

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Den livsupplysande texten : En läsning av N.F.S. Grundtvigs pedagogiska skrifter

N F S Grundtvig, 1783-1872, was the founder of the folkhögskola, ("Folk High School", Residential colleges of general, liberal education for adolescents and adults), but he also was a pastor, a poet, and a historian. The dissertation presents an overview of Grundtvig's pedagogical thoughts, including his ideas of both the folkhögskola and a Nordic University. The dissertation's main purpose is to

Starka belägg för att proffsboxning leder till kroniska hjärnskador. Ju fler slag mot huvudet under en boxares karriär, desto större är risken

The clinical symptomatology and pathogenic mechanisms of chronic traumatic brain injury associated with boxing (CTBI-B) is reviewed. This syndrome is also known as punch drunk syndrome or dementia pugilistica. Since even milder forms of CTBI-B are rare among amateur boxers, we make a distinction between amateur and professional boxing throughout the review. Focus is also set on the interesting sim

Packaging Logistics Information and Performance in the Swedish Retail Supply Chain

The availability and exchange of required packaging logistics information is critical to achieve an efficient, effective and responsive retail supply chain. The use of well defined packaging-related information that is available for all actors in the supp1y chain also facilitate an integrated and supply chain oriented packaging development. The objective of this paper is to investigate and describ

Optimising the clinical use of tomotherapy

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av tre svenskar drabbas av cancer. Hälften av de som behandlas för sin cancer får strålbehandling som en del av sin behandling. Teknikutvecklingen gör att strålbehandling kan levereras på mer och mer avancerade sätt. Det är dock svårt att veta vilka patienter som verkligen gynnas av behandling med en avancerad teknik och i så fall med vilken typ av avancerad teknik. Radiotherapy is one of the major tools for treating cancer. Through research and technical development radiotherapy is becoming more advanced with new treatment techniques emerging. In the work presented in this thesis, well-known methods have been used, or modified for use, and new methods have been introduced in order to optimise the clinical use of an advanced radiotherapy treatment technique,

Creative knowledge environments. The influences on creativity in research and innovation

The aim of this book is to improve our understanding of creative knowledge environments. The various chapters analyse creative and innovate activities as carried out by individuals, groups and organisations. The book’s focus is on identifying and understanding the factors relating to the working environment that are conducive to human creativity and innovation. The editing of the book has been a c

Themis v. Xiezhi: Assessing Judicial Independence in the People's Republic of China under International Human Rights Law

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bedömning av domstolarnas oberoende i Folkrepubliken Kina ur ett människorättighetsperspektiv.The first of three parts in this study elaborates on international human rights law and drawing on the most essential international instruments and jurisprudence, the criteria constituting judicial independence are distilled as a framework for assessment. The point of departure is that judicial independence is a necessary guarantee for the enjoyment of human rights rather than a privilege of judge

Validity and responsiveness of the Clubfoot Assessment Protocol (CAP). A methodological study

Background: The Clubfoot Assessment Protocol (CAP)is a multi dimensional instrument designed for longitudinal follow up of the clubfoot deformity during growth. Item reliability has shown to be sufficient. In this article the CAP's validity and responsiveness is studied using the Dimeglio classification scoring as a gold standard. Methods: Thirty-two children with 45 congenital clubfeet were ass


It has been proposed that the EU Ecodesign Directive can promote resource efficiency through relevant ecodesign requirements. This paper examines the potential for rare earth element (REE) resource efficiency improvements in the event the current regulation for electric motors under the Ecodesign Directive is to be extended to comprise REE-based permanent magnet motors. The research is based on li

Transport effects in hybrid circuit QED structures

Popular Abstract in Undetermined http://lup.lub.lu.se/record/4331039/file/4333215.pdfThis dissertation deals with the electron-photon interplay in hybrid circuit QED structures. The aim is to provide a framework in which this interplay can be understood and to predict experimentally measurable transport effects. In addition an application of this interplay is proposed. The thesis is based on four paper listed below: Article I comprises an investigation of the transport-induced p

Smedh, Johannes

A comprehensive biographical notice of the printer Johannes Smedh or Fabri, possibly Germanborn but active in Sweden from the late 1480s to his death in 1495.

Studies of Mucociliary Activity and Blood Flow in the Upper Airways, with Special Reference to Endothelins and Nitric Oxide

Popular Abstract in Swedish Slemhinnorna i näsan, bihålorna, nasofarynx (nässvalgrummet), örontrumpeten och främre delen av mellanörat, är beklädda med celler på vars yta det finns flimmerhår (cilier). De ciliebeklädda slemhinnorna är täckta av ett tunt slemskikt som transporteras av ciliernas rörelser. I slemskiktet fastnar inandade partiklar, bakterier och döda celler, och transporteras av cilieThe aim with this thesis was to investigate effects of vasoactive mediators on mucociliary activity and blood flow in rabbit and human experimental models. Mucociliary activity in vivo and ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in vitro were measured with photoelectric techniques. Blood flow was measured with laser Doppler flowmetry. Substance P (SP) and methacholine increased human nasal blood flow. Pretre