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Arbetsmarknadspolitik i förändring, SOU 1978:60
Interdependencies of children’s food knowledge and local history: social memory of wild food plants in Yiliang (Yunnan)
Effects of compression bandaging with or without manual lymph drainage treatment in patients with postoperative arm lymphedema
We examined the effects of low stretch compression bandaging (CB) alone or in combination with manual lymph drainage (MLD) in 38 female patients with arm lymphedema after treatment for breast cancer. After CB therapy for 2 weeks (Part I), the patients were allocated to either CB or CB + MLD for 1 week (Part II). Arm volume and subjective assessments of pain, heaviness and tension were measured. Th
Low-density cells isolated from the rat thymus resemble branched cortical macrophages and have a reduced capability of rescuing double-positive thymocytes from apoptosis in the BB-DP rat.
Biobreeding-diabetes prone (BB-DP) rats spontaneously develop organ-specific autoimmunity and are severely lymphopenic and particularly deficient in ART2+ regulatory T cells. A special breed, the so-called BB-diabetic-resistant (DR) rats, are not lymphopenic and do not develop organ-specific autoimmunity. The genetic difference between both strains is the lymphopenia (lyp) gene. Intrathymic tolera
From plant to paper and sea to sandwich: technical implications of product chain management in real life
Housing and health in very old age: The impact of control beliefs on behavioural independence.
Recognition of Planar Objects using the Density of Affine Shape
The Ecological Modernisation of the Automotive Industry
Exploring relation of multimodal transportation features and environmental-social performance of transportation
Surface phase transition and electronic structure of c(5√2, √2)R45o-Pb/Cu(100)
Serviceroute or Flexroute traffic? – A user perspective from Sweden.
Aktuellt kunskapsläge om spädbarnsmassage – systematisk litteraturöversikt 2006-2011
How IS Integration Relate to M&A as a tool for Corporate Strategy
‘You will prise our noble companionship’: masonic songbooks of the 18th century – an overlooked literary sub-genre
Initierad bakgrund till USA:s utsatta situation
Multivariable System Identification via Continued-Fraction Approximation
Diversity mechanisms of MIMO antennas with six degrees-of-freedom
Abstract in Undetermined In this paper, we investigate the roles of different diversity mechanisms in two recently proposed six-port MIMO antennas using the effective degree-of-freedom concept. In particular, we confirm that angle and polarization diversities are indeed the dominant diversity mechanisms for the compact antenna that is designed to replicate the characteristics of the ideal co-locat