

Din sökning på "*" gav 532053 sökträffar

Effects of patient gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on psychiatric assessments: A vignette-based experimental study

ObjectiveTo investigate whether information about the gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status of the patient affects psychiatric assessments in a sample of practicing clinicians in Swedish adult psychiatry.MethodThe study used an experimental design in which vignettes describing patients were identical except for information regarding their gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The outc

High-Temperature Oxidation of Titanium Aluminium Nitride Coatings Visualized by Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy

Titanium-aluminium nitride (Ti1-xAlxN) coatings are used to achieve high oxidation and wear resilience in coated metal cutting tools. For the highest performance, the coatings' composition and microstructure are carefully controlled. However, it is difficult to obtain knowledge how these factors affect of the oxidation processes at the microstructural level because studies are most commonly perfor

Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

Western Eurasia witnessed several large-scale human migrations during the Holocene1–5. Here, to investigate the cross-continental effects of these migrations, we shotgun-sequenced 317 genomes—mainly from the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods—from across northern and western Eurasia. These were imputed alongside published data to obtain diploid genotypes from more than 1,600 ancient humans. Our anal

Dust, fog, and clouds – implementing humanitarian law on the battlefield.

The difference between the academic legal research and the real-world ap-plication is probably of no larger difference anywhere else than in the sphere of International Humanitarian Law. This thesis aims to research this discrepancy, and explore how the environ-ments and frictions of the modern battlefield effects the application of the many laws and rules of IHL. Through analyzing the most key p

Phase change and combustion of iron particles in premixed CH4/O2/N2 flames

Metal powder is a promising carbon-free and recyclable energy carrier. Direct combustion of the micron-sized iron particles involves complex physical and chemical processes, such as heat transfer, surface reaction, and phase change. In this work, computational modelling of these processes is investigated and validated against experiments. A single iron particle combustion and phase change model is

“Det var ju mycket jag fick ut av det, mycket mer än vad jag trodde”: En tematisk analys av deltagares upplevelser av en transbekräftande intervention

Transpersoner har på gruppnivå sämre hälsa än cispersoner, vilket kan förstås utifrån minoritetsstressteori. Ett sätt att öka deras välmående är genom transbekräftande kognitiv beteendeterapi och denna studie undersökte deltagarnas upplevelser av en sådan intervention. Interventionen var terapeutledd, individuell och internetbaserad och riktade sig till transpersoner i Sverige. Åtta semistrukturerTrans and gender diverse people report significantly poorer health than cisgender people. This could be understood as an effect of minority stress. One way of enhancing their wellbeing is through transgender affirming cognitive-behavioural therapy, and this study investigated participant experiences of such an intervention. The intervention was therapist led, individual, internet based and directe

Cemeteries as Spaces of Interreligious Encounter? : The Use of Different Types of Neutrality in the Context of Graveyards in Scandinavia

In Scandinavia, the loss of members in established (or formerly established) churches, the rise of unaffiliated, and diverse migration led to a need for new approaches to historically Christian spaces. To create all-inclusive spaces, the idea of neutrality has been adopted. Among others, burials, and cemeteries, which are still mostly run by the national churches, have been affected by this effort

Dependence of Atrial Fibrillatory Rate Variations Induced by Head-Up/Down Tilt-Test on Autonomic Action

In atrial fibrillation (AF), autonomic nervous system (ANS) differences among individuals may have a substantial influence on the varying effectiveness of anti-AF treatments. This work aimed to assess the relationship between changes in autonomic balance and in atrial fibrillatory rate (AFR) oscillations (F_{mathrm{f}}(t)) induced by head-up (HUT) and head-down (HDT) tilt test. 22 persistent AF (p

The Silicon Cycle in the Ocean

The element silicon is everywhere! In fact, silicon is the second most abundant element in Earth’s crust. Silicon in rocks and minerals breaks down and is transported from rivers and streams into the world’s oceans. Many marine organisms need silicon as it is a crucial nutrient to build their skeletons. Silicon eventually reaches the seafloor, but its journey into the abyss is not straightforward

Apolipoproteins and the risk of giant cell arteritis—a nested case–control study

Background: The etiology of giant cell arteritis (GCA) and its predictors are incompletely understood. Previous studies have indicated reduced risk of future development of GCA in individuals with obesity and/or diabetes mellitus. There is limited information on blood lipids before the onset of GCA. The objective of the study was to investigate the relation between apolipoprotein levels and future

"Vi når inte ut till alla barn som behöver oss"

Children witnessing domestic violence is a major social issue where many children lack protection. Previous research indicates that children who witness domestic violence have a hard time talking about the violence as it is considered a private matter. The current research highlights that social services experience shortcomings in their work with the target group and that many children who witness

A label-free high-throughput protein solubility assay and its application to Aβ40

A major hallmark of Alzheimer's disease is the accumulation of aggregated amyloid peptide (Aβ) in the brain. Here we develop a solubility assay for proteins and measure the solubility of Aβ40. In brief, the method utilizes 96-well filter plates to separate monomeric Aβ from aggregated Aβ, and the small species are quantified with the amine reactive dye o-phthalaldehyde (OPA). This procedure ensure


AbstraktNukleärmedicinska metoder vid schizofreniDen kliniska användningen av nukleära metoder startade på 1970-talet med studier av hjärnblodflödet i Lund med David Ingvars och Franzéns användning av Xenon-133 och buntar av enskilda detektorer.Införandet av SPECT med Teknetium-99m radiofarmaka som t.ex. 99mTc-HMPAO förenklade proceduren och man kunde undersöka sambanden mellan rCBF, psykopatologiAfter initial studies in the years 1960-62 in chemistry, mathematics andphysics, my scientific career in medical imaging began in 1963. My qualificationsin chemistry then came in handy when the Nordics' first gamma camera installedin Lund. Around the same time, the discovery of a radioactive isotope of a newelement Technetium-99m showed suitable for use with the gamma camera.My task became to prod

Phosphite binding by the HtxB periplasmic binding protein depends on the protonation state of the ligand

Phosphorus acquisition is critical for life. In low phosphate conditions, some species of bacteria have evolved mechanisms to import reduced phosphorus compounds, such as phosphite and hypophosphite, as alternative phosphorus sources. Uptake is facilitated by high-affinity periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs) that bind cargo in the periplasm and shuttle it to an ATP-binding cassette (ABC)-transport

Between Legal Dogma and Counterfactual Analysis: Exploring Jurisdictional Shifts in EUMR Post Article 22 Guidance

Den Europeiska Kommissionens (’Kommissionen’) jurisdiktion att granska koncentrationer enligt bestämmelserna i koncentrationsförordningen (’EUMR’) fastställs antingen av omsättningsbaserade trösklarna eller systemet för hänskjutande av ärenden. I båda dessa fall fastställs jurisdiktionen genom kvantitativa kriterier, med undantag för hänskjutandemekanismen som föreskrivs genom Artikel 22 EUMR. HiThe jurisdiction of the Commission to review concentrations under the provi-sions of the EUMR is established either by the turnover thresholds or the case referral system. In both of these cases, jurisdiction is established through quantitative criteria, with the exception of the case referral mechanism provid-ed for in Article 22 EUMR. Historically, Article 22 EUMR was designed to enable Member

Measurement of ultrashort laser pulses with a time-dependent polarization state using the d-scan technique

The dispersion scan (d-scan) technique is extended to measurement of the time-dependent polarization state of ultrashort laser pulses. In the simplest implementation for linearly polarized ultrashort pulses, the d-scan technique records the second harmonic generation spectrum as a function of a known spectral phase manipulation. By applying this method to two orthogonally polarized projections of

The comfort of alignment: Mining, green steel, and killjoy desires in Sweden/Sápmi

Denna avhandling fokuserar på svensk extraktivism i Sápmi/Norrbotten genom att studera den planerade järnmalmsgruvan i Gállok/Kallak och den gröna omställningen inom stålproduktionen. Huvudsyftet är att förstå tilltron till resursutvinning som ett sätt att nå en lycklig, grön, och god framtid. Med utgångspunkt i psykoanalys läser jag resursutvinning som ett begärsobjekt som människor söker sig tilThis dissertation deals with Swedish extractivism in Sápmi through the examples of a planned iron ore mine in Gállok/Kallak and the hydrogen-based steel transition. The main aim is to understand the trust that is placed in extraction as a means to arrive at a happy, prosperous, green future. Drawing on Lacanian psychoanalysis and Sara Ahmed’s notion of the promise of happiness, I suggest that extr