

Din sökning på "*" gav 535069 sökträffar

Demonstrations in Advanced Fluorescence

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 1 October 2015 MicroscopyLund University Bioimaging Center would like to invite you to an open house demonstration for our optical microscopy platform available at the LBIC on 14-15 October 2015.  The LBIC is an open source facility available to anyone interested in using the optical microscopes. Read more

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/demonstrations-advanced-fluorescence - 2025-03-11

BergmanLabora Advanced Light Microscopy Symposium

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 1 June 2015 BergmanLabora together with Lund University arranges an Advanced Light Microscopy Symposium at Lund University on June 15. The focus for the day will be advanced microscopy techniques. Program, how to register and more information available here: BergmanLabora

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/bergmanlabora-advanced-light-microscopy-symposium - 2025-03-11

7T in Lund inaugurated

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 31 May 2015 On Tuesday May 19th the National 7T Facility was inaugurated. Torbjörn von Schantz, Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, gave an inauguration speech. Invited speakers Prof. Peter Luijten and Prof. Mark van Buchem, both from The Netherlands, gave talks on the evolution of MRI scanners and the clinical p

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/7t-lund-inaugurated - 2025-03-11

EU funding to Redoxis - LBIC collaborator in the project

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 30 March 2015 Redoxis AB in Lund has, together with the UK based company Image Analysis Ltd, received Eurostars funding of € 0.6 millions over two years. The project will be performed in collaboration with LBIC and aims to provide imaging service to the pharmaceutical industry for evaluation of drugs in preclinic

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/eu-funding-redoxis-lbic-collaborator-project - 2025-03-11

Inlyft av Supermagnetkameran vid SUS i Lund

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 15 November 2014 Sverige får innan årsskiftet sin första ”supermagnetkamera”. Den 3 december levereras kamerans magnet på 7 tesla, 7T, till LBIC, Lunds universitets Biomaging Center och Skånes universitetssjukhus. Idag har de mest kraftfulla MR-kamerorna i Sverige, som används på människa, ett magnetfält på tre t

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/inlyft-av-supermagnetkameran-vid-sus-i-lund - 2025-03-11

New optical imaging platform at LBIC - available to all researchers

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 15 October 2014 Lund University Bioimaging Center (LBIC) is pleased to announce the opening of its new optical imaging platform, which hosts an advanced confocal microscope and a second super-resolution microscope utilising the STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscope (STORM) technology.  A third microscope d

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/new-optical-imaging-platform-lbic-available-all-researchers - 2025-03-11

PhD Student Course - Preclinical Imaging

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 2 April 2014 Interested in Using Molecular Imaging for Biomedical Applications? Attend the graduate course “Preclinical Imaging” (3 + 3 ECTS), Fall 2014 at Lund University Bioimaging Center, LBIC, Lund. Learn the fundamentals of imaging modalities within MRI, PET/SPECT/CT and TEM/SEM. Get the opportunity to enhan

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/phd-student-course-preclinical-imaging - 2025-03-11

LBIC Information Day 2013

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 21 August 2013 To celebrate the LBIC 5-year event and also to inform you about present and future LBIC achievements, you are cordially invited to our LBIC INFORMATION DAY on October 9, starting at 13:00. This will take place in the Belfrage Lecture Hall, BMC  D15, Lund.

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/lbic-information-day-2013 - 2025-03-11

LBIC unikt bildmedicinskt center

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 24 May 2012 Nu finns första utgåvan av nättidningen Curie, som lanseras av Vetenskapsrådet, tillgänglig. I Curie finner du bland annat en artikel om LBIC och det nationella center för bildmedicin som LBIC kommer att utgöra, i och med den nyligen avslutade upphandlingen av en magnetkamera på 7T. Läs hela artikeln

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/lbic-unikt-bildmedicinskt-center - 2025-03-11

LBIC Information Day

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 4 April 2012 2012-04-04 On Tuesday May 15 LBIC arranges an information day where some of the users present their experiences from the work with the different techniques. You will have the opportunity to meet the LBIC staff and maybe discuss your ideas. The program for LBIC Information Day

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/lbic-information-day - 2025-03-11

Ny avancerad magnetkamera till Lund

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 27 February 2012 I dagarna har kontrakt tecknats på en magnetresonansutrustning som blir den enda i sitt slag i Sverige. Med denna kraftfulla magnetkamera på sju tesla, 7 T, kommer forskarna att kunna studera exempelvis hjärnan och dess sjukdomar med mycket hög upplösning. Kameran är det senaste tillskottet till

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/ny-avancerad-magnetkamera-till-lund - 2025-03-11

Läkaren och forskaren Daniel Bexell har erhållit anslag från Barncancerfonden

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 16 February 2012 2012-02-16  Anslaget ger Bexell möjlighet att under två år fördjupa sin forskning kring barncancer. Forskningen fokuserar på neuroblastom, vilken är en av de vanligaste cancerformerna bland barn. Forskningen sker i samarbete med Lund University Bioimaging Center. Pressmeddelandet från Lunds unive

https://www.lbic.lu.se/article/lakaren-och-forskaren-daniel-bexell-har-erhallit-anslag-fran-barncancerfonden - 2025-03-11

Markel Martinez

By kajsa_m [dot] paulsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Kajsa Paulsson) - published 18 December 2019 Markel has worked in the field of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) during his PhD in Pål Stenmark's team, using X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM to solve the structure of several proteins related to the botulinum neurotoxins. His main cryo-EM project consisted in structural work on the 300 kDa complex

https://www.microscopy.lu.se/article/markel-martinez - 2025-03-11

Lotta Happonen short biography

Published 18 December 2019 I work as a researcher at the Faculty of Medicine studying protein-protein complexes arising at the host-pathogen interface, with the aim of understanding how pathogens evade the human immune defence. The main methods we are using are quantitative and structural mass spectrometry (cross-linking and hydrogen-deuterium exchange) in combination with single-particle cryo-EM.

https://www.microscopy.lu.se/article/lotta-happonen-short-biography - 2025-03-11