

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Microdialysis Sampling, Electrochemical Detection and Mass Spectrometry of Carbohydrates in Monitoring Bioprocesses

This thesis addresses; (1) the microdialysis experiment, application and methodology to maximise its performance when sampling from enzymatic bioprocesses, (2) electrochemical detection and electrochemical oxidation of carbohydrates on Au as well as Cu electrodes in alkaline solutions, and (3) coupling and maximising the performance of a microdialysis sampling based high performance anion exchange

Influence of the load representation in voltage stability studies

The critical effect of load representation in voltage stability studies is discussed in this paper. Under the same conditions in the system, the load representation will affect the location of the operating point in a P-V curve representation, leading the system closer to or further from the collapse point. The use of dynamic load models in voltage stability studies is motivated, especially in tho

A model of contextual factors and inter-organizational integration: A Grounded Theory study of two supply chains

The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to understanding of the effect of organizational context on supply chain integration. One result is a context- based model that can provide support for practitioners regarding what level of integration to establish with suppliers and customers. Given the notion that most organizations are dependent on other organizations, it leads to a need for not only

Investigation of image components affecting the detection of lung nodules in digital chest radiography

The aim of this work was to investigate and quantify the effects of system noise, nodule location, anatomical noise and anatomical background on the detection of lung nodules in different regions of the chest x-ray. Simulated lung nodules of diameter 10 mm but with varying detail contrast were randomly positioned in four different kinds of images: 1) clinical images collected with a 200 speed CR s

Förvridna själar i förvridna kroppar? Funktionsnedsättning och funktionshinder i Millenniumtrilogin och Hur många lingon finns det i världen?

I kapitlet granskas representationen av funktionsnedsättning och funktionshinder i den så kallade Millennium-trilogin – Män som hatar kvinnor (Niels Arden Oplev, 2009), Flickan som lekte med elden (Daniel Alfredson, 2009) och Luftslottet som sprängdes (Daniel Alfredson, 2009) – och Hur många lingon finns det i världen? (Lena Koppel, 2011).In this chapter i examine the representation of impairment and disability in the so called Millennium trilogy - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Niels Arden Oplev, 2009), The Girl Who Played with Fire (Daniel Alfredson, 2009) and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (Daniel Alfredson, 2009) - and The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes (Lena Koppel, 2011).