Sound, mind and emotion - research and aspects
Sound, mind and emotion - research and aspects | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Sound, mind and emotion - research and aspects | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Child language in Diaspora | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Muntligt och skriftligt i Sverige och svenskan | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
The archaeology of the cultural landscape | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on "Apostemes" | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
James Harrington's Oceana / edited with notes | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Konstruktionen av det heliga. Altarna i det medeltida Lunds stift | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Med livet som insats | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Accountability and the making of knowledge statements | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Accounts of Northern Barbarians in Tacitus' Annales | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Jesus the True Leader | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
The full voic'd quire below | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Reasons, Blame, and Collective Harms | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
A 3D Digital Approach to the Stylistic and Typo-Technological Study of Small Figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
NGOs as child rights implementers in India | The joint faculties of humanities and theology - 2025-03-14
Disputationer | Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna - 2025-03-14
Syllabus for the Master’s programme in Asian Studies (advanced level), 120 credits Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies Kurslitteratur för CÖSM32, Asienstudier: Asiens roll i den globala ekonomin, 7,5 högskolepoäng Asian Studies: Asia’s role in the global economy, 7,5 credits Avancerad nivå / Second Cycle The literature amounts to 721 pages. An additional 200 pages will be selected by the - 2025-03-14
VT 2025 HIS A35 Historia: Fortsättningskurs 30 högskolepoäng Reviderad maj 2024 Delkurs 1 Tematisk fördjupningskurs (7,5 högskolepoäng) Se separata litteraturlistor. Delkurs 2 Akademiskt skrivande (7,5 högskolepoäng) Obligatorisk kurslitteratur Betygskriterier i tabellform, Historia 1b, [Elektronisk resurs], Skolverket, Stockholm, 2011 - 2025-03-14
Namnlös Sida 1 av 3 LITTERATURLISTA Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, avdelningen för idé och lärdomshistoria Kurslitteratur för (ILHA26) Svensk idé- och lärdomshistoria, 10,5 hp, VT 2025 Litteraturen söks i LUBcat och/eller LUBsearch om inget annat anges. Obligatorisk kurslitteratur: Dunér, David (2022), Svensk idéhistoria. Forntid, medeltid, renässans. Lund: Historiska Media, s. 9–505 (497 s. - 2025-03-14
Kurslitteratur för RET N04, Rhetoric and knowledge, 7,5 hp, ht 2019 Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen, Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, den 10 juni 2013. Bazerman, Charles (1997). "Reporting the Experiment: The Changing Account of Scientific Doings in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1665-1800." In Landmark Essays on Rhetoric of Science: Case Studies. Ed. Randy All - 2025-03-14