

Din sökning på "*" gav 540455 sökträffar

Syntheses and Evaluation of Peptoids as Bioinert Coatings for Nanoparticles

Begränsningar med polyetylenglykol (PEG) som ytbeläggningen av proteiner och nanopartiklar i biologiska tillämpningar, har ökat intresset för peptoider. Peptoider har framställts med både en fastfassyntes och en syntes i lösningsmedel. Vad är mest lämpligt för storskalig framställning?Polymers of N-substituted glycine (NSG) or as they are also called, peptoids, have shown potential in biomedical applications due to proteolytic resistance, among other interesting properties. In this thesis project, two synthetic routes have been performed and evaluated to achieve a better understanding of large-scale syntheses of peptoids as a bioinert coating for nanoparticles. The primary fo

Two Effective Solutions from Matching Theory to Solve the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Europe

The European Union has proved to be unable to efficiently deal with the refugee crisis that is devastating Middle East since 2011. The problem grew bigger in 2014 and 2015, when Syrian migrants illegally entered some frontier Member States, forcing the European Union to introduce a new relocation mechanism that is far from being more effective than previous solutions. To address this distributiona

Investigating the effect of good schools on surrounding housing prices in London

In this paper we have looked at the effect good schools have on surrounding house prices, focusing on London. We consider both the effect of “% of students that meet expected standard in math, reading, and writing”, and the new “progression score” that the UK government has introduced. These two scores are used as the basis of how a school is defined as ‘good’. We used two different propensity sco

Den som inte helan tar den heller inte halvan får - om hur alkoholkultur reproduceras i studentkorridorer

The purpose of this study is to understand how alcohol culture in corridors is reproduced by applying Bourdieus and Durkheim's theoretical concepts. Furthermore, the study will analyze how people look at alcohol in relation to life situation, context, patterns of action and attitudes, which is important in understanding the statistics available and in order to counteract or encourage alcohol c

Ändringar i vapenlagen för att motverka vapenvåld: kunskapen bakom och effekterna av lagförslagen

This bachelor thesis examines the Swedish arms law and its development, by investigating its changes since it first was founded. The law applicable today was founded in 1996. It has been changed 22 times since then, where 13 of these changes had the purpose to prevent crimes where weapons are involved. Furthermore, this bachelor thesis also examines the knowledge behind the political arguments sta

Privatization, Competition and Primary Health Care Utilization - A study of the Swedish Patient Choice Reform

During the last decades, the issue of increased health care utilization and expenditures in the western world has been a highly debated topic in health economics. One potential explanation to this growth is the increased privatization and competition in the health care sector, which we have seen in many countries in the later years. In this paper, I study the impact of the Swedish Patient Choice R

PSD2 i praktiken - Utvecklingen av ett API som sammanfogar bankers Open Banking API:er

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have adopted the directive 2015/2366 payment services in the internal market by the name of PSD2 which forces banks to open up APIs on customers account information to third-party developers. The purpose of this thesis is to merge these so-called Open Banking APIs to a general API to ease the development of applications for the company

Regression Test Selection för snabb återkoppling när utveckling görs för Androidplatformen

The work for this thesis was conducted at a department of Sony Mobile Communications, with the purpose of incorporating regression testing into the daily workflow of developers. Today regression testing is conducted by executing a test suite of approximately 58 000 tests to verify modifications done to code. Because of the long runtime, execution occurred during the night after modifications were

Time to walk the talk : investigating the incorporation of sustainability at Lund University School of Economics and Management

Business and management are key in the transition toward a more sustainable world. Educating leaders of tomorrow, business schools bear a profound responsibility to endow students with the right tools and knowledge to successfully manage the challenges of tomorrow. As students and staff recently raised the question if Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) does justice to its r

Success Factors and Inhibitors of Virtual Teams: Exploring the Influence of Personality on Team Preference, Motivation and Team Climate

This thesis investigates the influence of personality, preference for working in virtual teams, alone or in face-to-face teams on work motivation and team climate of individuals working in virtual teams. This study used mixed methods, by collecting experiences of virtual team members in regard to inhibitors and success factors of their team and data from personality and motivational scales. The re

Anticipated Events’ Impact on FX Options’ Implied Volatility

Understanding events’ impact on financial instruments are crucial for the participants in the financial markets. Here we propose an approach to model an anticipated event’s impact on the prices of FX options, represented in implied volatility. The model is implemented for anticipated event’s with both Black and Scholes and SABR as the assumed underlying dynamic. The model generates an implied vola

Job Creation in Global Value Chains: An Assessment for the Period of 2000-2014

Globalization has led to the emergence of global value chains (GVCs) and most of the world’s trade is now in intermediate inputs. This has raised questions about employment in GVCs and attracted the interest of researchers and policymakers alike, but is difficult to study empirically. This paper investigates job creation in simple and complex GVCs for 43 economies between 2000 and 2014 on the basi

Does trade integration in Global Value Chains go hand in hand with anti-globalization sentiments? A regional analysis of the Brexit referendum

Globalization has intensified interdependencies between countries, generating both winners and losers from trade in Global Value Chains. While economic theory predicts a net welfare gain from international trade on the aggregate level of an economy, geographical differences on the regional level and the need for territorial redistribution policies have been neglected, causing political backlashes.

Digitala brevlådors bristande användning?

Denna rapport undersöker vilka anledningar det finns till varför privatpersoner i Sverige väljer att inte använda tjänsten digital brevlåda. Studien använder Diffusion of Innovation och Technology Acceptance Model (TAM3) för att skapa en undersökningsmodell. Undersökningsmodellen används sedan för att lyfta fram vilka anledningar det finns till att privatpersoner i Sverige inte i större utsträckni

Komplext och omväxlande med roller som kolliderar. En kvalitativ studie om högstadielärares upplevda arbetsmotivation.

Syftet med studien var att utifrån en kvalitativ ansats undersöka högstadielärares motivation i deras dagliga arbete. I undersökningen har lärarna fått reflektera och berätta om sin självupplevda motivation, hur de upplever sina arbetsuppgifter och hur deras yrke påverkar dem personligen. Undersökningen har gett en djup bild av lärarnas egna upplevelser av sin arbetssituation. Genom semistrukturerThe purpose of this study was to examine motivation of high school teachers in their daily work. The teachers in the study have been given an opportunity to reflect and describe their work motivation, how they experience their work and how their profession affects them personally. The survey has given a deep picture of the teachers' own experiences of their work situation. Through semi-structu

Dataanalys inom sjukvården

Sjukvården lagrar en mängd data i sina informationssystem för att kunna bedriva sin verksamhet. Dataanalys är transformation av rådata till användbar information som kan användas för planering, ledning, mätning och lärande. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning om hur sjukvården arbetar med dataanalys, vad som är viktigt att tänka på i arbetet, vilka utmaningar som finns och vad arbetet resulterar

Gas turbine health assessment during startup and run down using a transient model

För att drift av gasturbiner inte ska vara allt för dyrt läggs det mycket energi på smarta lösningar när det kommer till övervakning av gasturbiner. Syftet är att undvika oplanerade stopp genom att kunna ta välinformerade beslut för att kunna genomföra förebyggande underhåll på maskiner. Den här rapporten beskiver hur en övervakningsmetod som undersöker start- och stopprocessen av en gasturbin kan

The effect of international tax competition on the relative performance of multinational enterprises and domestic firms

This study aims to identify and quantify the impact of international tax competition on the competition between multinational enterprises and domestic firms in several European countries. To this end, this study identifies a competitive advantage that multinationals hold over domestic firms. A competitive advantage that is obtained by multinationals because these enterprises are able to use intern

Gender composition on the board of directors and firm performance

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if it exists a relationship between gender diversity on the board of directors and firm performance and to answer if a legislated gender quota for corporate boards would affect the performance of Swedish public firms. The approach in this study is quantitative and conducted on 48 large cap companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, during the time period 20

Paving the Way for Totalitarianism: Understanding the Relationship Between Democracy and Populism Through Conspiracy Theories

This thesis is a conceptual study focused on the relationship between populism and conspiracy theories to see if populism poses a totalitarian threat to democracy. Starting with a discussion on democracy and populism, this thesis examines the relations between conspiracy theories and populism as well as their respective constructions. Thereafter, departing from Hannah Arendt’s book the Origins of