

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Come by with your text! (drop-in)

Come by with your text! (drop-in) | HT-biblioteken 27 mar Come by with your text! (drop-in) 27 mars 2025 15:00 till 16:00 Workshop Photo: Eileen Pan. Are you writing a thesis or an essay or something else? Are you unsure of how to quote that chapter or refer to that YouTube video, or what a Works Cited list is supposed to look like? Do you want some tips on how to make your text more academic? Do

https://www.htbibl.lu.se/om-oss/kalendarium/evenemang/come-your-text-drop-8/ - 2025-03-17

Publish Your Essay in LUP Student Papers (Drop-in)

Publish Your Essay in LUP Student Papers (Drop-in) | HT-biblioteken 22 maj Publish Your Essay in LUP Student Papers (Drop-in) 22 maj 2025 10:00 till 12:00 Seminarium Have you finished your essay and would like to make it openly available for others to read? Do you need help publishing it in LUP Student Papers? Come and ask a librarian during our open LUP Student Paper labs! Thursday 22 May 2025 10

https://www.htbibl.lu.se/om-oss/kalendarium/evenemang/publish-your-essay-lup-student-papers-drop-5/ - 2025-03-17

E-science grant to the Lab on Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way

E-science grant to the Lab on Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way E-science grant to the Lab on Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way Published 18 December 2017 Christmas came early this year with a grant to the Lab for a three-year project called "Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way - A Virtual Reality framework for interactive exploration of complex 3D data", coordinated by Stefa

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/e-science-grant-to-the-lab-on-visualising-the-assembly-of-the-milky-way/ - 2025-03-17

Humlab in space

Humlab in space Humlab in space Published 7 December 2017 The Humanities Lab is active in the project DATA, a research theme at the Pufendorf Institute, where among other things a 3D model and VR-technique are being developed to create an interactive model of the Milky Way. (Among others the lab members Henrik Garde, systems developer, and Diederick C. Niehorster, researcher, appear in the footage

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/humlab-in-space/ - 2025-03-17

New book: Capturing the Senses

New book: Capturing the Senses New book: Capturing the Senses Published 13 June 2023 Lab member Giacomo Landeschi co-edited a new open access book: "Capturing the Senses: Digital Methods for Sensory Archaeologies"! The book:   Highlights technological improvements on understanding of the past through sensory engagement;   explains new perspectives on how ancient spaces were intended to be used and

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/new-book-capturing-the-senses/ - 2025-03-17

New paper on code-switching!

New paper on code-switching! New paper on code-switching! Published 13 February 2023 Code-switching, or the use of two languages within a single coherent utterance, is a hallmark of bilingual language use. It also sheds light on the workings of the bilingual language system, providing an indication of how bilinguals manage the integration and separation of their two languages. Code-switching is ge

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/new-paper-on-code-switching/ - 2025-03-17

New publication about keystroke logging and eyetracking in combination!

New publication about keystroke logging and eyetracking in combination! New publication about keystroke logging and eyetracking in combination! Published 22 March 2023 AI generated image Capturing writers’ typing while visually attending the emerging text: a methodological approach Knowledge about writers’ eye movements and their effects on the writing process, and its product – the finally edited

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/new-publication-about-keystroke-logging-and-eyetracking-in-combination/ - 2025-03-17

Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch

Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch Published 18 December 2017 The second workshop of the project "Unravelling the multilingual mind" (funded by STINT/NRF) took place last week in beautiful Stellenbosch, South Africa. Marianne Gullberg, Stefan Lindgren, Victoria Johansson and Peer Christensen attend

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/second-workshop-unravelling-the-multilingual-mind-in-stellenbosch/ - 2025-03-17

The Annual Report 2021-2022 has arrived!

The Annual Report 2021-2022 has arrived! The Annual Report 2021-2022 has arrived! Published 12 June 2023 All about exiting user projects, technology and method development during the last two years! The Annual Report 2021-2022 is packed with information about what's been going on during the last two years: we have new technology, new national infrastructures, really cool user projects and exciting

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-annual-report-2021-2022-has-arrived/ - 2025-03-17

Three-year research grant to investigate the second language acquisition of sign language

Three-year research grant to investigate the second language acquisition of sign language Three-year research grant to investigate the second language acquisition of sign language Published 7 December 2018 Three-year research grant to investigate the second language acquisition of sign language Marshall (University College London), Janke (University of Kent) and Gullberg have been awarded funding

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/three-year-research-grant-to-investigate-the-second-language-acquisition-of-sign-language/ - 2025-03-17

Unknown language discovered in Southeast Asia

Unknown language discovered in Southeast Asia Unknown language discovered in Southeast Asia Published 6 February 2018 A previously unknown language has been found in the Malay Peninsula by linguists from Lund University in Sweden. The language has been given the name Jedek. “Jedek is not a language spoken by an unknown tribe in the jungle, as you would perhaps imagine, but in a village previously

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/unknown-language-discovered-in-southeast-asia/ - 2025-03-17

Behavioral science labs: How to solve the multi-user problem.

Behavioral science labs: How to solve the multi-user problem. Behavioral science labs: How to solve the multi-user problem. Publicerad den 13 augusti 2024 New publication out by lab members D. Niehorster, M. Gullberg and M. Nyström on how to deal with issues such as experimental integrity, replicability, and data safety when lab resources are shared among multiple research projects. When lab resou

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/behavioral-science-labs-how-to-solve-the-multi-user-problem/ - 2025-03-17


Juni-hälsningar! Juni-hälsningar! Publicerad den 20 juni 2024 Sommartider närmar sig (eller är redan här) och labbet har det varit en intensiv vår som toppades med många prominenta besök i juni måndag! Vi har haft så många spännande frågor och diskussioner med alla och känner och stolta och glada över att ha en så fantastisk verksamhet att visa upp och låta andra ta del av. Några axplock av junis

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/june-visits-and-summer-greetings/ - 2025-03-17

Medel från Lunds universitet för uppgradering av motion capture-systemet!

Medel från Lunds universitet för uppgradering av motion capture-systemet! Medel från Lunds universitet för uppgradering av motion capture-systemet! Publicerad den 5 december 2023 Humanistlaboratoriet har tilldelats medel från en universitetsgemensamma forskningsnämnden; arbetsgruppen för forskningsinfrastruktur (AGFI) för uppgradering av motion capture utrustningen. Vi är oerhört tacksamma för uni

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/new-funds-from-lund-university-for-upgrade-of-the-motion-capture-system/ - 2025-03-17

Nyhetsbrev för hösten 2024 är nu ute!

Nyhetsbrev för hösten 2024 är nu ute! Nyhetsbrev för hösten 2024 är nu ute! Publicerad den 27 september 2024 Ett nyhetsbrev (på engelska) är nu ute, med massor av matnyttig information för hösten 2024! Läs nyhetsbrevet på engelska Dela http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=4534 Senaste nyheter 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/newsletter-for-fall-2024-is-out/ - 2025-03-17

Postdokmedel från LMK-stiftelsen till LAMiNATE

Postdokmedel från LMK-stiftelsen till LAMiNATE Postdokmedel från LMK-stiftelsen till LAMiNATE Publicerad den 15 april 2024 Marianne Gullberg, Jonas Granfeldt och Alastair Henry, SOL, har tilldelats ett anslag från LMK-stiftelsen till en tvåårig postdoktjänst inom ramen för forskningsplattformen Language Acquisition, Multilingualism and Teaching (LAMiNATE), som leds av Marianne Gullberg och Jonas G

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/postdoctoral-funding-from-the-lmk-foundation-to-laminate/ - 2025-03-17