

Din sökning på "*" gav 534753 sökträffar

Bonusbarnbarn och deras mor- och farföräldrar

Sedan 70-talet har antalet separationer i Sverige ökat med många ombildade familjer till följd. Människor i alla åldrar möter nya partners vilket ofta innebär att också den nya partnerns familjerelationer blir del av ens liv och skapar komplexa familjerelationer i flera led. Nästan hälften av alla frånskilda svenskar är idag i åldrarna 60+ och många av dem lever i, eller har någon gång levt i, omb

Three crucial considerations when presenting alternative paradigms in sustainability research

Sustainability science (SS) is diverse field of problem-driven and solution-oriented research that is still developing. The further maturation of the field relies on its practitioners formulating alternative paradigms to use-inspired knowledge production to facilitate comparison and reasoned judgment on what constitutes scientific best practices. In this short article, we flag several blind spots

Search for long-lived charginos based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This paper presents a search for direct electroweak gaugino or gluino pair production with a chargino nearly mass-degenerate with a stable neutralino. It is based on an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb−1 of pp collisions at s=13 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The final state of interest is a disappearing track accompanied by at least one jet with high transverse momentum from in

Essentially Indexical Higher-Order Thoughts and Dispositions of Inexistent Mental States

In a recent paper, Miguel Sebastián has posed an objection to the higherorder thought theory of consciousness. The higher-order thought theory of consciousness holds that a mental state is conscious when it is the intentional object of a higher-order thought (HOT). Often, the HOT is conceived to be essentially indexical. This means that the HOT somehow picks out the individual who tokens it. Sebas

Soviet Refugees to Sweden 1941–1947 and the Raoul Wallenberg Case

In the years 1941–1948, thousands of people escaped across the Baltic Sea fromeastern Europe to Sweden, primarily from the Baltic states but also from theUSSR. On the basis of newly declassified Soviet correspondence throughencrypted cables between the Soviet foreign ministry and the Soviet legationin Stockholm for the years 1944–1947, this article addresses the Soviet-Swedishdiplomatic negotiatio

Fallstudie i provhus med uteluftventilerat vindsutrymme : Mätningar och simuleringar

Omfattningen av fukt- och mögelskador på uteluftsventilerade kalla vindar har ökatunder de senaste decennierna. Detta beror på ett flertal samverkande faktorer såsom ettvälisolerat vindsbjälklag samt byte från lokal värmekälla med varm skorstensstock tillandra uppvärmningsformer som inte bidrar till uppvärmningen av vindsutrymmet. En-ligt gängse rekommendationer ska kalla vindsutrymmen ventileras On a cold-ventilated attic, there is always an outer roof that must be tight against snow and meltwater, which means that there are also materials in the construction that make it more or less vapour tight. In traditional roofs, the waterproofing layer often consists of an asphalt-impregnated paperboard on a tonged and grooved board. As an alternative to the conventional solution, a less diffusion

Development of Preclinical Ultrasound Imaging Techniques to Identify and Image Sentinel Lymph Nodes in a Cancerous Animal Model

Lymph nodes (LNs) are believed to be the first organs targeted by colorectal cancer cells detached from a primary solid tumor because of their role in draining interstitial fluids. Better detection and assessment of these organs have the potential to help clinicians in stratification and designing optimal design of oncological treatments for each patient. Whilst highly valuable for the detection o

Effectiveness of specialized rehabilitation after mild traumatic brain injury : A systematic review and meta-Analysis

Objective: To determine the effectiveness of specialized rehabilitation in adults with prolonged symptoms, or risk of prolonged symptoms, following mild traumatic brain injury. Data sources: Randomized controlled trials or nonrandomized controlled studies published between 1 Jan 2000 and 10 Mar 2019 in Cochrane Controlled Register of Trials, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL or PsycINFO. Meta-Analyses were p

Command voices and aggression in a Lebanese sample patients with schizophrenia

Background: The impact of command voices (CV) on violent behaviors in patients with schizophrenia remains unclear. The literature has produced mixed results, with no research existing on CV and violence among the Lebanese population. The study objecttives were to (1) evaluate the association between voice beliefs, psychosis severity, treatment, demographic factors and command voices, and (2) evalu

German and Soviet intelligence activities in Sweden in 1944: Voldemar Blankenfelds and the deportation of Baron Bernd von Gossler

This article addresses the intricate and previously untold story of a German attempt in 1944 to have an agent, the Latvian Voldemar Blankenfelds, dispatched by boat, via Sweden, to South America where a German intelligence network was being established. Shortly after his arrival in Sweden in June 1944, however, Blankenfelds got in touch with the British diplomatic mission in Stockholm, told them o

Method Matters : Exploring Alkoxysulfonate-Functionalized Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and Its Unintentional Self-Aggregating Copolymer toward Injectable Bioelectronics

Injectable bioelectronics could become an alternative or a complement to traditional drug treatments. To this end, a new self-doped p-type conducting PEDOT-S copolymer (A5) was synthesized. This copolymer formed highly water-dispersed nanoparticles and aggregated into a mixed ion-electron conducting hydrogel when injected into a tissue model. First, we synthetically repeated most of the published

Brothers in Arms Spillovers from a Draft Lottery

While family members tend to have similar labor market outcomes, measuring the contribution of behavioral spillovers is difficult. To identify spillovers between brothers, we exploit Denmark's largest random assignment of young men—to eight months of military service, where service status of brothers is correlated, but draft lottery numbers are not. We find average spillovers of elder brother serv

Superfluidity and Supersolidity in Ultracold Atomic Gases Beyond Mean Field

This thesis investigates ultracold bosonic systems using an extended mean-field formalism with a focus on their superfluid and supersolid properties. The dissertation comprises five chapters and four articles, where the chapters provide some background to the research put forward in articles.Paper I demonstrates the existence of multiple singly-quantized vortices in two-dimensional droplets made o

Recent advances in the mechanisms and treatment of immune thrombocytopenia

Primary immune thrombocytopenia is an autoimmune disease associated with a reduced peripheral blood platelet count. The phenotype is variable with some patients suffering no bleeding whilst others have severe bleeding which may be fatal. Variability in clinical behaviour and treatment responses reflects its complex underlying pathophysiology. Historically the management has relied heavily on immun

A primary electron beam facility at CERN — eSPS : Conceptual design report

The design of a primary electron beam facility at CERN is described. The study has been carried out within the framework of the wider Physics Beyond Colliders study. It re-enables the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) as an electron accelerator, and leverages the development invested in Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) technology for its injector and as anaccelerator research and development infrastruc

Comparison of Two-Dimensional- and Three-Dimensional-Based U-Net Architectures for Brain Tissue Classification in One-Dimensional Brain CT

Brain tissue segmentation plays a crucial role in feature extraction, volumetric quantification, and morphometric analysis of brain scans. For the assessment of brain structure and integrity, CT is a non-invasive, cheaper, faster, and more widely available modality than MRI. However, the clinical application of CT is mostly limited to the visual assessment of brain integrity and exclusion of copat