

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Ian Manners on implementing active learning in education

By bjorn [dot] frostner [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Frostner) - published 29 October 2024 This autumn, the pedagogical course “Active Learning in Social Sciences” has been offered for the first time at Lund University. Ian Manners, who has been active in developing the course, talks about the course and how we can work to promote student-centered learning and teaching. You are involved in th

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/ian-manners-implementing-active-learning-education - 2025-03-17

Sociology, Social Anthropology and Gender Studies form a new joint department

Published 30 October 2024 The three subjects Gender Studies, Social Anthrophology and Sociology share the building Gamla lungkliniken since August. Photo: Helena Lind On 17 October, the Faculty Board decided to merge the Department of Gender Studies and the Department of Sociology. The merger will formally take place on 1 January 2025. The decision means that the Department of Gender Studies will

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/sociology-social-anthropology-and-gender-studies-form-new-joint-department - 2025-03-17

Pedagogical workshops for teachers

Published 31 October 2024 Photo: Johan Persson This autumn, teachers at the faculty can attend pedagogical workshops on Canvas and Inspera. Take this opportunity to develop and learn more about these platforms! The workshops are an initiative of the faculty's Education Council with the aim of increasing digital pedagogical competence. Become an expert on Canvas Canvas is the platform where you can

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/pedagogical-workshops-teachers - 2025-03-17

New Research Data Office with data stewards in each faculty

Published 28 November 2024 Ann-Sofie Zettergren will take on the role of data steward for the Faculty of Social Sciences. With the Research Data Office, the University is working to improve support for researchers in the management of research data. Each faculty now has a data steward to assist researchers in their work with research data. Ann-Sofie Zettergren has the role of data steward at the F

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-research-data-office-data-stewards-each-faculty - 2025-03-17

The renewal of Gamla kirurgen enters a new phase

Published 29 November 2024 The renovation project for Gamla kirurgen is entering the fourth stage of the construction process as architects produce a more detailed design. If all goes according to plan, the fifth renovation in the building's history will begin in 2026. Two years ago, the project to establish a social science centre paused, awaiting the Land and Environment Courts' consideration of

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/renewal-gamla-kirurgen-enters-new-phase - 2025-03-17

New International Office at the Faculty

Published 3 December 2024 The Social Sciences Faculty Office will soon have a new division; the International Office. The division will be responsible for planning and coordinating international student exchange and faculty-wide international programmes and courses at first, second and third cycle levels.  The staff at the International Office will also administer the inter-faculty agreements with

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-international-office-faculty - 2025-03-17

New internal web pages supporting first and second cycle education

Published 3 December 2024 New and revised education information is now available on the faculty's internal website. The information is aimed at both those who teach and those who plan and administer education. The purpose of the new pages is to gather faculty-wide information related to educational issues. You will find, among other things, the faculty's regulations, support in the process of writ

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-internal-web-pages-supporting-first-and-second-cycle-education - 2025-03-17

From eleven departments to nine at the turn of the year

Published 5 December 2024 A new year is approaching and when the Faculty enters 2025, it will be with nine departments instead of the current eleven. The Faculty of Social Sciences will gradually develop towards fewer units over the next six years, according to a policy decision from 2023. After initial preparatory work, it is now time for the first changes to take place at the end of the year:The

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/eleven-departments-nine-turn-year - 2025-03-17

Do you want to develop your skills as a teacher of research methods?

Published 18 December 2024 The Faculty of Social Sciences is now planning a new course for those who teach social science research methods and want to explore new ways to develop their pedagogy and strengthen students' learning. The course "Teaching and Learning Research Methods in Social Sciences" will be both practically and theoretically grounded in order to provide the conditions for reflectin

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/do-you-want-develop-your-skills-teacher-research-methods - 2025-03-17

The risk of type 1 diabetes not increased by swine flu vaccine Pandemrix

Published 9 October 2017 Helena Elding Larsson There has been a fear that the swine flu vaccine, Pandemrix, would increase the risk of autoimmune diseases other than narcolepsy. However, a new study of children from Sweden and Finland shows that the vaccine increased neither the risk of developing autoantibodies against insulin-producing beta cells nor the occurrence of type 1 diabetes. “On the co

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/risk-type-1-diabetes-not-increased-swine-flu-vaccine-pandemrix - 2025-03-17

Watch: New method reduces nitrate content in spinach

Published 10 October 2017 Liyana Yusof Spinach is a nutritious vegetable, but is not recommended for infants because of its nitrate content. Now a doctoral thesis from Lund University in Sweden presents a simple method capable of reducing the nitrate content by up to 70 per cent. Nitrate is a common nutrient for plants and is therefore also present in other leafy green vegetables, such as arugula

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-new-method-reduces-nitrate-content-spinach - 2025-03-17

How bees find their way home

Published 17 October 2017 Photo: Ajay Narendra How can a bee fly straight home in the middle of the night after a complicated route through thick vegetation in search of food? For the first time, researchers have been able to show what happens in the brain of the bee. The bee brain Bees and many other animals use what is known as optical flow to determine how fast they are going and how far they h

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-bees-find-their-way-home - 2025-03-17

An exceptionally preserved sea turtle reveals ancient sun protection

Published 17 October 2017 Tasbacka danica (Photo: Johan Lindgren) Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered well-preserved pigments and other biomolecules in a 54 million-year-old baby sea turtle. The molecular analyses show that the turtle’s shell contained pigments to protect it from harmful UV rays of the sun. The researchers investigated the microscopic and molecular contents of

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/exceptionally-preserved-sea-turtle-reveals-ancient-sun-protection - 2025-03-17

Watch: New electric road offers flexible charging

Published 19 October 2017 Photo: Kristina Lindgärde In recent years, electric roads have emerged as potential alternatives to the heavy and expensive batteries currently needed in electric road vehicles. Now researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed an even smarter technology – that doesn’t require digging up stretches of road to install the system. Instead, a small conductive rail i

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-new-electric-road-offers-flexible-charging - 2025-03-17

New drink keeps blood sugar in check

Published 20 October 2017 Food researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered that consuming small amounts of chromium mixed with certain amino acids before eating is healthy. Why? Well, this mixture diluted in water suppresses the blood sugar spike that occurs when we eat. Now, they are hoping that the drink – which tastes like ordinary mineral water – will be able to compete with soft

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-drink-keeps-blood-sugar-check - 2025-03-17

Holocaust survivors’ stories made available online

Published 20 October 2017 Håkan Håkansson (Photo: Jenny Loftrup) A new online portal opening today at Lund University in Sweden makes a unique archive containing first-hand accounts from Nazi concentration camp survivors freely accessible to the general public. During World War II, Ravensbrück, north of Berlin in Germany, was a concentration camp mainly reserved for women and children. During the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/holocaust-survivors-stories-made-available-online - 2025-03-17

Unique study: more iron in lakes is making them brown

Published 23 October 2017 Map: Caroline Björnerås The iron concentration in lakes is increasing in many parts of northern Europe, including Sweden. This has been shown in a study in which researchers at Lund University in Sweden examined 23 years of data from 10 countries. High iron levels contribute to browner water; furthermore, iron binds environmental toxins such as lead and arsenic. The resea

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/unique-study-more-iron-lakes-making-them-brown - 2025-03-17

New method helps rule out heart valve infection

Published 25 October 2017 Torgny Sunnerhagen and Magnus Rasmussen. (Photo: Tove Smeds) A risk assessment system developed by researchers at Lund University in Sweden shows which patients, with a certain type of streptococcal bacteria in the blood, need to be examined for a heart valve infection – a serious condition requiring prolonged medical treatment. “Our assessment system can help reduce unne

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-method-helps-rule-out-heart-valve-infection - 2025-03-17

Fallen “meteorite” is new jubilee sculpture in Lundagård

Published 30 October 2017 The designer, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, next to the sculpture she created. Charlotte is holding the Ekeby Meteorite, which inspired the work. Photo: D. Kovacevic The University’s new jubilee sculpture, created by Charlotte Gyllenhammar, was unveiled on Saturday 21 October, as part of LU’s 350th anniversary celebrations. The sculpture, Meteorite, is made of black-patinated b

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/fallen-meteorite-new-jubilee-sculpture-lundagard - 2025-03-17

New research shows where in the brain the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s occur

Published 1 November 2017 The image illustrates where in the brain the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s occur through accumulation of the β-amyloid protein. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have for the first time convincingly shown where in the brain the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s occur. The discovery could potentially become significant to future Alzheimer’s research while contributing t

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-research-shows-where-brain-earliest-signs-alzheimers-occur - 2025-03-17