

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Comprehensive Analysis of Foulants in an Ultrafiltration Membrane Used for the Treatment of Bleach Plant Effluent in a Sulfite Pulp Mill

Fouling is a major obstacle in the introduction of membrane processes in new applications in the pulping industry. Due to the complex nature of the feed solutions, complementary analysis methods are usually needed to identify the substances involved. Four different methods were used for the comprehensive analysis of a membrane removed from an ultrafiltration plant treating alkaline bleach plant ef

The validation status of blood biomarkers of amyloid and phospho-tau assessed with the 5-phase development framework for AD biomarkers

Purpose: The development of blood biomarkers that reflect Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathophysiology (phosphorylated tau and amyloid-β) has offered potential as scalable tests for dementia differential diagnosis and early detection. In 2019, the Geneva AD Biomarker Roadmap Initiative included blood biomarkers in the systematic validation of AD biomarkers. Methods: A panel of experts convened in Nove

Synthesis of Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanorods Using Sol-gel Seeding and Colloidal Lithography Patterning

Different ZnO nanostructures can be grown using low-cost chemical bath deposition. Although this technique is cost-efficient and flexible, the final structures are usually randomly oriented and hardly controllable in terms of homogeneity and surface density. In this work, we use colloidal lithography to pattern (100) silicon substrates to fully control the nanorods' morphology and density. Moreove

Multivariate optimization of a combined static and dynamic supercritical fluid extraction method for trace analysis of pesticides pollutants in organic honey

The intensive application of pesticides to increase crop production has resulted in contamination of the agricultural products. Due to their occurrence at trace levels and the complexity of food samples, analysis of pesticide residues requires selective and efficient sample preparation methods. For this purpose, an extraction method based on supercritical carbon dioxide and acetonitrile as entrain

Medical and nonmedical information during multidisciplinary team meetings in cancer care

Background: Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings provide treatment recommendations based on available information and collective decision-making in teams with complementary professions, disciplines and skills. We aimed to map ancillary medical and nonmedical patient information during case presentations and case discussions in MDT meetings in cancer care. Methods: Through a nonparticipant, observ

Intergenerational transmission of risk attitudes in Burkina Faso

Previous research shows that transmission of attitudes in the family is gendered. However, there are limited findings about intergenerational transmission of risk attitudes and whether it is gendered. This study replicates the findings by Dohmen et al. (Rev Econ Stud 79(2):645–677) for Germany by using quantitative data from Burkina Faso in 2014 to analyze three different self-reported risk questi

The Value Gap

Evaluations about what is good (period) and what is good for someone shape much of ethics. The two value notions ‘good’ and ‘good for’ mark the deep-rooted divide between the impersonally and personally valuable—the value divide on which The Value Gap centres. Past and contemporary philosophers have argued it is a mistake to believe that these two value notions give rise to unresolvable value confIn The Value Gap, Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen addresses the distinction between what is finally good and what is finally good-for, two value notions that are central to ethics and practical deliberation. The first part of the book argues against views that claim that one of these notions is either faulty, or at best conceptually dependent on the other notion. Whereas these two views disagree on whether

The Game of Tubulins

Members of the tubulin superfamily are GTPases; the activities of GTPases are necessary for life. The members of the tubulin superfamily are the constituents of the microtubules and the γ-tubulin meshwork. Mutations in members of the tubulin superfamily are involved in developmental brain disorders, and tubulin activities are the target for various chemotherapies. The intricate functions (game) of

Imprinted Polymer Beads Loaded with Silver Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Applications

After the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains, antibiotic resistance in bacteria has become an important problem. Thus, materials for combating multidrug-resistant bacteria are of vital importance. In this work, we developed an antibacterial material that can selectively capture and destruct bacteria on the basis of their physical characteristics. To achieve bacterial capture and deactivation

Weak products of complete pick spaces

Let H be the Drury-Arveson or Dirichlet space of the unit ball of Cd. The weak product H ☉ H of H is the collection of all functions h that can be written as h =∑∞n=1 fngn, where ∑∞n=1 ||fn|| ||gn|| < ∞. We show that H ☉ H is contained in the Smirnov class of H; that is, every function in H ☉ H is a quotient of two multipliers of H, where the function in the denominator can be chosen to be cyclic

Generation and trapping of a mesoderm biased state of human pluripotency

We postulate that exit from pluripotency involves intermediates that retain pluripotency while simultaneously exhibiting lineage-bias. Using a MIXL1 reporter, we explore mesoderm lineage-bias within the human pluripotent stem cell compartment. We identify a substate, which at the single cell level coexpresses pluripotent and mesodermal gene expression programmes. Functionally these cells initiate

Accelerated inflammatory aging in Alzheimer’s disease and its relation to amyloid, tau, and cognition

It is unclear how pathological aging of the inflammatory system relates to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We tested whether age-related inflammatory changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma exist across different stages of AD, and whether such changes related to AD pathology. Linear regression was first used model chronological age in amyloid-β negative, cognitively unimpaired individuals (Aβ− C

A secure procedure for early career scientists to report apparent misconduct

Early career scientists sometimes observe senior scientists engage in apparent scientific misconduct, but feel powerless to intervene, lest they imperil their careers. We propose a Secure Reporting Procedure that both protects them, when pursuing those concerns, and treats the senior scientists fairly. The proposed procedure is, we argue, consistent with the ethical principles of the scientific co

Role of hydroxylation for the atomic structure of a non-polar vicinal zinc oxide

From the catalytic, semiconducting, and optical properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) numerous potential applications emerge. For the physical and chemical properties of the surface, under-coordinated atoms often play an important role, necessitating systematic studies of their influence. Here we study the vicinal ZnO(10 1 ¯ 4) surface, rich in under-coordinated sites, using a combination of several expe