

Din sökning på "*" gav 534363 sökträffar

Bostadsbristen backar oss till Fattigsverige

Av johan [dot] lindskoug [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Lindskoug) - publicerad 19 februari 2020 Per Eriksson & Hans Swärd. Foto: Kennet Ruona DEBATT: Socialtjänsten i flera av Sveriges största kommuner delar in hemlösa i grupper i stället för att långsiktig lösa deras bostadsproblem. Det medför samtidigt att samhällsutvecklingen nu backar tillbaka till det gamla Fattigsverige. I bostadskrisen

https://www.soch.lu.se/artikel/bostadsbristen-backar-oss-till-fattigsverige - 2025-02-05

Till minne av Ruth Wächter och Alec Carlberg

Av johan [dot] lindskoug [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Lindskoug) - publicerad 28 februari 2020 Ruth Wächter och Alec Carlberg Socialhögskolan vill uppmärksamma två hedersdoktorer vid Lunds universitet och den Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten som nyligen har gått ur tiden. Ruth Wächter gjorde betydelsefulla insatser för uppkomsten och utvecklingen av svensk social forskning från 1950-talet oc

https://www.soch.lu.se/artikel/till-minne-av-ruth-wachter-och-alec-carlberg - 2025-02-05

Corona hotar förvärra den svenska bostadskrisen

Av johan [dot] lindskoug [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Lindskoug) - publicerad 30 mars 2020 Debatt: Sveriges regering och kommuner måste förhindra en katastrof. Det skriver 108 bostadsforskare, däribland 7 vid Socialhögskolan, i ett debattinlägg i Aftonbladet. Forskarna pekar på behovet av extraordinära insatser för utsatta hushåll i samband med coronaepidemin. Långt ifrån alla som bor i Sver

https://www.soch.lu.se/artikel/corona-hotar-forvarra-den-svenska-bostadskrisen - 2025-02-05

Socialhögskolans årsbok tar sikte på framtiden

Av johan [dot] lindskoug [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Lindskoug) - publicerad 21 april 2020 Illustration som föreställer barn, av Ulrika Levander och foto av omslag till Socialhögskolans årsbok 2019. Det för socialt arbete alltid lika centrala forskningsområdet barn, familj och välfärd står i fokus när Socialhögskolan nu ger ut sin fjärde årsbok. 2019 blir också ett betydelsefullt år för ins

https://www.soch.lu.se/artikel/socialhogskolans-arsbok-tar-sikte-pa-framtiden - 2025-02-05

New honorary doctors in science at Lund University

Published 10 January 2019 Stanley Micklavzina. Lund University in Sweden has two new honorary doctors in science. One is an entertaining and creative circus artist in the subject of physics. The other is a chemistry professor who is passionate about providing students with an early link to qualified research. The Faculty of Science at Lund University has now announced its honorary doctors for 2019

https://www.science.lu.se/article/new-honorary-doctors-science-lund-university - 2025-02-05

Body-painting protects against bloodsucking insects

Published 18 January 2019 Human models used in the experiment. Photo: Gabor Horvath. A study by researchers from Sweden and Hungary shows that white, painted stripes on the body protect skin from insect bites. It is the first time researchers have successfully shown that body-painting has this effect. Among indigenous peoples who wear body-paint, the markings thus provide a certain protection agai

https://www.science.lu.se/article/body-painting-protects-against-bloodsucking-insects - 2025-02-05

Unique camera enables researchers to see the world the way birds do

Published 23 January 2019 The image to the right was taken with the specially designed camera Photo: Cynthia Tedore. Using a specially designed camera, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have succeeded for the first time in recreating how birds see colours in their surroundings. The study reveals that birds see a very different reality compared to what we see. Human colour vision is based on

https://www.science.lu.se/article/unique-camera-enables-researchers-see-world-way-birds-do - 2025-02-05

Dung beetles navigate better under a full moon

Published 5 February 2019 A dung beetle rolling its ball under an artificial moonlit sky. Photo: Chris Collingridge. Of all nocturnal animals, only dung beetles can hold their course using polarized moonlight. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now shown that the beetles can use polarized light when its signal strength is weak,which may allow them to find their bearings when artificial

https://www.science.lu.se/article/dung-beetles-navigate-better-under-full-moon - 2025-02-05

The scent of a flower varies locally

Published 15 February 2019 Greya politella and Greya obscura on a Lithophragma cymbalaria. Photo: Magne Friberg. A research team that includes researchers from Lund University in Sweden, the University of California Santa Cruz, Cornell University and the University of São Paulo, has discovered that the scent of flowers of the same species can be completely different - despite growing only some10 k

https://www.science.lu.se/article/scent-flower-varies-locally - 2025-02-05

New research on extreme weather

Published 26 February 2019 Algal sample. Photo: Karin Rengefors. Work is going ahead on several new research projects about extreme weather in the light of last summer’s extreme drought. Three of these projects concern extreme weather’s impact on algal blooms, its consequences for bumble bee colonies, and the use of climate models to investigate effects on political, legal and social engagement. T

https://www.science.lu.se/article/new-research-extreme-weather - 2025-02-05

Swifts are born to eat and sleep in the air

Published 8 March 2019 Pallid swift (Photo: Davide D'Amico). Nearly 100 species of swift are completely adapted to life in the air. That is the conclusion of researchers at Lund University in Sweden after having studied a third species and observing that some individuals did not land for over three months. “They eat and sleep while they are airborne. This is something that researchers have believe

https://www.science.lu.se/article/swifts-are-born-eat-and-sleep-air - 2025-02-05

Researchers uncover additional evidence for massive solar storms

Published 12 March 2019 Photo courtesy of NASA/SDO. Solar storms can be far more powerful than previously thought. A new study has found evidence for the third known case of a massive solar storm in historical times. The researchers believe that society might not be sufficiently prepared if a similar event were to happen now. Our planet is constantly being bombarded by cosmic particles. However, a

https://www.science.lu.se/article/researchers-uncover-additional-evidence-massive-solar-storms - 2025-02-05

Jupiter’s unknown journey revealed

Published 25 March 2019 Illustration: NASA/JPL-Caltech. The giant planet Jupiter was formed four times further from the sun than its current orbit, and migrated inwards in the solar system over a period of 700.000 years. Researchers found proof of this incredible journey thanks to a group of asteroids close to Jupiter. It is known that gas giants around other stars are often located very near thei

https://www.science.lu.se/article/jupiters-unknown-journey-revealed - 2025-02-05

3D models reveal why bigger bumblebees see better

Published 26 March 2019 3D image of the head of a bumblebee. Image: Pierre Tichit. By generating 3D images of bumblebees’ compound eyes, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered how bumblebees differ in their vision. The results could contribute to increased knowledge about the pollination process - once researchers are able to determine which flowers different bees see easily, and

https://www.science.lu.se/article/3d-models-reveal-why-bigger-bumblebees-see-better - 2025-02-05

Bacteria could become a future source of electricity

Published 27 March 2019 Dmitrii Pankratov, Lo Gorton and Galina Pankratova (Photo: Maryam Saati) In recent years, researchers have tried to capture the electrical current that bacteria generate through their own metabolism. So far, however, the transfer of the current from the bacteria to a receiving electrode has not been efficient at all. Now, researchers from institutions including Lund Univers

https://www.science.lu.se/article/bacteria-could-become-future-source-electricity - 2025-02-05

Researcher awarded prestigious ERC grant

Published 4 April 2019 A researcher at the Department of Geology at Lund University has been awarded just over SEK 26 million by the European Research Council, ERC. Daniel Conley, professor of biogeochemistry at Lund University, has been awarded the grant for a five-year project on diatoms in the ocean. Diatoms have a significant impact on the global biogeochemical cycles of carbon, silicon dioxid

https://www.science.lu.se/article/researcher-awarded-prestigious-erc-grant - 2025-02-05

Remains of a planet found orbiting dead star

Published 8 April 2019 This planetary fragment is orbiting around the white dwarf among the debris from the earlier solar system. The image is an artistic impression. Illustration: University of Warwick/Mark Garlick. Astronomers have discovered what appears to be the remnants of a planet orbiting a dead star in a disc of debris formed from destroyed planets. The planetary fragment could offer clue

https://www.science.lu.se/article/remains-planet-found-orbiting-dead-star - 2025-02-05

Geology professor releases new book about… heavy metal

Published 3 May 2019 Mats E. Eriksson Professor Mats E. Eriksson of Lund University in Sweden is now publishing his second book in the somewhat unusual subject combination of geological fossils and heavy metal music. Researching microscopic fossils and attempting to reconstruct several hundred million-year-old ecosystems is Mats E. Eriksson’s day job as a professor of geology at Lund University in

https://www.science.lu.se/article/geology-professor-releases-new-book-about-heavy-metal - 2025-02-05

Dung beetles use wind compass when the sun is high

Published 2 July 2019 Photo: Chris Collingridge. Researchers have shown for the first time that an animal uses different directional sensors to achieve the highest possible navigational precision in different conditions. When the sun is high, dung beetles navigate using the wind. The discovery of the dung beetles’ wind compass and how it complements the sun compass was made by an international res

https://www.science.lu.se/article/dung-beetles-use-wind-compass-when-sun-high - 2025-02-05