the required nutrients to the fungi. Ecologically, oxido
Synkretismi ja kontekstualisaatio Afrikassa
Medier och barns hälsa. Från peppning och glamour till trygg vägledning. En diskursanalys av två föräldramagasin
Effects of music training on brain and cognitive development in under-privileged 3- to 5-year-old children : Preliminary results
Joint channel estimation and peak-to-average power reduction in coherent OFDM: a novel approach
A new peak-to-average power reduction approach for OFDM has been addressed. Two-dimensional pilot-symbol assisted modulation (2D-PSAM) is employed in coherent OFDM for channel estimation and it is based on inserting known symbols spreaded out throughout the 2D time-frequency grid. We show that these scattered symbols can also be employed to perform distortionless peak power reduction, with a negli
Medie- och informationskunnighet i en biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig belysning
Kreativiteten och socialisationen
Metabolic engineering and random mutagenesis for improved xylose utilisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
In this thesis I have summarised my work on the analysis and improvement of xylose utilisation by recombinant S. cerevisiae. A metabolic flux model was developed and used to analyse the intracellular fluxes in the recombinant xylose utilising S. cerevisiae TMB 3001 cultivated in chemostat at various dilution rates and xylose/glucose concentrations. Xylose uptake increased with xylose concentration
No title
What did the blacksmiths do in Swedish towns? Some new results
Uppföljning av ny styrmodell för Regionalt cancercentrum i södra sjukvårdsregionen (RCC Syd)
The patient with bladder cancer. From symptoms, through treatment, with special reference to psychosocial consequences of radical cystectomy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste 20 åren har större hänsyn tagits till den enskilde patientens önskningar och behov innan en behandling har påbörjats. Detta har skett parallellt med en snabb teknisk och medicinsk utveckling. Samtidigt som nya behandlingsmetoder tagits fram, har det också blivit angeläget att utvärdera effekten av dessa, vilket även inkluderar hur den enskilde individenFactors determining patient`s and doctor`s delay in diagnosis of bladder cancer were type of initial symptoms, level of health service first consulted and number of steps in the referral system. No correlation was found between psychosocial factors and patient`s delay. In retrospective studies after cystectomy for bladder cancer, patients with continent cutaneous diversion of urine had fewer stoma