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Repairing Final-Over-Final Constraint Violations: Evidence from Basque verb clusters∗ Ricardo Etxepare (CNRS) Bill Haddican (CUNY-Queens College) April 5, 2013 1 Introduction • Focus: The Final-over-Final Constraint (FOFC), a generalization originally by Holmberg (2000) about the interaction between dominance relations and {head, complement} ordering cross-linguistically (Hawkins, 1983, 1995; Holm

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glow handout

glow handout Beata Moskal (http://homepages.uconn.edu/~bam09006) Limits on Noun-suppletion Generative Linguistics in the Old World 36 Lund, Sweden, April 2013 1/16 Limits on Noun-suppletion* Beata Moskal, University of Connecticut (beata.moskal@uconn.edu) 1 Introduction Suppletion: a single lexical item is associated with two phonologically unrelated forms, the choice of form depending on the morp

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Deriving the Functional Hierarchy Gillian Ramchand and Peter Svenonius CASTL, University of Tromsø GLOW 36, Lund University April 4, 2013 1 Introduction 1.1 The problem (1) The Minimalist Program strives to go beyond “explanatory ade- quacy” (an explanation of how language can be learned) to develop a plausible account for how human linguistic ability could have evolved (Chomsky 2005 inter alia).

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Handouts_and_Presentations/Ramchand_and_Svenonius.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Glow 36, at Lund: Workshop on Diachronic Workings in Phonological Patterns 1 Palatalisation and the Role of Morphological Bases Across the Italian Lexicon Sam Steddy, MIT, steddy@mit.edu ABSTRACT: I propose that a palatalisation rule in Italian misapplies because of Base-to-Derivative correspondence effects. In previous work I showed that the rule misapplies in verbal morphology because verbs stan

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Anti-reconstruction, anti-agreement and the dynamics of A-movement Gary Thoms University of Edinburgh GLOW 36, Lund April 3-5, 2013 1. Introduction • Empirical focus of this paper: A-reconstruction, i.e. reconstruction in A-chains, typically for scope. (1) An Austrian is likely to win the race. a. there is an Austrian that is likely to win the race: ∃> likely b. it is likely that an Austrian will

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1 Visser’s Generalization and the c-command condition on Control Jacek Witkoś (wjacek@amu.edu.pl) & Sylwiusz Żychliński (sylwiusz@amu.edu.pl) 1. Introduction The major focus of this presentation is Visser’s Generalization (Visser 1973), an observation that holds of very similar terminal strings in (1a-b), where the passive transformation is compatible with an Object Control predicate (cf. 2b) but

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Dinka and the architecture of long-distance extraction∗ Coppe van Urk (cvanurk@mit.edu) Norvin Richards (norvin@mit.edu) Massachusetts Institute of Technology GLOW 36, Lund University In the Nilotic language Dinka Nyarweng, both C and v have the EPP property: one XP must sit in their specifier (1) and (2): (1) CP XP C’ C TP . . . (2) vP XP v’ v VP . . . In this talk, we show that this system provi

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Version: 26 March 1 Colloquium Program: GLOW 36, Lund University Wednesday April 3 Venue: The main lecture hall 1 08:30-18:00 Registration open – Please register 09:00-09:15 Welcome and announcements 09:15-10:15 Eric Reuland and Anna Volkova (Utrecht) Reflexivity without reflexives 10:15-11:15 Anke Assmann, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein and Philipp Weisser (Leipzig) Possessor case in Udmurt: A local r

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Programfiler/Colloquium_Program.pdf - 2025-03-08

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GLOW 36, 2013, Lund University, Sweden http://konferens.ht.lu.se/glow-36/glow-home/ Version: 26 March Wednesday April 3 Venue: The main lecture hall 1 08:30-18:00 Registration open – Please register 09:00-09:15 Welcome and announcements 09:15-10:15 Eric Reuland and Anna Volkova (Utrecht) Reflexivity without reflexives 10:15-11:15 Anke Assmann, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein and Philipp Weisser (Leipzig

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Programfiler/GLOW_-_Wednesday_April_3_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Version: 26 March GLOW 36 Workshop III – Diachronic Workings in Phonological Patterns (Saturday 6 April, 2013) Venue: H435 1 Workshop Program 09:00-12:00 Registration open – Please register 09:45–10:30 Daniel Silverman (sjsu) On the evolution of heterophony: lexical semantic pressures on phonological alternations 10:30–10:45 Coffee/Tea Break 10:45–11:30 Sam Steddy (MIT) Palatalisation Across the I

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Programfiler/GLOW_36_Workshop_3_-_Diachronic_workings_in_phonological_patterns_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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A neoparametric approach to variation and change in English modals Elizabeth Cowper & Daniel Currie Hall Theoretical background How can syntactic structures vary from one language to another, or from one stage to another in the history of a single language? The strongest version of the cartographic approach to syntax says, in effect, that they cannot: “if some language provides evidence for […] a

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Bare quantifiers and the like: analyzing the internal structure of functional words Jacopo Garzonio (University of Venice) & Cecilia Poletto (University of Frankfurt) garzonio@unive.it poletto@em.uni-frankfurt.de 1. Wh-items are known to have a different distribution according to whether they are bare or they contain a lexical restrictor. To mention only some cases, Pesetsky (1987) already noted t

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Licensing of dative case in four Nordic languages Peter Svenonius, CASTL, University of Tromsø 1 Introduction. Scandinavian languages provide a rich basis for microcomparison in the distri- bution of the dative case. I discuss four examples and base the empirical observations in a licensing theory of dative case, integrated in a larger theory of abstract case. 2. Descriptive generalizations. 2.1 I

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Variation/Licensing_of_Dative_Case_in_Four_Nordic_Languages.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Restricting language change through micro-comparative analysis Jan Don a , Paula Fenger a & Olaf Koeneman b (a = University of Amsterdam, b = Radboud University Nijmegen) 1. Introduction Although the variation pertaining to subject verb agreement in dialects of Dutch is quite bewildering (cf. SAND atlas, Barbiers et al 2005), four exceptionless generalizations on paradigm structure can be formulat

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Same, different, other, and the historical microsyntax of the Degree Phrase Will Oxford, University of Toronto This presentation has two goals: first, to extend the coverage of microcomparative syntax to a neglected domain (DegP, the extended adjectival projection), and second, to consider the implications of the newly uncovered data for the theory of syntactic change in general. Much generative r

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Variation/_Same____different____other___and_the_historical_microsyntax_of_the_Degree_Phrase.pdf - 2025-03-08

Microsoft Word - heinat.docx

Microsoft Word - heinat.docx Superadditivity,  working  memory,  and  island  effects     Fredrik  Heinat1,  Eva  Klingvall2,  Damon  Tutunjian2,  Anna-­‐Lena  Wiklund2   Linnaeus  University1  &  Lund  University2   Relative   clause   extractions   generally   yield   so-­‐called   island   effects   (degraded   judgments)   across  languages  (Ross  1967),  (1).  However,  Swedish  and  the  ot

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_icmsl2016/heinat.pdf - 2025-03-08

Microsoft Word - workshop_program.docx

Microsoft Word - workshop_program.docx Island Constraints in the Mainland Scandinavian Languages Time: May 12-13, 2016 Location: Room H339, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University Workshop Programme Thursday, May 12 13.00 Workshop opening 13.05-14.05 Invited speaker: Björn Lundqvist (University of Tromsø) Default Expectations and Priming in the Processing of Complex Sentences in Engli

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[s. 34] LIHL-SPAJTSIN E’ dar min Lihl-Spajtsin, war allt ię bidröwlin tillstellning. An war iend påjkan i ien sturan krippuop i Spajk-gardem. At e’ nu war an so add uort anfektad åw nod uont wäsn, wa’ sästsilt klient fer e’ war ju påjker so uld tag ywyr gardn eter fuorälddrum, da’ dier wart uwgambler. Kullur fanns e’ fel so ed rack, og dier wa’ ju ba’ til fe’ ta fesyets fǫ brottdsiftader, um e’ nu

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_norms_2007/Kunudsin_kumb_34-45.pdf - 2025-03-08

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1 ÖVDALIAN – A BRIEF BACKGROUND 1. Research history and standardization Övdalian is spoken in the northern parts of Dalecarlia, in the parish of Älvdalen (Övdaln), by about 3000 speakers (the parish has 5200 inhabitants, roughly, but estimates of the number of speakers vary; see http://www.alvdalen.se/alvdalska2005.htm). There are 21 villages in the parish, with minor dialectal differences, mainly

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Henrik Rosenkvist, NORMS workshop i Älvdalen 29/5 - 1/6 2007 1 - meningen stämmer inte alls med gängse språkbruk (så säger man aldrig). 5 - meningen stämmer helt med gängse språkbruk (så brukar man säga). 12. Ukk åvå kumið nų? Åvå kumið nų Lasse og Maja. 60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 1 2 3 4 5 49. 11. Avum sakt wįð mier i grytųn. 10. Ig kennes wið ien övkall so ir sakt an uvendes

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_norms_2007/enkatmall.doc - 2025-03-08