

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Röster i media 8 mars

Publicerad 8 mars 2016 Idag märks flera av institutionens forskare i tidningarna med anledning av Internationella kvinnodagen 8 mars. Sydsvenskan skriver om arbetslivskritik, Feminismen behöver ett vrål i stället för hopbitna käkar, och hänvisar till den alldeles färska antologin "Ambivalenser och maktordningar - feministiska läsningar av nyliberalism" (red. Siv Fahlgren, Diana Mulinari och Angeli

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/roster-i-media-8-mars - 2025-03-13

Seminar: ’Bioethics’ as De-Politicization

Publicerad 15 mars 2016 Niklas Altermark is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. His dissertation will be published in May 2016, entitled After Inclusion: Intellectual Disability as Bio-Politics. This presentation focuses on how discourses of ’bioethics’ surrounding pre-natal diagnosis - targeting conditions associated with intellectual disability - works t

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/seminar-bioethics-de-politicization - 2025-03-13

Meet the Author – Book Release

Publicerad 8 april 2016 Giulia Garofalo Geymonat "Buying and selling sex: Between pleasure, work and exploitation" is the title of Giula Garofalo Geymonat's new book, now in Swedish. The Gender Studies Department and Daidalos Publishers proudly invite you to a book release at the Gender studies Department on April 28 at 17:15. Prostitution is a controversial topic and the positions are often polar

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/meet-author-book-release - 2025-03-13

Crip and Queer Seminar: The Queer Art of Seeking Asylum

Publicerad 15 april 2016 Eda Farsakoglu presents a paper entitled The Queer Art of Seeking Asylum: Tracing Im/Mobility through Experiences of Iranian Queer Refugee Claimants in Turkey. The paper is based on a multi-sited ethnographic research project that Eda Farsakoglu conducted for her PhD project with Iranian queers seeking refugee status in the transit migratory space of Turkey. It poses the f

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/crip-and-queer-seminar-queer-art-seeking-asylum - 2025-03-13

Lärarbesök på Malmö Latin

Publicerad 18 april 2016 Malmö Latin Den fjortonde april var två av institutionens lärare, Diana Mulinari och Irina Schmitt, bjudna till Malmö Latin för att bidra till skolans likabehandlingsvecka. Under titeln Hur jämställdheten ser ut i Sverige idag - är det jämställt i Sverige idag? gjorde Diana och Irina korta nedslag i det historiska arbetet med jämställdhet och social rättvisa i Sverige. De

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/lararbesok-pa-malmo-latin - 2025-03-13

Seminar: Conflicted Kinship in a Transnational World

Publicerad 25 april 2016 Anindita Majumdar Anindita Majumdar is a guest researcher here at the Department of Gender Studies. On Wednesday 27 April she will give a seminar entitled Conflicted Kinship in a Transnational World. The seminar focuses on an ethnographic study of the practice of commercial gestational surrogacy in a transnational context. Embedded in an Indian setting but involving a tran

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/seminar-conflicted-kinship-transnational-world - 2025-03-13

New Book on Prostitution

Publicerad 25 april 2016 "Buying and selling sex: Between pleasure, work and exploitation" is the title of Giula Garofalo Geymonat's new book, now in Swedish. The Gender Studies Department and Daidalos Publishers proudly invite you to a book release at the Gender studies Department on April 28 at 17:15.

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/new-book-prostitution - 2025-03-13

PhD defence: Maria Tonini

Publicerad 2 maj 2016 Dissertation: The Ambiguities of Recognition PhD student Maria Tonini will defend her dissertation thesis, The Ambiguities of Recognition - Young Queer Sexualities in Contemporary India, on 13 May. Welcome to the defence in Auditoriet/Hörsalen at Kulturen at Tegnérplatsen in Lund.Date: 13 May 2016Time: 13.15

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/phd-defence-maria-tonini - 2025-03-13

Seminar with Professor Jyoti Puri

Publicerad 3 maj 2016 Jyoti Puri Thursday May 12, 2016, 15.00-17.00, SASNET and the Dept. of Gender Studies organize a seminar with Professor Jyoti Puri from Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, on the Criminalization of Homosexuality in India (Room M221). The seminar is entitled (Un)Making Sexual States: Antisodomy Law and Racialization in India.Friday May 13, 2016, 13:15-16, Kulturens Hö

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/seminar-professor-jyoti-puri - 2025-03-13

Jeff Hearn 26 May: Men of the World: Global, Transnational, Gexual

Publicerad 19 maj 2016 On Thursday 26 May professor and Honorary Doctor Jeff Hearn will hold an open lecture i R240 at 10.00-11.30. What to do about men, and the study of men and masculinities, and why bother? Can there be a sociology, a social science, of men and masculinities? In this lecture Jeff Hearn provides a brief overview of the growth of critical studies on men and masculinities, as a pr

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/jeff-hearn-26-may-men-world-global-transnational-gexual - 2025-03-13

International conference in Malmö 15-16 June

Publicerad 7 juni 2016 Several researchers from the Department of Gender studies are involved in the upcoming International Conference on Migration, Irregularisation and Activism: Challenging Contemporary Border Regimes, Racism and Subordination. The conference will take place in Malmö 15-16 June 2016. Assistant professor Maja Sager is on the organizing committe.Among the keynote speakers are:Brid

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/international-conference-malmo-15-16-june - 2025-03-13

Six scholarships for a joint Italian-French PhD

Publicerad 14 juni 2016 Our partner university in Italy announces six scholarships for a joint Italian-French PhD, three of which are open only for students who earned a master's degree in France Six PhD scholarships (duration: 3 years) in memory of Valeria Solesin, the Italian PhD student at Paris-Sorbonne University killed in the terror attacks at Bataclan in November 2015, have been assigned by

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/six-scholarships-joint-italian-french-phd - 2025-03-13

PhD scholar Maria Tonini in LUM

Publicerad 16 juni 2016 Dissertation: The Ambiguities of Recognition One month ago, our colleague Maria Tonini defended her PhD thesis "The Ambiguities of Recognition. Young Queer Sexualities in Contemporary India". In the recent issue of Lund University Magazine, LUM, she talks about the work behind the thesis. Read the interview in English:Demanding family relationships pressure LGBTQ youth in I

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/phd-scholar-maria-tonini-lum - 2025-03-13

PhD position in Gender Studies

Publicerad 4 juli 2016 The Department of Gender Studies is now accepting applications for a new PhD position. Detailed information regarding for example admission requirements and assessment criteria is included in the announcement, see link below. Last application date is the 20th of September.In English: PhD position in Gender StudiesIn Swedish: Doktorand på genusvetenskapliga institutionenPleas

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/phd-position-gender-studies - 2025-03-13

Forskare i media: Diana Mulinari

Publicerad 15 september 2016 Diana Mulinari Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning har publicerat ett porträtt av professor Diana Mulinari: "Den intersektionella analysens förkämpe". Nationella sekretariatet för genusforsknings skribent Sara Abdollahi skriver såhär:Diana Mulinari är en pionjär när det gäller intersektionalitet. Hon är känd för att tillsammans med kollegorna Irene Molina och P

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/forskare-i-media-diana-mulinari - 2025-03-13

Symposium on ‘Critical Explorations of Crisis’

Publicerad 20 september 2016 Biskopshuset On 18 October there will be a symposium on ‘Critical Explorations of Crisis’ organized by Helle Rydström and Annika Bergman Rosamond. The venue of the Symposium is Gamla Biskopshuset. All seats are already taken, but you can find the program here: Symposium on ‘Critical Explorations of Crisis’ October 18, 2016 

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/symposium-critical-explorations-crisis - 2025-03-13

Forskare i media: Helle Rydström

Publicerad 20 september 2016 Helle Rydström Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning har publicerat ett porträtt av professor Helle Rydström: "Viktigt att följa det globala spåret". Nationella sekretariatet för genusforsknings skribent Anna Norrby skriver såhär:Helle Rydström är genusforskaren som inledde sin akademiska bana med att valla oxar i Vietnam, allt för att lära sig mer om våldets rol

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/forskare-i-media-helle-rydstrom - 2025-03-13

Gerard Coll-Planas on trans activism in Barcelona

Publicerad 3 oktober 2016 Gerard Coll-Planas Our department recently had the privilege of hearing sociologist and gender scholar Gerard Coll-Planas speak on the topic of trans activism in Barcelona. Coll-Planas was a invited to give a seminar within in the Gender Studies Open Seminar and the title of his seminar was Gender, Class and Capital - Trans lives in Barcelona. As you can see in the photos

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/gerard-coll-planas-trans-activism-barcelona - 2025-03-13

Forskare i media: Matilda Svensson Chowdhury

Publicerad 4 oktober 2016 Matilda Svensson Chowdhury Doktor Matilda Svensson Chowdhury blev nyligen intervjuad i Kropp och själ i Sveriges Radio P1. I programmet är Matilda med på telefon och intervjuas om sin avhandling som handlar om hur poliosjuka har berättat om sina liv och vilken mening de tillskriver sjukdomen.Lyssna här: Epidemin som förlamade Sverige - Kropp & Själ | Sveriges Radio

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/forskare-i-media-matilda-svensson-chowdhury - 2025-03-13