

Din sökning på "*" gav 532987 sökträffar

Undersökning öfver byggnaden af grundämnenas liniespektra : Kortfattad öfversikt af hittills erhållna resultat.

I denna protokollbilaga från 1887 (reproducerad av Lunds Universitetsbibliotek och digitiserad av Fysik- och astronomibiblioteket) skriver Janne Rydberg för första gången själv den formel (se sidan 6) som ligger till grund för Rydbergs konstant.In this protocol appendix from 1887 (reproduced by the Lund University Library and digitized by the Physics and Astronomy Library), Janne Rydberg himself writes for the first time the formula (see page 6) that is the basis of Rydberg's constant.

Deliberate self-harm in Swedish university students – onset and relationships with anxiety and mindfulness

Objective: Previous research has indicated that some forms of deliberate self-harm (DSH) are quite common in non-clinical samples and that these behaviours are associated with psychological variables such as anxiety and mindfulness. This study contributes information on the onset and the frequency of DSH in two samples of Swedish university students as well as its association with related construc

Impact Assessment Methodology in InteractIVe.

This paper describes the safety impact assessment methodology that is developed and used for the evaluation of safety related Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in the interactIVe project. The used method builds on the assessment method that was developed in the projects eIMPACT and PReVAL, and is refined in interactIVe. With this method the safety effects of the developed functions on road

Web-based Information Systems - Infrastructures and Co-operational Patterns in a Networked Organisation

This paper contains a theoretically and empirically based analysis of infrastructures and co-operational patterns in a Scandinavian Internet consulting company. The purpose of the analysis originated from the hypothesis that Web-based Information Systems could especially facilitate work in distributed organisations, this as a platform for supporting collaboration, communication and co-ordination w

An Awkward Tool: Social Media as a Dispruptive Factor in Intra-Party Competition

In recent years, a growing body of research has studied the effects of social network sites on various aspects of politics. However, little attention has been spent on how social network sites are used internally in political parties, and how they affect the perceived tension between the hierarchical structure of the political party and the network-based communication becoming more common and tech

Non-Sequential Structure from Motion

Prior work on multi-view structure from motion is dominated by sequential approaches starting from a single two-view reconstruction, then adding new images one by one. In contrast, we propose a non-sequential methodology based on rotational consistency and robust estimation using convex optimization. The resulting system is more robust with respect to (i) unreliable two-view estimations caused by

Att veta eller inte veta – vill konsumenter ha information om livsmedel?

I denna Policy Brief använder vi ekonomiska experiment för att undersöka hur konsumenter reagerar på information om hur livsmedel påverkar hälsa och miljö. Vi finner att: • Konsumenter ofta medvetet bortser från hälso- och miljöinformation i syfte att tillåta sig själva att göra val som negativt påverkar hälsan och miljön. • Smak ofta har så stor betydelse för val av livsmedel att hälsomärkning