

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Sverige och Danmark i gemensam kamp mot autoimmun (typ 1) diabetes

Publicerad 19 december 2019 Ett nytt stort projekt, DiaUnion, ska samla den främsta svenska och danska kompetensen inom klinisk forskning och behandling av autoimmun diabetes och celiaki.Satsningen ska ge ett tätt forskningssamarbete och utöka samarbetet avseende behandling och prevention.Projektet startar i januari 2020 och pågår till augusti 2022. Finansiärer är EU, Region Skåne, Region Hovedsta

https://www.teddy.lu.se/artikel/sverige-och-danmark-i-gemensam-kamp-mot-autoimmun-typ-1-diabetes - 2025-03-11

Nya forskningsresultat från TEDDY!

Publicerad 27 februari 2020 De senaste publicerade forskningsresultaten från TEDDY-studien är nu sammanfattade på svenska. Har C-vitamin i blodet betydelse för risken att TEDDY barn får ö-cellsautoantikropp och sedan diabetes? Samband mellan amning och infektioner. Har kosten betydelse för risken att TEDDY barn får en första ö-cellsautoantikropp?Alla TEDDY-studiens resultat samlas under fliken ”Re

https://www.teddy.lu.se/artikel/nya-forskningsresultat-fran-teddy - 2025-03-11

Varmt välkomna på informationskväll!

Publicerad 6 mars 2020 OBS! Kvällen är uppskjuten till ett senare tillfälle i höst på grund av för få anmälda. Vi återkommer med nytt datum. Kvällen består av föreläsningar från våra forskningsläkare Helena Elding Larsson (Varför får man diabetes och kan vi förhindra det?) och Daniel Agardh (Hur upptäcks celiaki hos barn?) samt gästföreläsarna Elin Cederbrant och Smilla Luuk som berättar hur det ä

https://www.teddy.lu.se/artikel/varmt-valkomna-pa-informationskvall - 2025-03-11

Information om hur coronaviruset covid-19 påverkar TEDDY-mottagningarna

Publicerad 11 december 2020 Copyright: Scientific American För oss på TEDDY är säkerhet och trygghet alltid viktigt. Vi följer Folkhälsomyndighetens, Region Skånes och Lunds universitets riktlinjer.Vi håller oss ständigt uppdaterade och anpassar verksamheten utifrån de riktlinjer som finns.Det som gäller för närvarande är att TEDDY-studien fortsätter sin verksamhet som vanligt, förutom:Personalen

https://www.teddy.lu.se/artikel/information-om-hur-coronaviruset-covid-19-paverkar-teddy-mottagningarna - 2025-03-11

New treatment for aggressive breast cancer

Published 15 September 2020 Approximately 10–15 per cent of breast cancer cases do not respond to treatment with hormone therapy, which means that they are more aggressive and often recur. An international research team led by researchers at Lund University in Sweden has uncovered a way to treat these aggressive tumours through manipulation of the connective tissue cells of the tumour. The researc

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/new-treatment-aggressive-breast-cancer - 2025-03-11

PI Emma Hammarlund receives ERC grant

Published 4 September 2020 Six LU researchers receive ERC Starting Grants Colourful common wall lizards, an innovative X-ray microscope and advanced research on Alzheimer’s, leukaemia, photographic evidence and the origin of life. Six researchers from Lund University in Sweden have been granted five-year starting grants totalling EUR 9.5 million from the ERC.  Follow this link for full article.Fol

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/pi-emma-hammarlund-receives-erc-grant - 2025-03-11

Promising treatment for aggressive childhood cancer

Published 6 October 2020 Karin Hansson and Daniel Bexell. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter A drug has shown great promise in the treatment of neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of childhood cancer. The study was led by researchers at Lund University in Sweden, and is published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Every year, about 800 children in the US are diagnosed with neuroblastoma, an aggressiv

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/promising-treatment-aggressive-childhood-cancer - 2025-03-11

Oxygen-sensing mechanisms across eukaryotic kingdoms and their roles in complex multicellularity

Published 16 November 2020 Emma Hammarlund and Sofie Mohlin at TCR, together with two colleagues from Oxford University, have reviewed how oxygen-sensing mechanisms across eukaryotic kingdoms are alike. From a functional perspective, these systems are active at low oxygen and degraded at high, although their scope varies.    2020-11-16_hammarlund_et_al_2020.pdf .

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/oxygen-sensing-mechanisms-across-eukaryotic-kingdoms-and-their-roles-complex-multicellularity - 2025-03-11

PI:s at TCR receive Cancerfonden grants

Published 18 November 2020  Big congratulations to PI:s Daniel Bexell Novel treatment for high-risk neuroblastoma, Christer Larsson Mechanisms determining breast cancer cell fate upon death receptor stimulation - apoptosis or a change in phenotype, Ramin Massoumi Targeted therapy against metastatic melanoma and Sofie Mohlin An Embryonic Model in the Search for Childhood Cancer Initiation on receiv

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/pis-tcr-receive-cancerfonden-grants - 2025-03-11

Coming up: LUCC Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology seminar

By ramin [dot] massoumi [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Ramin Massoumi) - published 28 January 2021 SAVE THE DATE for this upcoming event. Dear all, We hope you are all keeping yourselves safe and healthy through this challenging time.We would like to cordially invite you to a digital imaging meeting including short presentations and discussions about existing imaging facilities and the need for devel

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/coming-lucc-imaging-nuclear-medicineradiology-seminar - 2025-03-11

PI:s at TCR receive Cancerfonden grants

Published 15 November 2021 Cancerfonden logo Big congratulations to PI:s Håkan Axelson Transformation of renal epithelial cells: the nephron and renal cell carcinoma, Anders Bjartell Integration of Biomarkers in Clinical Models for Improved Outcome Prediction and New Therapies in Prostate Cancer, Emma Hammarlund Utilizing the isotopic elemental fingerprint of cancer to understand tumorgenesis and

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/pis-tcr-receive-cancerfonden-grants-0 - 2025-03-11

New Cancerfonden grants

Published 25 March 2022 Big congratulations to: Alexander Pietras, The irradiated brain tumor microenvironment: Biology and therapeutic tagets, on receiving Senior Investigator Award, and to Paulina Bolivar, in Kristian Pietras group, Integrative single-cell and spatial analyses to reveal micriniche organization in the tumor microenvironment of triple negative breast cancer, on receiving Postdoc g

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/new-cancerfonden-grants - 2025-03-11

Millions in funding for PI Daniel Bexell

Published 16 December 2019 PI Daniel Bexell has been awarded millions in funding from Åke Wibergs foundation that goes to young PIs in medical research. One of the aims is to find out why some tumors develop resistance to today’s treatment but also to find new treatment strategies. Every year around 20 children in Sweden are diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, most before even turning 5 years of age. It

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/millions-funding-pi-daniel-bexell - 2025-03-11

The PDGF pathway in breast cancer is linked to tumour aggressiveness, triple-negative subtype and early recurrence

Published 1 June 2018 The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) signalling pathway is often dysregulated in cancer and PDGF-receptor expression has been linked to unfavourable prognostic factors in breast cancer (e.g. ER negativity, high Ki67 and high grade). This study aimed to evaluate the expression of PDGFRα, PDGFRβ and ligand PDGF-CC in breast cancer in relation to molecular subtypes and prog

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/pdgf-pathway-breast-cancer-linked-tumour-aggressiveness-triple-negative-subtype-and-early-recurrence - 2025-03-11

Researchers from TCR receive Barncancerfonden grants

By johanna [dot] verngren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Verngren) - published 18 January 2023 Big congratulations to  Kazi Uddins group on receiving Barncancerfonden grant for "Utveckling av riktade kombinationsterapi och nya verktyg för att förutspå terapi-resistens" and to Alexander Pietras group on receiving Barncancerfonden grant for "Syrebristberoende måltavlor i barngliom och ponsgliom

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/researchers-tcr-receive-barncancerfonden-grants - 2025-03-11

Researchers from TCR receive Swedish Research Council grants

By johanna [dot] verngren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Verngren) - published 29 November 2023 Big congratulations on receiving grants from Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR):Daniel Bexell, Mekanismer och nya behandlingsstrategier mot resistent neuroblastom, and to...Anders Bjartell, Målriktade behandlingar och biomarkörer vid avancerad prostatacancer, and to...Kristian Pietras,

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/researchers-tcr-receive-swedish-research-council-grants - 2025-03-11

Researchers from TCR receive Cancerfonden grants

By johanna [dot] verngren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Verngren) - published 30 November 2023 Big congratulations on receiving Cancerfonden grants:Daniel Bexell, Decoding and Targeting Treatment-Resistant Metastatic Neuroblastoma, an to...Christer Larsson, Induction and consequences of interferon expression in breast cancer cells, and to...Ramin Massoumi, Novel preclinical models for treatm

https://www.tcr.lu.se/article/researchers-tcr-receive-cancerfonden-grants - 2025-03-11