

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Decision analytic approach for the reclassification of concrete bridges by using elastic limit information from proof loading

Reclassification of bridges, i.e., a change in load rating, using reliability-based methods and a direct update with proof load information has been presented by many authors. However, bridge reclassification has hardly been studied from a decision analytic perspective, i.e., with quantification of the risks and benefits of different classification choices, and the expected benefit gain from proof

Social inequalities in famine mortality in the manorial system of the tsarist Russian province of Livland in the mid-1840s

By relying on longitudinal data on two rural parishes in the Russian Baltic province of Livland, the article analyses two questions concerning famine's short-run effects on mortality in a manorial system: (1) whether there is evidence of a social gradient in mortality during the famine of 1844–6 and (2) whether the manors could protect the peasants against the hardships. The analysis reveals that

Metabolically (un)healthy obesity and risk of obesity-related cancers : a pooled study

BACKGROUND: Studies of obesity with or without metabolic aberrations, commonly termed metabolically unhealthy or healthy obesity, in relation to cancer risk are scarce.METHODS: We investigated body mass index (BMI, normal weight/overweight/obesity) jointly and in interaction with metabolic health status in relation to obesity-related cancer risk (n = 23,630) among 797,193 European individuals. A m

Skyddas alla kvinnor från diskriminering i arbetslivet? En arbetsrättslig studie om multipel diskriminering ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv

Att skyddas från diskriminering är en mänsklig rättighet. Det gäller såväl i arbetslivet som i andra samhällsområden. Diskriminering kan ske på olika sätt, hänfört till olika diskrimineringsgrunder. Diskriminering som sker på grund av flera grunder kallas för multipel diskriminering. Den nationella lagstiftningen reglerar inte multipel diskriminering vilket har kritiserats på flera håll. En särskiBeing protected from discrimination is a human right. This applies both in the labour market and in other areas of society. Discrimination exists in a variety of forms, based on different grounds of discrimination. Discrimination that takes place on several grounds is called multiple discrimination. The national legislation does not regulate multiple discrimination, which has been criticized in se

Tillåter Lagen om anställningsskydd åldersdiskriminering? - Motiven till förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering och den satta LAS-åldern

Idag finns det uppsägningsregler inom arbetsrätten som möjliggör det för arbetsgivaren att särbehandla på grund av ålder vid anställningens upphörande, vilket resulterar i att arbetstagare kan komma att missgynnas på grund av ålder. Samtidigt finns det diskrimineringsregler som ska skydda mot åldersdiskriminering, bland annat inom arbetslivet. Därför undersöker denna uppsats hur uppsägningsreglernToday, there are termination rules in the labor law which enable the employer to take age into account in certain termination situations, which results in workers being disadvantaged due to age. At the same time, there are discrimination rules to protect against age discrimination in the labor market. Therefore, this essay examines how the termination rules in the Employment Protection Act relate

On the almost-circular symplectic induced Ginibre ensemble

We consider the symplectic-induced Ginibre process, which is a Pfaffian point process on the plane. Let N be the number of points. We focus on the almost-circular regime where most of the points lie in a thin annulus (Formula presented.) of width (Formula presented.) as (Formula presented.). Our main results are the bulk scaling limits of all correlation functions near the real axis, and also away

Animal tracing with sulfur isotopes : Spatial segregation and climate variability in Africa likely contribute to population trends of a migratory songbird

Climatic conditions affect animals but range-wide impacts at the population level remain largely unknown, especially in migratory species. However, studying climate–population relationships is still challenging in small migrants due to a lack of efficient and cost-effective geographic tracking method. Spatial distribution patterns of environmental stable isotopes (so called ‘isoscapes’) generally

Which interventions contribute most to the net effect of England’s agri-environment schemes on pollination services?

Context: Agri-environment schemes support land management interventions that benefit biodiversity, environmental objectives, and other public goods. Process-based model simulations suggest the English scheme, as implemented in 2016, increased wild bee pollination services to pollinator-dependent crops and non-crop areas in a geographically heterogeneous manner. Objectives: We investigated which in

Using a GIS to enable an economic, land use and energy output comparison between small wind powered turbines and large-scale wind farms: the case of Oslo, Norway.

Responding to an identified knowledge gap, the study aims to determine if smaller wind turbines located on top of existing urban buildings are more resource efficient (land utilization and economically) than large scale wind farms. To answer this question, using a GIS, the resource efficiency of the Roan wind farm in Northern Norway was compared to a theoretical modeled installation of small-scale

Annan Anknytning: Ett förlegat begrepp eller en outnyttjad möjlighet?

Begreppet annan anknytning förekommer som anknytningsbegrepp i delar av den internationella privat- och processrätten som berör familjerätten. Syftet med texten är att definiera innebörden av annan anknytning. Begreppet har införts i lagstiftningen som ett extra möjligt anknytningsmoment för att säkerställa individens rätt till att få sin sak prövad, samt att få ett utländskt domslut erkänt alternThe term another type of connection occurs in several areas of Swedish family laws that concern conflict of laws. The purpose of this text is to define the meaning of this term. Another type of connection has been added to the legislation to be a different possible form of connection to ensure the individual’s opportunity to get their question tried, and a foreign decision recognised, within the S

Ofrivillig medicinering och dess (o)förenlighet med EKMR - En undersökning av om medicinering utan samtycke och medicinering med tvångsmedel enligt LPT och LRV är förenligt med artikel 8 EKMR

Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda i vilken mån medicinering utan samtycke och medicinering med tvångsmedel enligt lagen (1991:1128) om psykiatrisk tvångsvård (LPT) och lagen (1991:1129) om rättspsykiatrisk vård (LRV) är förenligt med artikel 8 i Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna, 4 november 1950 (ETS nr. 5) (EKMR). Utredningen genomfThis paper aims to examine whether administration of medication without consent and forced administration of medication under the Act (1991:1128) on Compulsory Psychiatric Care (LPT) and the Act (1991:1129) of Forensic Mental Care (LRV) is compatible with article 8 in the European Convention on Human Rights, 4 november 1950 (ETS no. 5) (ECHR). The examination is carried out with the legal dogmatic

Synen på att sälja sexuella tjänster över internet bland flickor åldrar 15-17år i Sverige

Syftet med denna studie är att via flickor 15–17 år i Sverige undersöka fenomenet sexuell exploatering på internet. Värderingar kring sexualitet anses ha förändrats bland dagens ungdomar och allt fler använder sig av internet som en plattform för att socialisera sig. Ur det sociologiska perspektivet undersöker studien hur värderingar och identiteter skapas och hur ungdomar tillhörande riskgrup

Kön stress och copingstrategier. En kvantitativ jämförelsestudie om kön, stressnivå och copingstrategier bland socionomstudenter i Dalarna, Mälardalen och Stcokholm

In this Bachelor´s thesis, we have studied stress, gender, and coping strategies among social work students. In our study, we use quantitative analysis and sent out questionnaires to social work students in three separate social work programs in Sweden. Our results show that social work students experience stress during their education. Ways of coping with stress varied depending on both gender an

Bilirubin Levels in Neonates ≥ 35 Weeks of Gestation Receiving Delayed Cord Clamping for an Extended Time - an Observational Study

OBJECTIVE: To describe bilirubin levels in neonates ≥ 35+0 gestational weeks, receiving delayed cord clamping (CC), in relation to the updated Bhutani nomogram.STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective, observational study based on data from medical records and local data sheets. Singleton neonates, born vaginally at a gestational age (GA) ≥ 35+0, and with a registered time to CC and at least one reg

Global warming is increasing the discrepancy between green (actual) and thermal (potential) seasons of temperate trees

Over the past decades, global warming has led to a lengthening of the time window during which temperatures remain favorable for carbon assimilation and tree growth, resulting in a lengthening of the green season. The extent to which forest green seasons have tracked the lengthening of this favorable period under climate warming, however, has not been quantified to date. Here, we used remote sensi

Kommunikation av osäkerhet i EFSAs livsmedelsbedömningar

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) är en EU myndighet med uppdrag att göra riskbedömningar för att stödja arbete med att upprätthålla livsmedelssäkerhet i EU. I denna studie undersöks hur EFSA kommunicerar osäkerhet i slutsatser från några av deras vetenskapliga bedömningar och om de följer den rekommenderade guiden som antogs av EFSA 2019 för kommunikation av osäkerhet. I studien har 15 stThe European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is an EU agency, providing scientific advice and standards surrounding risk assessment in order to maintain food safety in Europe. The aim of this study was to investigate how EFSA communicates uncertainty in conditions of their assessment and if the recommended guidelines by EFSA 2019 is fulfilled. 15 Randomly picked scientific articles produced during th

A Comparative Study Between Detection Methods for Spoilage Microorganisms in Fruit Juice

Har du någonsin öppnat en flaska juice på morgonen för att sedan upptäcka att den luktar bacon? I så fall är det möjligt att en typ av bakterie som kallas Alicyclobacillus (förkortad ACB) har börjat växa i juicen. Inom juice-industrin är ACB - tillsammans med jäst, mögel och andra bakterier som kan växa i sura miljöer - en av de främsta bovarna som gör att produkter måste slängas eller återkallaThe main concerns of food spoilage in fruit juices are the off-flavours and off-odours caused by microorganisms. In order to ensure high quality products, these microorganisms must therefore be eliminated or below a certain limit. Trials using pear concentrate, a ready-to-drink pear drink and a carbonated pear drink, were performed in order to compare two detection methods for three different grou

Area under the curve : Comparing the value of factor VIII replacement therapies in haemophilia A

Introduction: In factor VIII (FVIII) prophylaxis for haemophilia A, cost comparisons have used price per international unit (IU) based on the once reasonable assumption of equivalent outcome per IU. Now, with several extended half-life (EHL) products available, new outcome-oriented ways to compare products are needed. Area under the curve (AUC) quantifies FVIII levels over time after infusion prov