Din sökning på "*" gav 535461 sökträffar
Circularizing Planet Nine through dynamical friction with an extended, cold planetesimal belt
Unexpected clustering in the orbital elements of minor bodies beyond the Kuiper belt has led to speculations that our Solar system actually hosts nine planets, the eight established plus a hypothetical 'Planet Nine'. Several recent studies have shown that a planet with a mass of about 10 Earth masses on a distant eccentric orbit with perihelion far beyond the Kuiper belt could create and maintain
Enhanced optical absorption in nanowires over a desire range of wavelengths
Engineering optical absorption in nanowires, over a desire range of wavelengths is of importance to design high-performance nanowire-based photovoltaics. To this end, we integrate the nanowires with distributed Bragg reflectors to enhance absorption spectra of the nanowires and relate the consequent enhancement to increasing the optical path lengths of the modes.
Designing for minimum elongation
We reconsider the variational problem of finding the shape of a vertically hanging rope such that its elongation, due to the rope’s own weight and that of a load attached at its lower end, is minimum. The known solution is recalled and the missing proof of optimality is supplied.
Evaporation, diffusion and self-assembly at drying interfaces
Water evaporation from complex aqueous solutions leads to the build-up of structure and composition gradients at their interface with air. We recently introduced an experimental setup for quantitatively studying such gradients and discussed how structure formation can lead to a self-regulation mechanism for controlling water evaporation through self-assembly. Here, we provide a detailed theoretica
Risk factors for refractive error after cataract surgery : Analysis of 282 811 cataract extractions reported to the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for cataract and refractive surgery
Purpose: To analyze risk factors for refractive error after cataract surgery and provide a benchmark for refractive outcomes after standard cataract surgery. setting: One hundred cataract surgery clinics from 12 European countries. Design: Multicenter database study. Methods: Data on consecutive cataract extractions reported to the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive
Nya tekniker för att övervaka och behandla arytmi vid hjärtsjukdom : 60 är sedan första pacemakern – nu finns Även sviktpacemaker och interna defibrillatorer och hjärtövervakare
Levels of DNA damage (Micronuclei) in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease. Role of GST polymorphisms
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are characterized by the presence of high levels of DNA damage, and a poor response to ionizing radiation. In this study, we proposed that variants in GST genes could explain this fact. One-hundred twenty seven CKD patients and one-hundred forty five controls constituted the studied groups. Micronuclei (MN) frequency was determined in peripheral blood lymphocy
High-resolution δ13Corg chemostratigraphy links the Decorah impact structure and Winneshiek Konservat-Lagerstätte to the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) global peak influx of meteorites
The precise age of the Winneshiek Shale, a recently discovered Konservat-Lagerstätte located in a very unusual depositional setting inside the Decorah impact structure, has remained uncertain in the absence of biostratigraphically highly diagnostic fossils. This chemostratigraphical study, based on δ13Corg data from 36 drill core samples through the shale, shows that the age ranges from the upper
A critical perspective on historical images of teaching in Swedish academia
Hyperglycemia does not affect tissue repair responses in shear stress-induced atherosclerotic plaques in ApoE-/-mice
The mechanisms responsible for macrovascular complications in diabetes remain to be fully understood. Recent studies have identified impaired vascular repair as a possible cause of plaque vulnerability in diabetes. This notion is supported by observations of a reduced content of fibrous proteins and smooth muscle cell mitogens in carotid endarterectomy from diabetic patients along with findings of
Responsibility for follow-up during the diagnostic process in primary care : A secondary analysis of International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership data
Background: It is unclear to what extent primary care practitioners (PCPs) should retain responsibility for follow-up to ensure that patients are monitored until their symptoms or signs are explained. Aim: To explore the extent to which PCPs retain responsibility for diagnostic follow-up actions across 11 international jurisdictions. Design and setting: A secondary analysis of survey data from the
Abdominal symptoms and cancer in the Abdomen : Prospective cohort study in European primary care
Background: Different abdominal symptoms may signal cancer, but their role is unclear. Aim: To examine associations between abdominal symptoms and subsequent cancer diagnosed in the abdominal region. Design and setting: Prospective cohort study comprising 493 GPs from surgeries in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Scotland, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Method: Over a 10-day period, the GPs recorded consec
Reaction mechanism of metalloenzymes studied by theoretical methods
Metalloenzymes are proteins that contain one or more metal ions bound to protein. They constitute about one-third of all enzymes known so far and they often perform hard chemical reactions involving small substrates, like H2 and N2. In our research, we focus on those metal ions that are located in the active sites and perform redox reactions, i.e. involving electron transfer. Why enzymes? As we kMetalloenzymes catalyse a wide variety of reactions in nature. In the thesis, I have studied the reaction mechanism of three metalloenzymes, viz. [NiFe] hydrogenase (H2ase), dimethyl sulfoxide reductase (DMSOR) and formate dehydrogenase (FDH), by theoretical methods, namely quantum mechanics (QM), combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanics (QM/MM), as well as QM/MM thermodynamic cycle per
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The editing process to which Svetlana Alexievich subjects her texts has repeatedly been cause for criticism. Her treatment of the documentary material does not stand up to a critical assessment of her sources. However, this approach is closely linked to the core of the message in her books: memories and feelings demand forms other than objective facts. Alexievich's successive re-workings reduce th
Low rate of reoperations after acute type A aortic dissection repair from The Nordic Consortium Registry
Objectives: To describe the relationship between the extent of primary aortic repair and the incidence of reoperations after surgery for type A aortic dissection. Methods: A retrospective cohort of 1159 patients treated for type A aortic dissection at eight Nordic low- to medium-sized cardiothoracic centers from 2005 to 2014. Data were gathered from patient records and national registries. Patient
Ett praktexempel på medial Stockholmsfixering
Om kårhusockupationen 1968.
Targeting of retroviral vectors through protease-substrate interactions
Targetable, injectable vectors would greatly facilitate the development of in vivo therapy strategies. Viral and nonviral vectors can be targeted through ligand-receptor interactions, but protease-substrate interactions have not previously been exploited for vector targeting. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) was fused to a retroviral envelope glycoprotein via a cleavable linker comprising a factor Xa
On the interaction between protein L and immunoglobulins of various mammalian species
Protein L, a cell wall molecule of certain strains of the anaerobic bacterial species Peptostreptococcus magnus, shows high affinity for human immunoglobulin (Ig) light chains. In the present study protein L was tested against a panel of human myeloma proteins of the IgG, IgM, IgA and IgE classes, and strong binding was seen with antibodies carrying kappa light chains. A high degree of specificity
Arbetslivets omreglering, arbetsmarknadens reglering och lärlingsutbildningens betydelse
I kapitlet är syftet att vidga perspektivet på regleringar och diskutera den omreglering som har skett i arbetslivet under de tre-fyra senaste decennierna. Förändringarna i arbetslivet hänger samman med nya konkurrensvillkor, ny teknik och förändrade arbetsorganisationer. Det handlar om en utveckling bort från det som brukar kallas industrisamhället till det post-industriella samhället. Hur påverk