

Din sökning på "*" gav 527339 sökträffar

Beyond the journals - expand the global reach of your research!

By anna [dot] hellgren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Hellgren) - published 2 October 2024 Photo: Ingemar Hultquist Are you ready to broaden the impact of your research? Join us for a session - in Malmö (Oct. 15) or Lund (Oct. 16) - designed to learn how to reach out on the platform The Conversation! Whether you are passionate about reaching policymakers, industry leaders or the general audience

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/beyond-journals-expand-global-reach-your-research - 2025-01-13

Popular course: Written English for scholarly publication

Published 8 October 2024 Your research deserves to be communicated clearly, efficiently, and correctly. To develop your academic English, don't miss the opportunity to take part in the popular course “Written English for Scholarly Publication”. Register by 11 October. The course is organized by the English Unit at the Centre for Language and Literature and consists of eight seminars in November an

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/popular-course-written-english-scholarly-publication - 2025-01-13

Awarded collaboration: "Interdisciplinary research provides new insights"

By tove [dot] gilvad [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Gilvad) - published 17 October 2024 Collaboration pays off. Anders Christensson and researchers from various medical fields at the Faculty recently received the Eldjarn Prize 2024 for a joint study. Anders Christensson, Anna Åkesson and Anders Grubb and collaborators have been awarded the Eldjarn prize 2024 for significant research efforts in k

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/awarded-collaboration-interdisciplinary-research-provides-new-insights - 2025-01-13

Seminar: Academic Publishing and Research Career – Myths vs Reality (17/10)

By jon [dot] ulvsgard [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jon Ulvsgärd) - published 8 October 2024 Sonya Girdler, Professor of Occupational Therapy at Curtin University, Australia. Are you a PhD student or a Postdoc at the Faculty of Medicine? Here's a golden opportunity for you to take part in a seminar that will give you new insights into why publishing is key to an academic career. In a rare opportunit

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/seminar-academic-publishing-and-research-career-myths-vs-reality-1710 - 2025-01-13

After 40 years at the Faculty – this pioneer is retiring

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 14 October 2024 Is it getting closer to retirement? Prepare well in advance. Photo: iStock Positivity, humour and tireless energy have characterised Professor Roland Andersson's 40 years at the Faculty. As a happy retiree-to-be, he looks back on his time here. "My advice is to prepare in time", he says. Roland Andersson

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/after-40-years-faculty-pioneer-retiring - 2025-01-13

Free hearing examination by our audiologist students – welcome!

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 22 October 2024 Have your, your relatives' or friends', hearing checked free of charge. The hearing tests are only carried out for a few days, sign up today. The hearing examination is performed by students at the Audiology programme at Lund University, under the supervision of licensed audiologists. The examination will

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/free-hearing-examination-our-audiologist-students-welcome - 2025-01-13

Development Research Day 2016

Publicerad 24 oktober 2016 The Afrint research group and Development Geography in Lund warmly welcome you to the Development Research Day 2016: End hunger and achieve food security by 2030. The Development Research Day is an annual event at Lund University bringing together all fields working on development to share and discuss their research with each other, students and the public. Theme: End hu

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/development-research-day-2016 - 2025-01-13

Beslut om höstens MFS-stipendier

Publicerad 25 oktober 2016 Till detta ansökningstillfälle fick vi 16 ansökningar.Beslut har nu fattats om att utdela fyra stipendier, som följaktligen går till:Alexandra PalmbergAndreas YngvessonCharlotte PedersenKarin EdstedtVi passar på att gratulera våra stipendiater och ber er ta kontakt med Karin Lindsjö för mer information.Karin Lindsjö, Karin [dot] Lindsjo [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (Karin[

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/beslut-om-hostens-mfs-stipendier - 2025-01-13

Vernissage 19 november: Vattnet kommer!

Publicerad 2 november 2016 Foto: Carola Wingren En utställning om stigande havsnivåer och hur det kan drabba Skånes kuster. Lördag 19 november 2016 kl 14-16. Invigning och presentation av utställningen kl 14.30Projektledare Tomas Germundsson, Lunds universitetKurator Carola Wingren, SLUBirgitta Ramdell, Form/Design Center, hälsar välkomna. Att havsnivåerna stiger råder det knappast något tvivel om

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/vernissage-19-november-vattnet-kommer - 2025-01-13

National parks within the urban agglomerations of Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town

Publicerad 7 december 2016 On Thursday at 15.15 , Professor Frédéric Landy will be holding a seminar on the topicNational parks within the urban agglomerations of Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town: between urbanization and globalization, which place for ‘eco-ethnicity’?Venue, Rio (430), Geocentrum 1, Sölvegatan 10, floor 4Frédéric Landy is the Director of the French Institute of Pondic

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/national-parks-within-urban-agglomerations-mumbai-nairobi-rio-de-janeiro-and-cape-town - 2025-01-13

Inspiring edition of Development Research Day 2016: “End hunger and achieve food security by 2030”

Publicerad 9 december 2016 On Thursday 10th of November 2016, we had another inspiring edition of the Development Research Day, a flagship annual event at Lund University bringing together all disciplines working on development issues since 2002. This year the Development Research Day was hosted by the Human Geography department and was dedicated to Sustainable Development Goal no. 2: “End hunger,

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/inspiring-edition-development-research-day-2016-end-hunger-and-achieve-food-security-2030 - 2025-01-13

Georg och Greta Borgströms pris 2017 går till prof. Göran Djurfeldt

Publicerad 12 december 2016 "Georg och Greta Borgströms pris 2017 till professor emeritus Göran Djurfeldt, Lund, för hans långvariga och framgångsrika forskningsarbete om landsbygds- och jordbruksutveckling i framför allt Afrika söder om Sahara." "Göran Djurfeldt är sociolog från Lunds universitet och har sedan 1970-talet framgångsrikt forskat om landsbygds- och jordbruksutveckling i framför allt

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/georg-och-greta-borgstroms-pris-2017-gar-till-prof-goran-djurfeldt - 2025-01-13

Geographies of innovations: confusions, perplexities, and ways forward

Publicerad 14 december 2016 Richard Shearmur is Professor at the School of Urban planning, McGill university in Montreal, Canada. Richard is an international leading scholar in a broad spectra of areas in economic geography including research on urban, regional and rural development and different dimensions on cities and firm level innovations. His interest also covers critical analysis on how mea

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/geographies-innovations-confusions-perplexities-and-ways-forward - 2025-01-13

New book by Anders Burman

Publicerad 19 december 2016 The latest book by associate professor Anders Burman of the Human Ecology Division has now been published, called "Indigeneity and Decolonization in the Bolivian Andes: Ritual practice and activism". "Indigeneity and Decolonization in the Bolivian Andes: Ritual Practice and Activism explores how Evo Morales’s victory in the 2005 Bolivian presidential elections led to in

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/new-book-anders-burman - 2025-01-13

Thesis defense by Rikard Warlenius on the 10th February

Publicerad 17 januari 2017 Rikard Warlenius will defend his thesis named "Asymmetries. Conceptualizing Environmental Inequalities as Ecological Debt and Ecologically Unequal Exchange" on the 10th of February at 1 pm in Världen, Geocentrum 1. Opponent will be Joan Martínez Alier of UAB, Barcelona. In this compilation thesis, consisting of six papers and an introductory chapter, the concepts of ecol

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/thesis-defense-rikard-warlenius-10th-february - 2025-01-13

Praktikplatser HT17

Publicerad 17 februari 2017 Funderar du på att söka praktikplats till hösten 2017? Många praktikplatser har sista ansökningsdag i mars! För dig som är student inom ett av våra utbildningsprogram ges ofta möjligheten att göra praktik, exv. under sista eller näst sista terminen. Det övergripande syftet med en praktik är att du som student skall få tillfälle att använda dina teoretiska kunskaper som

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/praktikplatser-ht17 - 2025-01-13

Doctoral Seminars, spring 2017

Publicerad 27 februari 2017 On Monday June 12, at 14:15-16, Chia-Sui Hsu will have her final seminar. On Wednesday June 28, 13-15, Joakim Wernberg (CIRCLE) will have his final seminar.  Chia-Sui Hsu, Monday June 12, 13-15, final seminarFarmland of Dreams: Gentrifying the Countryside with Alternative Food Networks in TaiwanDiscussant: Senior Lecturer Dr Nicholas Loubere, Centre for East and South-E

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/doctoral-seminars-spring-2017 - 2025-01-13

SYMPOSIUM: "Rich man, poor (wo)man". Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing Re-examined

Publicerad 2 mars 2017 350-ÅRSJUBILEUM. Welcome to this symposium on Wednesday March 8th, where we look at poverty development in Sweden during the last 100 years & trends in men & women's incomes in Africa. Life expectancy in the Western world, like in Sweden, has expanded linearly by about 25 years during the 20th century, a bit more for women than men. At the same time, living standards have im

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/symposium-rich-man-poor-woman-inequalities-health-and-wellbeing-re-examined - 2025-01-13

Monthly Notifications: March

Publicerad 9 mars 2017 Two new books, two grants and a price!  New booksErik Jönsson och Elina Andersson (red): Politisk Ekologi, with contributions from several of the institution's employee (Link to Studentlitteratur) Anders Burman: Indigeneity and Decolonization in the Bolivian Andes (Link to Bokus)  GrantsAnders Lund Hansen – grant from STINT Seed Funding for Development of the International C

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/monthly-notifications-march - 2025-01-13

Master’s Programme in Human Geography is open for submitting late applications!

Publicerad 24 april 2017 If you have not yet applied, you can now submit a late application to the Master’s Programme in Human Geography at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University. The Master’s Programme in Human Geography prepares you for a wide range of professions. Human Geography is about the ways in which spaces, places and environments are both the condition for and the consequenc

https://www.keg.lu.se/artikel/masters-programme-human-geography-open-submitting-late-applications - 2025-01-13