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ISAPh2022_program_2022-08-29 The 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2022) Program (last update: 2022-08-29) Organization: Lund University Organizing committee: Shinichiro Ishihara, Nick Kalivoda, Sara Myrberg, Mikael Roll, Frida Splendido, Mechtild Tronnier, Elisabeth Zetterholm DAY 1: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Registration 8:00 Opening ceremony 9:00 Keynote lecture 1 MAJO

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/isaph2022/ISAPh2022_program_2022-08-29.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - front_Book_of_Abstracts.docx

Microsoft Word - front_Book_of_Abstracts.docx Book of Abstracts 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2022) September 14-16 2022 Lund University, Sweden Sponsored by:  Riksbankens Jubileumsfond  Stiftelsen Elisabeth Rausings Minnesfond  Letterstedtska Föreningen  Birgit Rausing Language Programme All rights reserved@ isaph4 2 Index Invited speakers Oral sessions Session Page

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/isaph2022/ISAPh_2022_Book_of_Abstracts.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Creating pronunciation training content for your language of interest – A hands-on workshop Jaques Koreman Department of Language and Literature, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) WHY? A foreign accent can lead to lower intelligibility or comprehensibility (Munro & Derwing, 1995). This can have negative consequences in communication (Lev-Ari & Keysar, 2010). Nevertheless, pronu

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/isaph2022/Koreman_abstract.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Speaker’s comfort or listening effort? – On the interaction of the speaker, the classroom’s sound environment and the students’ learning Viveka Lyberg Åhlander Speech Langue Pathology, Åbo Academy Research, as well as experience, tell us that it is harder to concentrate and learn in a noisy environment. It is also known since long that the teaching occupation is voice demanding and that many consi

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/isaph2022/Lyberg_A__hlander_abstract.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Computational tools for studying speech prosody Yi Xu Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences, University College London, UK This workshop will introduce a set of computational tools for studying speech prosody. ProsodyPro and FormantPro are Praat scripts for systematic analysis of large amount of speech data, and they generate detailed pitch, duration, intensity, formant and voice qua

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/isaph2022/Xu_abstract.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - YuliaGradskovabio.doc

Microsoft Word - YuliaGradskovabio.doc Yulia Gradskova graduated from the History department of the Moscow state university and worked as a researcher of gender problems at Moscow state university in the period1997- 2002. Currently she is a PhD student in History at the Södertorn University College (Sweden), completing her thesis dealing with practices of maternity and beauty in Soviet Russia, 193

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/poeticsofmemory/documents/Gradskova_bio.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - SchoenhalsBiosketch.doc

Microsoft Word - SchoenhalsBiosketch.doc Michael Schoenhals is senior lecturer with a focus on China’s modern society at the Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University. He has published extensively on the social and political history of the People’s Republic of China, most recently (2006) a history of the Cultural Revolution entitled Mao’s Last Revolution (co-authored by Roderick MacFarq

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/poeticsofmemory/documents/Schoenhals_bio.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Abstractsamling SSH16 Lund 11–12 november 2021 Plenarföredrag Svenska språkets historia 16, Lund Charlotta af Hällström-Reijonen Institutet för de inhemska språken Finska och ryska inslag i svenskan i Finland Ända sedan 1100-talet har man talat både svenska och finska i det som i dag är Finland. Svenskan och finskan har alltså levt sida vid sida under många århundraden och påverkan har skett i bäg

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/ssh16/SSH16_Abstractsamling_2021-10-19.pdf - 2025-02-24

Programm TiK 20220407 rev

Programm TiK 20220407 rev 13.15 Begrüßung (H104:Hörsalen) Fr. 24.04 Didaktik (H135b) Sprachwissenschaft Literaturwissenschaft (H104: Hörsalen) 13:30- 14:00 Angela Marx Åberg, Linné: Zusammen lesen. Die Funktion der Gruppe als unterstützendes Element beim literarischen Lesen in einer Fremdsprache Poster-Ausstellung im Foyer vor dem Hörsaal Vorträge (H135a): Bärbel Westphal, Linné: Deutschsprachige

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/textimkontext/PDF/Programm_TiK_20220407_rev.pdf - 2025-02-24

I’m pleased and honoured to be asked to present the first talk

I’m pleased and honoured to be asked to present the first talk Alignment of tonal targets: 30 years on Bob Ladd University of Edinburgh Text of a talk presented in Lund on 10 January 2007, at a symposium in Honour of Gösta Bruce’s 60th birthday. References are missing and some details of the works discussed are presented more informally than would be appropriate in print. Please keep this in mind

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/waatisp/pdf/ladd_lundbruce60publicfina.pdf - 2025-02-24

Professur i Talteknologi med speciell inriktning på svenska språket

Professur i Talteknologi med speciell inriktning på svenska språket Multi-modal expression of Swedish prominence Björn Granström Centre for Speech Technology, Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden T T Centrum för talteknologi Historical background Prosody for speech synthesis at KTH, together with Rolf Carlson The Lund intonation model – Gösta Bruce et al. Several joint p

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/waatisp/presentations/granstroem.ppt - 2025-02-24

Segments and syllables

Segments and syllables The tones of Yucatec Maya Carlos Gussenhoven Radboud University Nijmegen Fonología instrumental: Patrones fónicos y variación El Colegio de México 12 baktun 19  katun 13 tun 13 uinal 9 kin - 12 baktun 19  katun 13 tun 13 uinal 13 kin 23 - 27 October 2006 Word Accents and Tones in Sentence Perspective A symposium in conjunction with the 60th birthday of Professor Gösta Bruce

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/waatisp/presentations/gussenhoven/yucatectonesmejico.ppt - 2025-02-24

Alignment of tonal targets: 30 years on

Alignment of tonal targets: 30 years on Alignment of tonal targets: 30 years on Bob Ladd University of Edinburgh Bruce, Gösta (1977). Swedish Word Accents in Sentence Perspective. (Lund). Ladd, D. Robert (1978, published 1980). The Structure of Intonational Meaning: Evidence from English. (Cornell). Pierrehumbert, Janet (1980). The Phonology and Phonetics of English Intonation. (MIT). Gösta or Bob

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/waatisp/presentations/ladd/ladd_lundbruce60fixed.ppt - 2025-02-24

Lexical and post-lexical in Scandinavian tonogenesis

Lexical and post-lexical in Scandinavian tonogenesis Word Accents and Tones in Sentence Perspective. A symposium to celebrate Professor Gösta Bruce’s 60th birthday. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University, January 10, 2007. Postlexical accent 2 in Scandinavian (Lexical and postlexical in Scandinavian tonogenesis) Tomas Riad, Stockholm University 1. Background (1) Theories about Sc

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/waatisp/presentations/riad.pdf - 2025-02-24

Sentence-Level Effects on Alaskan Athabaskan Tone

Sentence-Level Effects on Alaskan Athabaskan Tone Sentence-Level Effects on Alaskan Athabaskan Tone Siri G. Tuttle, University of Alaska Symposium in Honor of Gösta Bruce University of Lund, Sweden January 2007 Athabaskan Languages The Athabaskan family is the largest indigenous language family in North America. It includes languages spoken in Alaska, western Canada, on the Oregon and California c

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/waatisp/presentations/tuttle/sentence-level-effects-on.ppt - 2025-02-24

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SLING 2023 2nd Swedish Linguistics meeting June 12-13th, 2023 Lund University 2 Table of Content Maps and orientation ....................................................................................................................... 3 Map of Lund ....................................................................................................................................................

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/konferens/sling2023/SLING2023_Programme_and_Abstracts_v2.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - 21%20February.docx

Microsoft Word - 21%20February.docx Av: Sanchari De Internationella modersmålsdagen 21 februari Den började på den 21 february, 1952 i Östra Pakistan! Studenter i Östra Pakistan protesterade för att försätta använda modersmål bengali som nationellt språk i Östra Pakistan Tillsammans med Urdu. Polisen sköt tårgas och sedan sköt möt studenterna. Abdul Jabbar, Abdus Salam, Rafiq Uddin Ahmed, Abdul Ba

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/aemnen/sektion3/21_20February.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Modersmålsdidaktiska utmaningar - exemplet nationella minoritetsspråk i Sverige Jarmo Lainio Stockholms universitet   Modersmålslärares vardagar är fyllda med både praktiska och formella utmaningar, varav en del har mer politisk än pedagogisk grund. Lainio diskuterar en del av de ideologiska grunderna för och de praktiska effekterna av regleringar inom modersmålsundervisningen. Han tar också upp v

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/aemnen/sektion3/JarmoLainio21Februari.docx - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - Skutnabb_Kangas_abstract_21Feb.docx

Microsoft Word - Skutnabb_Kangas_abstract_21Feb.docx Linguistic Human Rights (LHRs) do they exist?/ Språkliga mänskliga rättigheter – finns de? Fil.dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, 21 februari 2020. www.Tove-Skutnabb-Kangas.org Nu har Sverige börjat be om ursäkt för det som Sverige har gjort åt samerna. Vad med invandrarna? Och gör man i dag om samma misstag med asylsökare och deras barn? All allvarlig i

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/aemnen/sektion3/Skutnabb_Kangas_abstract_21Feb.pdf - 2025-02-24


BanretiPoster.ppt 1 RESTRICTED DISCRIMINATION BETWEEN LOCAL ECONOMY AND GLOBAL ECONOMY IN AGRAMMATIC APHASIA Zoltán BÁNRÉTI Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary banreti@nytud.hu The problem : binding principles in aphasia 1. The economy constraints of the grammar is somehow restricted in the performance of agrammatic aphasic subjects ( Vasi_-Av

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_BrainTalk/Banreti.pdf - 2025-02-24