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Den dolda arbetslöshetens baksida: Samvariation med och konstruktion av sjukskrivning
Sjuktalet och arbetslöheten samvarierar, genom att sjukfrånvaron tenderar att öka då arbetslösheten minskar, och vice versa. I uppsatsen diskuteras denna samvariation samt dess rekation till förtidspensionering, och den dolda arbetslösheten.
Mobility Support in Private Networks Using RPX
The limited IPv4 address space has driven the cellular industry to start using IPv6 addresses for mobile users in 3G-networks. However, there is a potential threat to the success of 3G-network deployment, as the success will depend on the services offering to the end users. Currently, the overwhelming proportion of services resides in the IPv4 address space, which makes them inaccessible to users
Anställningsotrygghet och mental ohälsa: en studie i samband med en organisationsförändring inom telekom
Introducing a Swedish Translation of the Workplace Incivility Scale
This article reports the reliability and validity of the Swedish version of the Workplace Incivility Scale (WIS), a 7-item self-report measure assessing subjectively appraised workplace incivility. The scale was offered to all 490 white-collar employees in a medium size Swedish company resulting in a response frequency of 54 % consisting of 266 participants. The results indicate a good internal co
Spectra of primary and secondary roentgen radiation
[abstract missing]
Osteologisk analys av en vikingatida brandgrav vid Gåsån : Täveldalen, Undersåkers sn, Åre kommun, Jämtlands län
Future Energy Crop Production Costs in the EU
Central auditory processes, cognitive development and reading in hearing-impaired and deaf children with cochlear implants or hearing aids
Investigating InAs nanowires on InAs(111) using scanning tunneling microscopy
Antiken får nytt liv
Law, the Domestic and Sovereignty in Interwar Women's Writing
My Ph.D. examines women’s writing in the interwar period through a questioning of the boundaries between the public and private sphere as traditional masculine forms of power based on a system of sovereignty and law enter the domestic realm. I also consider how power might be reimagined abroad. I juxtapose works of popular fiction from E.M. Hull, Agatha Christie and Marie Belloc Lowndes with the m
Transfer in L3 acquisition
Attracting Rust - The Fascination of Controlled Decay
This presentation will take its point of departure in the concept Patina Management that I've introduced in my former studies of postindustrial transformations and Industrial Cool. I intend to examine the interzone between patina and decay through discussions on the cultural dimensions of authenticity and maintenance.
Evaluation and Inter-comparison of Aic Deposition Models for the UK
Säkerhetsrådet tandlöst när det gäller
Demokratiseringsprocessen i Östeuropa som en Garbage Can
The Collection and Recycling Systems of Used Mobile Phone in European Countries and Japan
In Japan, used mobile phones are collected through several voluntary projects. In European countries, on the other hand, used mobile phones are handled together with other electronic waste in mandatory EPR systems and municipalities collect most of them as recyclable wastes. In this study, we focused on the role of producers and municipalities. We seek to conduct a comparative analysis of current