Covid-19 epidemic in Italy
Published 24 April 2020 Evolution, projections and impact of government measures (European Journal of Epidemiology) Read more here. - 2025-03-17
Published 24 April 2020 Evolution, projections and impact of government measures (European Journal of Epidemiology) Read more here. - 2025-03-17
Published 25 April 2020 Genom ett gemensamt initiativ från Arbets-och miljömedicin i Stockholm, Göteborg och Lund har en tvärprofessionell arbetsgrupp bildats för att utifrån Folkhälsomyndighetens och Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) riktlinjer ta fram anpassade hälsoråd till personer och familjer med boende i förorter och andra områden med stora förutsättningar för smittspridning. Läs mer på http - 2025-03-17
Published 26 April 2020 Med anledning av Covid-19 och den rådande utvecklingen i Sverige och världen har Formas forskarråd beslutat att omgående öppna akututlysningen 2020. Formas vill inom rådets ansvarsområden, ge möjligheten att samla in data/forskningsmaterial av akut karaktär för att säkerställa framtida tillgänglighet för forskning. Läs mer på - 2025-03-17
Published 29 April 2020 Epidemiologists are often confronted with datasets to analyse which contain measurement error due to, for instance, mistaken data entries, inaccurate recordings and measurement instrument or procedural errors. If the effect of measurement error is misjudged, the data analyses are hampered and the validity of the study’s inferences may be affected. In this paper, we describe - 2025-03-17
Published 1 February 2018 Updated FAQ regarding personal data on LU's project blog Påverkar dataskyddsförordningen hur vi behandlar gamla personuppgifterNär och hur bör vi använda samtycke som rättslig grund för behandling av personuppgifterVad gäller för gamla samtycken?Svaren hittar du på: the General Data Protection Regulation affect how - 2025-03-17
Published 30 April 2020 Treatment of postoperative pain remains a significant clinical problem, and prediction of patients with a risk of higher postoperative pain levels is an important focus. We aimed to identify patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) with risk of higher pain levels at 24 h postoperatively by using four simple and easily available clinical tools. New publication in BMC
Published 25 January 2020 Increased levels of circulating endostatin predicts cardiovascular morbidity and impaired kidney function in the general population. The utility of endostatin as a risk marker for mortality in the emergency department (ED) has not been reported. New publication in Clinical Biochemistry
Published 26 January 2020 Primary treatment of cervical cancer in Sweden adhered to evidence-based standard of care. Areas of improvement include optimising treatment for stages III-IVA, and avoiding combining surgery and radiotherapy. New publication in Gynecologic Oncology
Published 26 January 2020 Genetic and environmental factors both contribute to the development of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). One suggested environmental risk factor for ASD and ADHD is air pollution, but knowledge of its effects, especially in low-exposure areas, are limited. Here, we investigate risks for ASD and ADHD associated with prenat - 2025-03-17
Published 27 January 2020 The influence of gender on bipolar disorder is controversial and it is unclear if inpatient care differs between men and women. Here, we investigate for gender differences in the inpatient length of stay for Swedes admitted for bipolar disorder and explore other factors that could explain any observed association. New publication in Journal of Affective Disorders
Published 27 January 2020 In this large, nationwide study, the prevalence of dystonia was high compared to previous studies, which partly may be explained by the high coverage of NPR. New publication in Parkinsonism & Related Disorders
Published 28 January 2020 Hospitals in many countries do not record and analyze artificial hip and knee joint surgeries systematically, leading to a lack of reliable quality assurance data. Arthroplasty registers have the potential to alleviate this and improve quality of care and health care expenditures. In Germany, the current introduction of the Arthroplasty Register acts as a prototype for va - 2025-03-17
Published 28 January 2020 Metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) remains controversial, since the underlying mechanisms behind this phenotype remain unclear. We aimed to investigate the characteristics of MHO, as well as prospective risks. New publication in Obesity Research & Clinical Practice
Published 29 January 2020 To describe the methodology of REAPSER (Spanish Registry of Recent-onset Psoriatic Arthritis), its strengths and limitations. The aim of this study is to identify prognostic factors for the clinical and radiographic course in a cohort of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) diagnosed within 2years of symptom evolution. New publication in Reumatologia Clinica - 2025-03-17
Published 29 January 2020 Global society is rapidly ageing. Research on ageing and mobility suggests that better synergies could exist between older people and the built environment. The age-in-place policy will put increased demands on the transport system as a key facilitator for access. The main goal of this study is to examine the spatial distribution of older adults, assessing if it could be
Published 30 January 2020 Population ageing is putting pressure on pension systems and health care services, creating an imperative to extend working lives. At the same time, policy makers throughout Europe and North America are trying to expand the use of home care over institutional services. Thus, the number of people combining caregiving responsibilities with paid work is growing. We investiga - 2025-03-17
Published 30 January 2020 Occupational exposure to chemicals in general was associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer. A slight elevation of risk was seen after exposure to organic solvents. A statistically significant elevation of risk after >10 years of exposure to diesel exhaust was an unexpected finding. New publication in Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health - 2025-03-17
Published 31 January 2020 The incidence rates of both CD and UC were high. The prevalence varied from 200% to 300% between the municipalities, despite the limited geographical area indicating that local conditions are of importance. However, chemical compounds in the water were not associated with this variation. New publication in Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
Published 31 January 2020 The distal forearm fracture is the most common fracture in children. To allocate health care resources and evaluate if prevention strategies have been successful, it is essential to monitor changes in the epidemiology of common fractures. New publication in Journal of Wrist Surgery
Published 1 February 2020 Our register-based matched cohort study showed that low level of education was associated with increased mortality among gout patients. Although the magnitude of relative inequality was smaller in people with gout compared with those without, the absolute inequalities were greater reflecting a major mortality burden among those with lower education. New publication i Inte