

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Radioaktiva olyckor: strålningsdoser, pengar och rädslor

Av asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - publicerad 29 mars 2022 Christopher Rääf beredskapslaboratorium ska bistå med sina kunskaper vid en eventuell radiologisk eller nukleär katastrof. Ett nyligen avslutat forskningsprojektet har bland annat resulterat i en rapport till MSB. Foto: Kennet Ruona. Christopher Rääfs beredskapslaboratorium, vid Lunds universitet, har i u

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/radioaktiva-olyckor-stralningsdoser-pengar-och-radslor - 2025-03-08

Skadad nerv bakom elitidrottares långvariga besvär efter hjärnskakning

Av tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - publicerad 30 mars 2022 Niklas Marklund och Anna Gard vid Lunds universitet och Skånes universitetssjukhus har studerat idrottare med långvariga besvär efter hjärnskakning. Foto: Tove Smeds. Depression, yrsel, svårighet att fokusera blicken och balansproblem. Många elitidrottare som drabbats av hjärnskada lider av besvär som påverkar va

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/skadad-nerv-bakom-elitidrottares-langvariga-besvar-efter-hjarnskakning - 2025-03-08

Bättre strategier för att förhindra självmord

Av asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - publicerad 31 mars 2022 Sara Probert-Lindström visar i sin avhandling att det finns områden inom sjukvården där suicidpreventionen sannolikt kan förbättras. Foto: Olle Dahlbäck. Varje dag dör fyra människor i Sverige i självmord. Bättre strategier för bedömning av suicidrisk, ökad kunskap inom primärvården och större fokus på de

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/battre-strategier-att-forhindra-sjalvmord - 2025-03-08

Fler fall av covid-19 efter exponering för PFAS?

Av asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - publicerad 4 april 2022 Under pandemins första år var det 19 procent fler bekräftade fall av covid-19 i Ronneby än i grannkommunen Karlshamn. Detta slog forskare vid Lunds universitet fast efter en epidemiologisk studie som slutfördes under hösten 2021. Samtidigt poängterar de att det inte går att påvisa att det är miljökatastro

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/fler-fall-av-covid-19-efter-exponering-pfas - 2025-03-08

Susanne Iwarsson tilldelas Sohlbergpriset - Nordens största pris inom åldrandeforskning

Av maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - publicerad 5 april 2022 Susanne Iwarsson tilldelas Nordens största pris inom åldrandeforskning, Sohlbergpriset. Foto: Kennet Ruona. Vartannat år delar Nordiska gerontologiska förbundet ut det mest prestigefyllda priset inom gerontologi, Sohlbergpriset på 10 000 euro. Priset tilldelas en forskare som är ledande inom området geron

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/susanne-iwarsson-tilldelas-sohlbergpriset-nordens-storsta-pris-inom-aldrandeforskning - 2025-03-08

Digitala vårdkedjan utvärderad

Av asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - publicerad 7 april 2022 E-besök är en vanlig form av digitala läkarbesök, där patienten fyller i ett frågeformulär på nätet och därefter kommunicerar med en läkare via chatt. Det har hittills saknats forskning för hur e-besöken påverkar läkarens vårdbeslut, men en ny avhandling har nu utvärderat den digitala vårdkedjan i svensk

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/digitala-vardkedjan-utvarderad - 2025-03-08

Gästprofessor hoppas blåsa nytt liv i medicinsk hörnsten

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 8 april 2022 Foto: Adam Niescioruk Han har han hållit framstående positioner runt om i världen, inom akademin och läkemedelsindustrin. Nu hoppas han kunna bidra till den medicinska forskningen vid Medicinska fakulteten i Lund med sin erfarenhet av både grundläggande och tillämpad medicinsk forskning, genom att bid

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/gastprofessor-hoppas-blasa-nytt-liv-i-medicinsk-hornsten - 2025-03-08

Staff in Swedish media

Published 6 July 2017 Jörgen Olofsson, Markku Rummukainen and Minchao Wu were recently featured or cited in various media. Researcher interviewed about strategies to achieve climate targetsResearcher Jörgen Olofsson, was interviewed in the daily Dagens ETC about a new book containing 100 strategies to achieve climate targets by 2050. “I’ve only skimmed through the list, but I see that, for example

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/staff-swedish-media - 2025-03-08

Anders Lindroth interviewed in Dagens ETC

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 28 August 2017 Anders Lindroth Anders Lindroth was interviewed by the magazine Dagens ETC about the climate impact of forests, and about why the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is increasing. Anders Lindroth, Professor Emeritus at the Department, was recently interviewed by Dagens ETC. In one article about abou

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/anders-lindroth-interviewed-dagens-etc - 2025-03-08

DN Debatt: ”Clear-cutting forests generate large greenhouse gas emissions”

Published 20 September 2017 Photo: Patrik Vestin Swedish forests are important carbon sinks today, despite emissions from deforestration. The choice of management is paramount for the impacts on climate change and some of the concepts used in the climate discussion today needs to be thought over and based on research. This is the essense of an article published by Professor Anders Lindroth and Pro

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/dn-debatt-clear-cutting-forests-generate-large-greenhouse-gas-emissions - 2025-03-08

Visit and guest lecture at the department by Manisha Anantharaman

By annika [dot] persson [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 4 November 2022 During the following three weeks our department hosts Manisha Anantharaman, PhD, Associate Professor of Justice, Community and Leadership at Saint Mary’s College of California. – I am so happy to have the opportunity to spend some time with you at Lund. I hope to engage with many of you regarding ideas

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/visit-and-guest-lecture-department-manisha-anantharaman - 2025-03-08

Kristina Bäckström awarded at research conference in Finland

By annika [dot] persson [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 11 November 2022 Kristina Bäckström with the award for Best paper at NRWC 2022. During the past week some of the institutions researches with focus on retail attended the Nordic Retail and Wholesale conference (NRWC) to present their research. Krisitna Bäckström, senior lecturer at our department, won the award for bes

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/kristina-backstrom-awarded-research-conference-finland - 2025-03-08

Methods of disturbance gives more people access to public places

By annika [dot] persson [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 17 November 2022 The hoops was designed through the Equalizer project, with hoops on both sides of the pole. Photo: Daniel Zachrisson. Despite an increasing number of informal outdoor sport and recreational spaces in Sweden and our society, not everyone feel that they can use them. Public spaces for physical activity a

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/methods-disturbance-gives-more-people-access-public-places - 2025-03-08

Anna Spitzkat "nailed" her dissertation

By annika [dot] persson [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 18 November 2022 Today we conducted this falls second nailing ceremony as the departments doctoral student Anna Spitzkat nailed her doctors thesis. Anna is defending her thesis during a dissertation at the 9th of December here at Campus Helsingborg. The title of the thesis is ”Understanding Social Media Shopping – Inst

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/anna-spitzkat-nailed-her-dissertation - 2025-03-08

New doctoral thesis about social media shopping

By annika [dot] persson [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 13 December 2022 "Understanding Social Media Shopping – Instagram and the reconfiguration of the practice of shopping" The 9th of December Anna Spitzkat defended her doctorate dissertation “Understanding Social Media Shopping – Instagram and the Reconfiguration of the Practice of Shopping”. The thesis explores how the

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/new-doctoral-thesis-about-social-media-shopping - 2025-03-08

Recreational hunting in Sweden – a question of moral and balance

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 4 January 2023 Erika Andersson Cederholm and Carina Sjöholm has conducted a study on hunting tourism in Sweden. Hunting in Sweden has a long history and could be considered a cultural heritage. Wildlife management and a sense of local community and stewardship are important keywords to describe recreational hunting. Ho

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/recreational-hunting-sweden-question-moral-and-balance - 2025-03-08

AI forces teachers to change the way courses are examined

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 11 January 2023 Academic misconduct has increased with about 200% during the past covid years. As a precaution Lund University has started a project to prevent deception and misleading in examination, whether it’s unauthorized cooperation, plagiarism, or non-allowed aids. In every study environment there is a unique cu

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/ai-forces-teachers-change-way-courses-are-examined-0 - 2025-03-08

New name for the department – ISM becomes SES

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 17 January 2023 From January 2023 we are called The department of service studies. With the name change we want to increase the comprehensibility of our department name while expressing professionalism and closeness to the research area. The name change means that "Service management" will disappear from the department

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/new-name-department-ism-becomes-ses - 2025-03-08

Blue economy, marine markets and marine spatial planning

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 15 February 2023 Filippa Säwe and Cecilia Fredriksson organized the conference together with Johan Hultman. What is the sea in marine spatial planning and how does it affect our future? In a one-day conference the results and work of two finished Formas projects was presented with the theme ”Blue economy, marine market

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/blue-economy-marine-markets-and-marine-spatial-planning - 2025-03-08

"Circular Economy Practices Will Not Automatically Phase Out the Linear Economy"

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 28 February 2023 Developing cleverly designed circular solutions must outcompete, supersede, and phase out current linear solutions. Professor Hervé Corvellec at the department of service studies writes on Future Earth together with lecturer Alison Stowell at Lancaster university. Advocates of the circular economy rout

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/circular-economy-practices-will-not-automatically-phase-out-linear-economy - 2025-03-08