

Din sökning på "*" gav 533074 sökträffar

New opportunity to take a course on gender and diversity

Published 24 April 2023 This autumn, the faculty is again offering the course Gender and diversity in teaching and learning. The course is a part of the qualifying training in the field of teaching and learning in higher education for teaching staff at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It provides a space to analyse gender and diversity both within the university as an organisation and in teaching a

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-opportunity-take-course-gender-and-diversity - 2025-02-27

Renovation of Gamla lungkliniken (building G) 1 July 2023 – 31 March 2024

Published 5 May 2023 The building will get a new entrance facing north. Now it is time for the renovation of Gamla lungkliniken. The building will be closed from 1 July 2023 to 31 March 2024.  During the renovation, the house will get a new ventilation system and a slightly remodeled entrance facing north. In addition, individual workrooms will be refurbished and windows will be renovated. The bui

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/renovation-gamla-lungkliniken-building-g-1-july-2023-31-march-2024 - 2025-02-27

Interviews for the positions of dean and deputy dean

Published 8 May 2023 The process of appointing the dean, deputy dean and Faculty Board continues and interviews are now being held with the candidates nominated as dean and deputy dean. The last day to nominate candidates was 20 April. Since then, the faculty's nomination committee has invited the candidates nominated as dean or deputy dean to interviews. The interviews are held in the first two w

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/interviews-positions-dean-and-deputy-dean - 2025-02-27

New building names in the Paradis area

Published 11 May 2023 LU Byggnad has recently decided on new names for some of the buildings in the Paradis area. The change is made to create a uniform naming scheme within the area. The building names in the Paradis area have previously not followed the same template and the same building could have different names in different systems. After a review of the names, LU Byggnad is therefore introd

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-building-names-paradis-area - 2025-02-27

Gamla kirurgen next in the faculty's building project

Published 15 May 2023 The Faculty Board has decided on a changed order for the projects within the building project Campus Paradis. The next step will be a renovation of Gamla kirurgen. According to the preliminary schedule and project plan for stage 3 of the building project, the Centre for Social Sciences - Cesam - would be the next project after Gamla lungkliniken (building G). The Cesam projec

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/gamla-kirurgen-next-facultys-building-project - 2025-02-27

New in Sage Research Methods

By ellen [dot] fall [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Fall) - published 31 January 2025 The Social Sciences Faculty Library, Sambib, has added content to the large database Sage Research Methods. From January 2025 you will have access to Sage Cases and Sage Foundations, in addition to the already available resources. Sage CasesAuthentic cases taken from research projects, where the reader can f

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-sage-research-methods - 2025-02-27

Vote in the by-election for the Faculty Board

Published 17 February 2025 Due to a vacancy in the Faculty Board a by-election is now being held. You have until 3 March to cast your vote. Since Torsten Krause has been offered and accepted the assignment as deputy director of LUCSUS, a by-election is now being held to replace his position as teaching staff member with research expertise in the Faculty Board.  All those entitled to vote and nomin

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/vote-election-faculty-board-0 - 2025-02-27

Lund University now provides access to the Scopus AI tool

Published 14 February 2025 Scopus AI is a research tool that uses Scopus content to help you understand or explore a research area. You can ask natural language questions in both Swedish and English. Answers are based on abstracts found in Scopus and are given in the form of a summary with references, concept map and suggestions for further study. Use Scopus AI to explore topics - it becomes a com

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/lund-university-now-provides-access-scopus-ai-tool - 2025-02-27

New support function for commissioned education

Published 25 February 2025 In February, Emma Tullberg began her position as project manager with responsibility for building up the Faculty's support function for commissioned education. Emma will be part of the education team at the Faculty Office and work closely with the deputy dean with responsibility for education and the vice dean with responsibility for collaboration. In 2024, the vice-chan

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-support-function-commissioned-education - 2025-02-27

New Centre for Preparedness and Resilience to be established

Published 26 February 2025 The University is establishing a new Centre for Preparedness and Resilience (LUPREP) at Campus Helsingborg. By strengthening research, collaboration and education in total defence and preparedness, the aim is to meet society's increasing need for security and crisis management. The Centre for Preparedness and Resilience is organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences, but

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-centre-preparedness-and-resilience-be-established - 2025-02-27

New street addresses in the Paradis area

Published 18 June 2019 Green: Norra vallgatan. Blue: Allhelgona kyrkogata. Red: Sandgatan. Map copyright: City of Lund. Several Faculty buildings in the Paradis area in Lund will be given new street addresses. This is due to police and ambulance staff having difficulties finding the exact location when responding to alarms. The new addresses are put into effect on 1 July 2019. Faculty units with n

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/internal/article/new-street-addresses-paradis-area - 2025-02-27

Lunds universitet har anslutit sig till Klimatramverket

Av anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - publicerad 19 juni 2019 Lunds universitet har via rektor anslutit sig till ett Klimatramverk för universitet och högskolor. Klimatramverket är ett ramverk för lärosätesspecifika klimatstrategier där universitetet åtar sig att fortsätta bidra till att samhället kan nå uppsatta mål genom utbildning, forskning och samverkan

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunds-universitet-har-anslutit-sig-till-klimatramverket - 2025-02-27

Universitetet tvingas betala 400 000 kr för felaktiga upphandlingar

Publicerad 21 oktober 2019 Konkurrensverket har granskat universitetets inköp och otillåtna direktupphandlingar för 2016 och 2017. De valde ut fyra ärenden som de anmälde hos Förvaltningsdomstolen i Malmö för prövning om upphandlingsskadeavgift. Nu har beslutet i de fyra parallella ärendena kommit. Lunds universitet ska betala en upphandlingsskadeavgift om sammanlagt 400 000 kronor. De fyra ärende

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/universitetet-tvingas-betala-400-000-kr-felaktiga-upphandlingar - 2025-02-27

Resultat från förvaltningens enkät om internkommunikation

Publicerad 22 oktober 2019 Före sommaren skickades en enkät ut om förvaltningens internkommunikation till alla inom förvaltningen. 357 personer svarade, vilket motsvarar 41 %. Syftet med projektet var att öka kunskapen om kommunikationens betydelse för verksamhetens måluppfyllelse och framgång. Det var många som valde att kommentera med frisvar, vilket vi tolkar som att internkommunikation är ett

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/resultat-fran-forvaltningens-enkat-om-internkommunikation - 2025-02-27

Lunchdax med Robert Howe

Publicerad 22 oktober 2019 Vad blir det till lunch? Vi är drygt 800 medarbetare inom förvaltningen. Men vad äter vi för mat? Var tillbringar vi lunchen? Och vad snackar vi om? Lunchdax tar pulsen på våra kollegors lunch. Idag träffar vi Robert Howe, arbetsmiljöingenjör på Företagshälsovården. Robert Howes matlåda består av mapo-tofu, den koppärriga gummans gryta som består av bland annat tofu och

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchdax-med-robert-howe - 2025-02-27

Lunchdax med Olof Jernryd

Av anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - publicerad 19 november 2019 Olof använder sin lunch till att ladda sina batterier, helst för sig själv. Varje dag lunchar drygt 800 medarbetare inom förvaltningen. Men vad äter de för mat? Var äter de den? Och vad snackar de om? Lunchdax tar pulsen på våra kollegors lunch. Denna lunchlåda tillhör Olof Jernryd, ekonom på

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchdax-med-olof-jernryd - 2025-02-27

Lunchdax med Sophie Hydén Picasso

Publicerad 16 december 2019 Varje dag lunchar drygt 800 medarbetare inom förvaltningen. Men vad äter de för mat? Var äter de den? Och vad snackar de om? Lunchdax tar pulsen på våra kollegors lunch. Denna lunchlåda tillhör Sophie Hydén Picasso, forskningshandläggare på Forskningsservice, sektionen FSI. Det blir vegetarisk moussaka från Linas matkasse, bestående av aubergine, bakpotatis, tomatsås oc

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchdax-med-sophie-hyden-picasso - 2025-02-27

Lunchdax med Åsa Thormählen

Publicerad 28 januari 2020 För Åsa Thormählen är lunchen essentiell, både som ett viktigt kostintag och för att få inspiration i arbetet. Varje dag lunchar drygt 800 medarbetare inom förvaltningen. Men vad äter de för mat? Var äter de den? Och vad snackar de om? Lunchdax tar pulsen på våra kollegors lunch. Denna lunchlåda tillhör Åsa Thormählen, internationell koordinator på sektionen HR. Det blir

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchdax-med-asa-thormahlen - 2025-02-27

De fick utmärkelsen "För Nit och Redlighet i rikets tjänst" 2020

Publicerad 28 februari 2020 Onsdagen den 4 mars var det dags för den årliga ceremonin där de medarbetare som varit anställda i rikets tjänst i 30 år, eller i 25 år vid pension uppmärksammades. Utmärkelserna delades ut av förvaltningschef Susanne Kristensson och rektor Torbjörn von Schantz. Under ceremonin i universitetsaulan höll en av mottagarna, docent Victoria Höög, Idé- och lärdomshistoria, fö

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/de-fick-utmarkelsen-nit-och-redlighet-i-rikets-tjanst-2020 - 2025-02-27

Bioenergy plantations could fight climate change—but threaten food crops, U.N. panel warns.

Published 14 August 2019 Instead of betting big on bioenergy, governments need to focus on the hard medicine of cutting fossil fuel use. There is no shortcut to climate change mitigation, says Lennart Olsson, professor at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies and lead author of the IPCC special report on Climate Change and Land, in a news article in Science regarding the "negative emis

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/bioenergy-plantations-could-fight-climate-change-threaten-food-crops-un-panel-warns - 2025-02-27