

Din sökning på "*" gav 536023 sökträffar

Non-intrusive temperature and oxygen concentration measurements in a catalytic combustor using : Rotational coherent anti-stokes raman spectroscopy

Rotational CARS (Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy) was used to measure temperature and relative oxygen concentrations in the exhaust gas of a catalytic combustor. This laser technique has the general advantages of such techniques, i.e. possibility of performing in-situ measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution, and non-intrusiveness. Profiles of temperature and oxygen concentra

What's Eating the Eater? Perspectives on the Everyday Anxiety of Food Consumption in Late Modernity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens konsumenter översköljes ständigt av en aldrig sinande ström av budskap om vad man ska och inte ska äta för att leva hälsosamt. Detta bombardemang har ökat under de senaste årtiondena då diverse aktörer, så som representanter från hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn och statliga myndigheter, ytterligare har poängterat kopplingarna mellan individers matkonsumtion och derasConsumers today are constantly showered with a vast array of different messages about what and how they should and should not eat in order to lead a healthy life. This bombardment has escalated over the last decades as various actors, such as representatives from the medical community and public policy makers, have increasingly stressed the connections between individuals’ food consumption habits

Body and Authority in Contemporary Art: Tehching Hsieh’s One-Year Performances

The essay examines how contemporary artists directly or indirectly violate laws not only in order to create art, but also to break into—and become recognised by—the artworld. It first discusses two much-debated Swedish artworks—Lars Norén’s play Seven Three (1998) and Anna Odell’s Unknown, woman 2009-349701 (2009)—that have brought about confrontations between individuals and social institutions.

The Importance of Form Field Validation : Lesson Learnt From a Feasibility Study of an M-Health Application in Malawi, Africa

Measuring adherence to clinical guidelines using mobile health (mHealth) technologies when form field validation is enforced or turned on could potentially be viewed as skewing the dataset, leading to 100% adherence to the clinical rule base. In theory, healthcare providers should fully abide by clinical guidelines, whether in paper or digital format, to ensure that the patient receives appropriat

Co-constructing Contextual Theory : An Experience within IS Education Domain

Reviewing the information systems (IS) literature shows the prevalence of studies claiming to exploit the grounded theory (GT) method. However, most of these studies follow an objectivist approach to GT. This manuscript addresses another recognized yet rarely used GT approach in IS: constructivist. The importance of IS constructivist research is briefly explained. This is followed with a recapitul

Paquinimod reduces skin fibrosis in tight skin 1 mice, an experimental model of systemic sclerosis

Background: Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by vascular and immune dysfunction. A hallmark of SSc is the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix in the skin and in internal organs. There is a high and unmet medical need for novel therapies in this disease. The pathogenesis of SSc is complex and still poorly understood, but the innate immune system has emerged

Fluorescence properties of trendy molecules studied with synchrotron radiation

This thesis summarises the experimental results on molecular spectroscopy of gas phase molecules using synchrotron radiation in the UV- VUV and soft-X rays regions. The results of applying Photon Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (PIFS) to D2 , H2S , H2O and pyrimidine are presented and discussed. Both inner and outer shell excitations of free molecules lead to different relaxation processes. Howev

The Dual Function of Orchid Bee Ocelli as Revealed by X-Ray Microtomography

Visually guided flight control in the rainforest is arguablyone of the most complex insect behaviors: illuminationvaries dramatically depending on location[1], and the densely cluttered environment blocksout most of the sky [2]. What visual information doinsects sample for flight control in this habitat? Tobegin answering this question, we determined the visualfields of the ocelli—thought to play

The role of management accounting and control in making professional organizations horizontal

Purpose – In the last decade, greater attention has been paid to the role of management accounting and control (MAC) in making professional organizations more horizontal. The authors argue that earlier research has not shown how the interrelatedness between professional identities and MAC influences attempts to make organizations more horizontal. In this paper the authors respond to the call for m

Real-Time Vehicular Channel Emulator for Future Conformance Tests of Wireless ITS Modems

In the vehicular communication channels, the mobility of the receiver (RX) and the transmitter (TX) along with the movements of interacting objects in the propagation environment result in significant non-stationary channel fading. The channel impulse response exhibits not just significant delay- and Doppler spreads, but also the delay- and Doppler spreads themselves are changing over the time- an