

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

The effect of intra-workplace pay inequality on employee trust in managers: Assessing a multilevel moderated mediation effect model

High levels of economic inequality are widely viewed as a key challenge facing bothadvanced industrial and developing economies. Country-level studies have consistentlyshown a negative link between income inequality and trust in others. This is typicallyattributed to greater social distance within unequal societies. Do we observe similarrelationships within organisations? This is an important ques

Climate policy support in the UK: An interaction of worldviews and policy types

Understanding predictors of climate policy support is important for tackling climate change. Previous research demonstrated that policy support is partially driven by cultural worldviews. Yet, treating policies as a homogeneous concept, this literature neglected the existence of different policy types. Making this distinction is important because each type implies a distinct solution to the same p

A Swedish dietary guideline index, gut microbial α-diversity and prevalence of metabolic syndrome – observations in the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS)

Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by coexisting risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Diet is of importance in their aetiology, and gut microbiota (GM) may constitute a link between diet and metabolic health. Understanding the interplay between diet and GM could contribute novel insights for future dietary guidelines, and aid in preventive actions to mot

Styrelseledamöters skadeståndsansvar vid otillåtna försvarsåtgärder

Ett offentligt erbjudande till aktieägarna i ett noterat bolag, om att överlåta samtliga eller en del av aktierna i bolaget, kallas för ett offentligt uppköpserbjudande. I Sverige är de flesta buden förhandlade redan innan ett offentligt uppköpserbjudande påbörjas. Det förekommer dock att bud riktas mot målbolag där budet inte är förankrat hos målbolagsstyrelsen. Vid ett så kallat fientligt bud reA public bid to the shareholders of a listed company, to transfer all or a part of the company’s shares, is called a takeover bid. In Sweden, most bids are negotiated before a takeover bid is initiated. However, bids are sometimes made against target companies where the bid is not supported by the target company’s board of directors. In the event of a so-called hostile takeover bid, the target com

Ogiltighet i förköpsförbehåll – En avvägning mellan flexibilitet och rättssäkerhet

I detta examensarbete undersöks rättsverkningarna av förköpsförbehåll enligt aktiebolagslagen, med fokus på de praktiska och juridiska konsekvenserna av att sådana förbehåll överträds. Arbetet behandlar om och hur förköpsförbehåll kan åsidosättas, särskilt genom avtalsrättsliga mekanismer, och analyserar huruvida gällande rätt möjliggör avtalsrättsliga lösningar med aktiebolagsrättslig verkan. VidIn this thesis the legal effects of pre-emption clauses under the Swedish Companies Act are examined, focusing on the practical and legal implications of breaches of such clauses. It explores whether pre-emption clauses can be disregarded, particularly through contractual mechanisms, and evaluates whether current law allows contractual solutions to have binding corporate law effects. The thesis al

From Individual Rights to Collective Remedies - Standing before the European Court of Human Rights in Climate Cases

Denna uppsats undersöker konsekvenserna av Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheternas vägledande dom i målet Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz m.fl. mot Schweiz, med fokus på domstolens nya tolkning av offerstatus och dess processuella kriterier för talerätt i klimatmål. Uppsatsen undersöker om domstolens resonemang och konstruktion av de nyligen fastställda och implementerade kriterierna The thesis explores the implications of the European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR” or “Court”) landmark judgement in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, focusing on the Court´s recent interpretation of victim status and its procedural standards for associational standing before it in climate cases. It explores whether the ECtHR´s reasoning and construction of the newly esta

Palestinagård – The law as a tool of resistance or oppression?

During the fall of 2023, the Palestine solidarity movement grew as a response to Israel’s war on Gaza. The student movement for Palestine was an important part of the Palestine solidarity movement. Palestinagård demanded LU to comply with their demands: to stand in solidarity with Palestine and Israel’s systemic destruction of the education system (scholasticide), cut ties with complicit academic

Recording of non-musculoskeletal manifestations, comorbidities and safety outcomes in European spondyloarthritis registries : A survey

Objectives: Real-world evidence is needed to inform treatment strategies for patients with PsA and axial SpA (axSpA) who have non-musculoskeletal manifestations (NMMs), various risk factors and comorbidities. International collaboration is required to ensure statistical power and to enhance generalizability. The first step forward is identifying which data are currently being collected. Across 17

Rimegepant for the acute and preventive treatment of migraine : a narrative review of the evidence

Introduction: Rimegepant is an oral small-molecule calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonist approved in several countries for acute treatment of migraine and preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. This review summarizes the evidence, published to date, for the use of rimegepant as an acute or preventive treatment of migraine. Areas covered: A brief overview of migraine, th

Drug Treatment

A short review is given of current literature on medical alternatives for managing neurogenic bladder (NGB) by treating detrusor overactivity (NDO) and improving bladder compliance and urinary incontinence. The first goal of treatment of NGB is to protect the upper tract from damage, and the second is to maintain urinary continence, but all the while maintaining the patient’s quality of life. The

Thirteenth-Century Aristotelian Logic : The Study of Scientific Method

The aims of this paper are to show (i) that thirteenth-century Aristotelian logic (AL-13) is a logical tradition that considers Aristotelian logic (AL: the logical curriculum at the University of Paris, that is, Porphyry’s Isagoge, Aristotle’s Organon, Boethius’s De divisione and De topicis differentiis, and the anonymous Sex principia) as a system that is organized around the syllogistic argument

Vara kvinna eller ledare? En sociologisk studie om hur kvinnliga affärsnätverket Ruter Dam främjar kvinnors möjligheter inom svenskt näringsliv

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka de hinder som kvinnor upplever i sin strävan efter att nå ledande positioner inom svenskt näringsliv, samt hur Ruter Dam som kvinnligt affärsnätverk kan främja kvinnor. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med kvinnor som har deltagit i Ruter Dam programmet. Det insamlade empiriska materialet har analy

How new generation techniques are shaping the future of environmental sciences

This perspective highlights the role of new-generation analytical techniques in future applications in environmental sciences since the shift to the One Health research paradigm. It reviews the interactions between the compartments of One Health and indicates the current challenges in traditional environmental research. The term One Health was first used at the beginning of the 20th century, yet m

Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring in Thyroid Operations

Injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is a rare but dreaded complication of thyroid surgery. Intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM) is a technology intended to assist surgeons in identifying the RLN and confirming its function. This chapter describes the technology and technique of IONM, with tips for utilization and interpretation of results. A review of the existing literature on the res

Stress-Related Disorders among Young Individuals with Surgical Removal of Tonsils or Adenoids

Importance: Studies have suggested an increased risk of psychiatric disorders and suicidal behavior among individuals who have undergone tonsillectomy. However, little is known about stress-related disorders. Objective: To investigate whether surgical removal of tonsils or adenoids is associated with a subsequent risk of stress-related disorders. Design, Setting, and Participants: This cohort stud

Mycorrhiza-dependent drivers of the positive rhizosphere effects on the temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration in subtropical forests

Tree roots and their fungal symbionts mediate the response of rhizosphere soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition to climate warming, specifically the temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration (Q10), which is a critical parameter for projecting the magnitude of terrestrial soil C-climate feedbacks. However, the intensity of the rhizosphere effects (RE; rhizosphere soils vs. bulk soils)