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C. Michael Hall receives honorary doctorate

Published 17 December 2015 Professor C. Michael Hall from the University of Canterbury, New Zeeland has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University. He has made significant contributions in research and education at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies. “We are very pleased and happy that the Faculty of Social Sciences has given C.

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/c-michael-hall-receives-honorary-doctorate - 2025-03-15


Published 30 March 2016 Last year the project was held in Pärnu where the local news picked up the story. The project “Nordic-Baltic Tourism Research Studies/ NORBATOUR” connects the competences of four universities - in Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Denmark - to share the information and knowledge on tourism research methods, trends and studies. The importance of tourism industry in the regional e

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/norbatour-nordic-baltic-tourism-research-studies - 2025-03-15

The Graduation Ceremony

Published 22 June 2016 On Wednesday June 8, our master students, together with all graduate Master students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, had their Graduation Ceremony in the old University building in Lund. This year the audience had the pleasure of listening to some great speeches. The commencement speech by Professor Ian Manners from University of Copenhagen gave a reflecting speech on lif

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/graduation-ceremony - 2025-03-15

Master students visit the Town Hall

Published 24 August 2016 Photo: Lilian Matton On Monday the 22d of August, the newly arrived master students got a chance to visit the Helsingborg Town Hall. The master students that will start their studies this term have a two week welcoming program where they get to know the swedish culture and quirks. This Monday they started with a tour of the city by foot and walked from Campus Helsingborg t

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/master-students-visit-town-hall - 2025-03-15

Master student helped Syrian refugees during the summer

Published 2 September 2016 Picture from BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36984759 Kenan Madi, a former student at our Master's programme with the specialisation Logistics, spent the summer at the Jordanian- Syrian border as an Emergency specialist for UNICEF. Kenan was working with UNICEF to support coordination of critical lifesaving services and supplies for Syrian children and fam

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/master-student-helped-syrian-refugees-during-summer - 2025-03-15

Lund University's 350th Jubilee Scholarship

Published 29 September 2016 Lund University is celebrating 350 years of education and research with €350,000 in scholarships! Everyone who applies for a Master’s programme can enter to win a scholarship by showing that you share Lund University's vision to understand, explain and improve the world and the human condition. The scholarship can be applied to over 100 different Master’s programmes, be

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/lund-universitys-350th-jubilee-scholarship - 2025-03-15

New Ideas for the Tourism Industry

Published 25 January 2017 Naser Mirani and Ditri Ahmetaj have studied the operations at the Tourist Office at Klippan. Master students and people from the tourism industry was in place when the conference "Tourism 2.0: Innovation & Experience" was held at Campus Helsingborg. During the conference, participants could, among other things hear about exchange students as tourists, about queuing in amu

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/new-ideas-tourism-industry - 2025-03-15

Nordic-Baltic Collaboration on Tourism Research for Master Students

Published 20 March 2017 The project "NORBATOUR - Nordic-Baltic Tourism Research Studies” connects four universities in a joint master course to share information and knowledge on tourism research methods, trends and studies. There is a need for new research methodsNORBATOUR connects universities in Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Denmark to develop the research within the field of tourism. The import

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/nordic-baltic-collaboration-tourism-research-master-students - 2025-03-15

Important Knowlege for the Future Career

Published 28 March 2017 Pavla Kruzela has worked as a teacher at Lund University for 30 years. A few questions to Pavla Kruzela who held a "Career Development Workshop" for master students on Friday the 24th of March. Around 40 students participated. What is the workshop about?– I have held this workshop for the past two years at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It is aimed at students fromTthe Dep

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/important-knowlege-future-career - 2025-03-15

"I'm your best friend and your toughest challenger. I am Lund University. And there's no one in the world like me."

Published 3 April 2017 Lund University Lund University just released a new film about studying and working here. You can check it out above. Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The university has 42 000 students and 7 400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö.   

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/im-your-best-friend-and-your-toughest-challenger-i-am-lund-university-and-theres-no-one-world-me - 2025-03-15

App Development during Social Media Workshop

Published 25 April 2017 This is the third year that tourism researchers from CLCS (Center for Leisure and Culture Services) and Lund University collaborate to develop a two day workshop on social media for students at their respective Service Management programmes. Collaboration between Helsingborg and CopenhagenThe workshop, which takes place in Helsingborg and Copenhagen campuses, combines resea

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/app-development-during-social-media-workshop - 2025-03-15

A Master Student Essay Received Award

Published 1 June 2017 One of the essays written last spring by our master student Anna Spitzkat, just received an award from The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council. The winners of the The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council award as well as the Hakon Swenson Foundation are now appointed. There were over 40 nominated essays but the jury has awarded only two. The winning essay of The Swedish Reta

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/master-student-essay-received-award - 2025-03-15

The Graduation Ceremony 2017

Published 9 June 2017 The graduating master students of 2017. On Monday June 5, our master students, together with all graduate Master students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, had their Graduation Ceremony in the old University building in Lund. This year the audience had the pleasure of listening to Lars Danielsson, Sweden's Ambassador to the EU. At the ceremony, Sparbanksstiftelsen, also hand

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/graduation-ceremony-2017 - 2025-03-15

The Scholarship in Service Management

Published 13 June 2017 The graduating master students of 2017. My Lindersson is in the front row, the second from the left. Sparbanksstiftelsen handed out a scholarship of 25 000 sek during the Graduation Ceremony 2017, which this year was awarded to My Lindersson. My Lindersson wrote the thesis: Applying a lens of practice theory to understand the role of sustainability-labels in sustainable fash

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/scholarship-service-management - 2025-03-15

The Arrival Day

Published 21 August 2017 Last week, on Tuesday the 15th, a little over 2 000 international students arrived in Lund. They are all here to study at Lund University and a few of these will study at Campus Helsingborg and The Department of Service Management and Service Studies. On Monday the 28th of August, the autumn term starts, and nearly 50 master students at our international programme in Servi

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/arrival-day - 2025-03-15

New Book about City Retail in Transformation

Published 13 October 2017 Our researchers, Devrim Umut Aslan and Cecilia Fredriksson, have just released their book about ongoing transformations in city retail. We asked Devrim to tell us a little about the book. This book is based on the changing relationship between retail and cities. In recent decades, retail has changed in several fundamental ways. Traditional stores are in a transformation p

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/new-book-about-city-retail-transformation - 2025-03-15

Med anledning av COVID-19

Publicerad 17 november 2020 Viktig information till dig som ska besöka någon av våra mottagningar. Foto: Pixabay.com Med anledning av de skärpta restirktionerna vill vi informera om att våra studiemottagningar är fortsatt öppna. Vi har dock vidtagit en rad åtgärder:Medarbetare som kan arbetar hemifrånAlla som kommer in på mottagningen ska tvätta händerna vid ankomstenForskningssjuksköterskorna bär

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/med-anledning-av-covid-19 - 2025-03-15

Glutenfritt eller snälla bakterier?

Av magnus [dot] aspegren [at] skane [dot] se (Magnus Aspegren) - publicerad 17 november 2020 Kan glutenfri kost under de första levnadsåren förhindra att barn utvecklar celiaki? Eller kan probiotika hejda immunförsvarets reaktion mot gluten? Det försöker forskarna få svar på. Daniel Agardh, överläkare inom barnmedicin på Skånes universitetssjukhus, adjungerad professor vid Lunds universitet. Foto:

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/glutenfritt-eller-snalla-bakterier - 2025-03-15

Frågor & svar om vaccin och d-vitamin

Av sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - publicerad 28 januari 2021 Är det något du undrar över, fråga oss! Kan jag vaccinera mig mot covid-19 när jag ammar?Svar: Amning utgör inget hinder för vaccination.Det är okänt om vaccinerna går ut i bröstmjölk. Det finns det ingen anledning att tro att vaccinet skulle ge några biverkningar hos barnet som ammas.Källa: Läkemedelsve

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/fragor-svar-om-vaccin-och-d-vitamin - 2025-03-15

Kan laktobaciller förhindra autoimmunitet?

Publicerad 29 januari 2021 Överläkaren Daniel Agardh och hans kollegor forskar nu för att se om så kallade laktobaciller (probiotika) kan dämpa den autoimmuna inflammationen som leder till att barn drabbas av sjukdomar som typ 1-diabetes, glutenintolerans och sköldkörtelinflammation. – Det långsiktiga syftet är att vi vill hitta metoder som förhindrar uppkomsten av någon av dessa sjukdomar hos bar

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/kan-laktobaciller-forhindra-autoimmunitet - 2025-03-15