

Din sökning på "*" gav 531211 sökträffar

British Ambassador visits the Humanities Lab!

British Ambassador visits the Humanities Lab! British Ambassador visits the Humanities Lab! Published 27 January 2017 Photo: Carin Brenner This week we had a visit from the British Ambassador David Cairns who took a stroll in virtual Pompeii. Photo: Carin Brenner Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=1764 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/british-ambassador-visits-the-humanities-lab/ - 2025-03-11

COST action workshop

COST action workshop COST action workshop Published 7 April 2017 Plenary speaker day 2: Joost van der Weijer Methods and measures of input and second language proficiency/development On 6-7 April, 2017 Lund University Humanities Lab and the Centre for Languages and Literature host an international workshop for junior scholars and PhD students working on second language acquisition in a study abroa

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/cost-action-workshop/ - 2025-03-11

Course start

Course start Course start Published 23 January 2014 The course Experimental Design (HTXN03) starts on February 5. Teacher is Richard Andersson. More information: www.humlab.lu.se/en/education/course-offerings/course/HTXN03/ Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=1871 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New P

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/course-start/ - 2025-03-11

Crafoord grant to Gullberg

Crafoord grant to Gullberg Crafoord grant to Gullberg Published 2 June 2015 Marianne Gullberg has been awarded a grant from the Crafoord Foundation for a project entitled Cohesion is heard and seen: A crosslinguistic study of gesture articulation in sustained discourse . The grant will fund postdoctoral researcher Emanuela Campisi, formerly at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, the Ne

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/crafoord-grant-to-gullberg/ - 2025-03-11

Crafoord Grant to Maria Graziano!

Crafoord Grant to Maria Graziano! Crafoord Grant to Maria Graziano! Published 30 May 2016 Embodied discourse: cross-linguistic and developmental perspectives on the expression of pragmatic meanings / Diskurs i tal och gest: Pragmatisk betydelse i tvärspråkligt och utvecklingsperspektiv Pragmatic meanings, such as the emphasis of relevant topics or the marking of transitions between information, ca

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/crafoord-grant-to-maria-graziano/ - 2025-03-11

Digital infrastructures for the humanities topic of panel talk at the 2022 ECHIC conference

Digital infrastructures for the humanities topic of panel talk at the 2022 ECHIC conference Digital infrastructures for the humanities topic of panel talk at the 2022 ECHIC conference Published 22 April 2022 Yesterday, the LU Humanities Lab Director Marianne Gullberg led a panel discussion on "Digital infrastructures for the Humanities", as part of the 2022 ECHIC conference. Diverse and engaging p

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/digital-infrastructures-for-the-humanities-topic-of-panel-talk-at-the-2022-echic-conference/ - 2025-03-11

Does language shape the land?

Does language shape the land? Does language shape the land? Published 27 February 2015 Mount Relay, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia / Researcher Niclas Burenhult Landscape influences human existence and experience and it is the spatial backdrop for language, cognition and culture. Dr Niclas Burenhult is working on the relationship between language and landscape in different areas of the planet. Inspired

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/does-language-shape-the-land/ - 2025-03-11

Dokumenterar utdöende språk

Dokumenterar utdöende språk Dokumenterar utdöende språk Published 11 February 2016 Niclas Burenhult är en av forsknings­ledarna i språk­resursprojektet. (Ur LUM, 4 februari, 2016:) Ungefär hälften av jordens 6000 språk kommer att dö ut inom hundra år. I Lund skapas nu ett fönster mot en svunnen tid – här kan man lyssna till språk som inte längre talas tack vare en särskild resurs för digital språk

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/dokumenterar-utdoeende-spraak/ - 2025-03-11

Lab project quick look: Measuring eye movements of choir singers in the digital classroom

Lab project quick look: Measuring eye movements of choir singers in the digital classroom Lab project quick look: Measuring eye movements of choir singers in the digital classroom Published 16 June 2022 How do choir singers read partiture? A partiture is a full musical score containing all parts in a musical composition on separate lines. In her doctoral thesis, Maria Timoshenko from the Swedish R

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/experiment-2/ - 2025-03-11

First Lund-Stellenbosch workshop on Unravelling the multilingual mind

First Lund-Stellenbosch workshop on Unravelling the multilingual mind First Lund-Stellenbosch workshop on Unravelling the multilingual mind Published 20 September 2017 Photo: Victoria Johansson The first Lund-Stellenbosch workshop on Unravelling the multilingual mind is in full swing, hosted jointly by the Humanities Lab and the Centre for Languages and Literature. Five participants from Stellenbo

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/first-lund-stellenbosch-workshop-on-unravelling-the-multilingual-mind/ - 2025-03-11

Funds for cooperation with the University of Nottingham

Funds for cooperation with the University of Nottingham Funds for cooperation with the University of Nottingham Published 20 December 2013 To further develop and deepen collaboration between Lund University and University of Nottingham within the global university network U21, funds will be given to particular keen and common projects. As one of four, the project: "Quantifying the contribution of

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/funds-for-cooperation-with-the-university-of-nottingham/ - 2025-03-11

Future week

Future week Future week Published 30 September 2020 Photo: Lars Gustafsson The lab will take part in the event “Future week" (Framtidsveckan) October 12-18! The lab will take part in “Future week" (Framtidsveckan) October 12-18 with three online events! A talk and quiz to see if you are a  future catwhisperer ,  a virtual tour of the lab,  and a  talk about communication about space.  The full pro

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/future-week/ - 2025-03-11

Giacomo Landeschi co-author of new textbook on archeology and 3D GIS

Giacomo Landeschi co-author of new textbook on archeology and 3D GIS Giacomo Landeschi co-author of new textbook on archeology and 3D GIS Published 8 March 2022 Humanities Lab's Giacomo Landeschi is the co-author of a recently published new textbook in the field of archeology and spatial analysis. "Archaeological 3D GIS  provides archaeologists with a guide to explore and understand the unpreceden

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/giacomo-landeschi-co-author-of-new-textbook-on-archeology-and-3d-gis/ - 2025-03-11

Grafic work in "Vetenskapens värld" done by lab members

Grafic work in "Vetenskapens värld" done by lab members Grafic work in "Vetenskapens värld" done by lab members Published 12 October 2016 Lab work featured on Swedish television Check out "Vetenskapens värld" on Swedish television, episode 8, 41 min in about Uppåkra, and grafic work by lab members Stefan Lindgren, Carolina Larsson and Henrik Garde. In the credits Nicolò Dell'Unto and Fredric Wirbr

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/grafic-work-in-vetenskapens-vaerld-done-by-lab-members/ - 2025-03-11

Grant from LU Innovation for spoken language identification

Grant from LU Innovation for spoken language identification Grant from LU Innovation for spoken language identification Published 1 May 2022 Grant from LU Innovation for spoken language identification   The lab has received a 'Verification for Collaboration' Grant from LU Innovation. The project is undertaken in collaboration with the Swedish Migration Agency, which faces an increasing need for di

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/grant-from-lu-innovation-for-spoken-language-identification/ - 2025-03-11

Henriette Arndt named one of the “111 young professionals who have achieved outstanding results and

Henriette Arndt named one of the “111 young professionals who have achieved outstanding results and a driving positive impact” by talent network Nova Henriette Arndt named one of the “111 young professionals who have achieved outstanding results and a driving positive impact” by talent network Nova Published 24 August 2022 Humanities Lab's  Henriette Arndt   has been named by the Nova Talent Agenc

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/henriette-arndt-named-one-of-the-111-young-professionals-who-have-achieved-outstanding-results-and-a-driving-positive-impact/ - 2025-03-11

Hosting the 29th Conference of the European Second Language Association, EuroSLA 29, August 28-31 20

Hosting the 29th Conference of the European Second Language Association, EuroSLA 29, August 28-31 2019 Hosting the 29th Conference of the European Second Language Association, EuroSLA 29, August 28-31 2019 Published 19 August 2019 How do we learn new languages? Is learning your mother tongue different from learning an additional language? Are some languages harder to learn than others? What role d

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/hosting-the-29th-conference-of-the-european-second-language-association-eurosla-29-august-28-31-2019/ - 2025-03-11

How humans and other animal species communicate across species boundaries

How humans and other animal species communicate across species boundaries How humans and other animal species communicate across species boundaries Published 28 October 2020 INTERCOM is a new Advanced Study Group at the Pufendorf Institute on Interspecific Communication. The group has members from a number of disciplines (including the Humanities Lab) and will study a number of research questions

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/how-humans-and-other-animal-species-communicate-across-species-boundaries/ - 2025-03-11

HT-dagarna 8–9 april 2022! Tema: Hopp och förtvivlan

HT-dagarna 8–9 april 2022! Tema: Hopp och förtvivlan HT-dagarna 8–9 april 2022! Tema: Hopp och förtvivlan Published 8 April 2022 Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna bjuder in till HT-dagarna. Under två dagar kan du ta del av öppna föreläsningar på temat Hopp och förtvivlan på LUX i Lund. Humanistlaboratoriet visar dessutom Eye tracking utrustning under fredags lunchtimma! Kom och hör några av

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/ht-dagarna-8-9-april-2022-tema-hopp-och-foertvivlan/ - 2025-03-11

Humlabb-forskning i brittisk press

Humlabb-forskning i brittisk press Humlabb-forskning i brittisk press Published 2 April 2015 Den forskning kring lukter som labbets Niclas Burenhult är involverad i har fått stor uppmärksamhet i brittiska medier i samband med en intervju av hans samarbetspartner Professor Asifa Majid i New Scientist den 30 mars 2015, i Daily Mail samma datum samt i The Guardian den 31 mars 2015: Share http://www.h

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/humlabb-forskning-i-brittisk-press/ - 2025-03-11