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Upphandlade UGL-, UL- och IL-kurser för chefer och ledare

Av webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - publicerad 23 september 2022 Nu finns det nya upphandlade utbildningar för chefer och ledare. UGL - utveckling av grupp och ledare UGL syftar till att deltagaren ska få en större förståelse för gruppdynamik, hur du som chef påverkar och påverkas av gruppen och de olika faser av grupputveckling som finns. Kursen ges också på engelska. Ut

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/upphandlade-ugl-ul-och-il-kurser-chefer-och-ledare - 2025-03-18

Maths tutoring, visors and disinfection – volunteer initiatives continue at Lund University

Published 25 March 2020 Charlotta Johnsson (Photo: Tiina Meri) In the current extraordinary situation, voluntary initiatives and ideas have taken off at Lund University, at several different faculties. Everyone is helping where they can. In times of significant pressures on society, many people want to contribute to ensure the functioning of healthcare and education.  When it became apparent that

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/maths-tutoring-visors-and-disinfection-volunteer-initiatives-continue-lund-university - 2025-03-18

Air samples from coronavirus patient rooms being analysed

Published 26 March 2020 While taking air measurements, Jakob Löndahl and his research colleagues wear the same protection as the staff caring for coronavirus patients – masks, face visors, gloves and protective aprons. Photo: Sara Thuresson There are many questions concerning the coronavirus and infection prevention that need to be answered as soon as possible. One of the key questions is: Is the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/air-samples-coronavirus-patient-rooms-being-analysed - 2025-03-18

3D Printing Centre helping in fight against coronavirus

Published 26 March 2020 Protective visor parts that have been 3D-printed Skåne University Hospital’s 3D Printing Centre normally produces surgical equipment and anatomical models used in health care. However, they are now producing protective visors instead, as there is a shortage at hospitals in the region. The centre, run by Region Skåne and linked to Lund University, hopes to do even more, and

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/3d-printing-centre-helping-fight-against-coronavirus - 2025-03-18

A message from the Vice-Chancellor to Lund University students

Published 27 March 2020 We find ourselves in trying times. Much of what we know and take for granted is being turned on its head. Around the world, we see the spread of the coronavirus affecting country after country. As an international student, you are far away from your loved ones at a time when your studies, mobility, travel and socialising are being severely tested. Many are also observing th

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/message-vice-chancellor-lund-university-students - 2025-03-18

Rapid development of ventilator for COVID 19

Published 27 March 2020 The (1980s) Servo Ventilator that Björn Jonson developed in the 1960s. On the right: Björn Jonson today, busy with the development of a ventilator for COVID 19. Image source: The Medical History Society of Southern Sweden and private photo. ‘With age comes wisdom’ is an old proverb well suited to Björn Jonson, professor emeritus in clinical physiology who is about to turn 8

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/rapid-development-ventilator-covid-19 - 2025-03-18

COVID-19: Mitigating impact on research through matchmaking

Published 30 March 2020 Jonas Björk and Anna Axmon The frustration with not being able to contribute to the difficult situation surrounding the covid-19 pandemic led researchers at LUPOP to launch a matchmaking initiative. Their idea is to help researchers with clinical background, now needed in healthcare, by supporting their research and application work. As COVID-19 spreads throughout the world

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/covid-19-mitigating-impact-research-through-matchmaking - 2025-03-18

Sweden under fire for ‘relaxed’ coronavirus approach – here’s the science behind it

Published 30 March 2020 This article was written by Paul W Franks, Professor in Genetic Epidemiology at Lund University, and Peter Nilsson, Professor of Epidemiology at Lund University for The Conversation (https://theconversation.com/uk). It was published on March 27th 2020. A growing number of Swedish doctors and scientists are raising alarm over the Swedish government’s approach to COVID-19. Un

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/sweden-under-fire-relaxed-coronavirus-approach-heres-science-behind-it - 2025-03-18

Two ERC Advanced Grants awarded to Lund University researchers

Published 31 March 2020 Olle Melander and Anne L’Huillier. (Photo: Mikael Risedal and Magnus Bergström) Two Lund researchers have received the prestigious European Research Council’s (ERC) Advanced Grant of approximately SEK 25 million each: Anne L’Huillier, professor of Atomic Physics and Olle Melander, professor of Internal Medicine and consultant at Skåne University Hospital. The grants are for

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/two-erc-advanced-grants-awarded-lund-university-researchers - 2025-03-18

Lund University fast-tracks courses for nurses

By emma [dot] holm [at] education [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Holm) - published 31 March 2020 Photo: Emil Langvad Many of the patients who become seriously ill with COVID-19 suffer from respiratory failure. Therefore, Lund University will train nurses within Region Skåne in advanced care for respiratory failure starting Wednesday. For healthcare, a big challenge is finding staff with the right skill s

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-fast-tracks-courses-nurses - 2025-03-18

Students and teachers share their stories on distance learning due to COVID-19

Published 2 April 2020 Our students and teachers share their stories on how to learn and teach in Sweden during the coronavirus outbreak. Better than expected, but not without its challenges, especially socially. That’s how a couple of our students and staff tell the story of how we went from campus education to distance learning methods in a matter of days. Wednesday 18 March. The campus is still

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/students-and-teachers-share-their-stories-distance-learning-due-covid-19 - 2025-03-18

Researchers successfully repair stroke-damaged rat brains

Published 8 April 2020 Transplanted nerve cells (transplant up to the right), which were produced from human skin cells, send their nerve fibres to the cerebral cortex on the opposite side of the brain in a stroke-afflicted rat. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have succeeded in restoring mobility and sensation of touch in stroke-afflicted rats by reprogramming human skin cells to become n

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/researchers-successfully-repair-stroke-damaged-rat-brains - 2025-03-18

RNA drugs one step closer to be being used in cancer treatment

Published 14 April 2020 Photo: Hampus Du Rietz In recent years, RNA molecules, with the ability to affect or turn off pathogenic genes, have become promising drug candidates in several areas. However, it has been a challenge to develop techniques to deliver the RNA molecules into the cells where they have an effect. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now developed a sensitive technique

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/rna-drugs-one-step-closer-be-being-used-cancer-treatment - 2025-03-18

SARS-CoV2 labs in operation at Lund University

Published 14 April 2020 Photo: Jenny Power Currently, all around the world, urgent research initiatives are underway in the fight against Covid-19 to find both better treatments as well as a vaccine that creates immunity. At Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, researchers have quickly launched two dedicated SARS-Cov2 labs, which are now conducting research on samples from coronavirus patients. T

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/sars-cov2-labs-operation-lund-university - 2025-03-18

The story behind that earthy smell in spring

Published 15 April 2020 Springtails (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) The earthy smell in spring when the fields are ploughed and the garden soil in flower beds is dug over has a previously unknown purpose. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and other institutions have examined the soil smell and were able to show that it is linked to intrica

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/story-behind-earthy-smell-spring - 2025-03-18

After Covid-19: "Important that intensive care patients are followed up"

Published 17 April 2020 Some of the nurses taking the fast-track course (Photo: Ulla Wingren) Patients who have been so ill they have needed intensive care often have a long recovery ahead of them – both physically and mentally. The problems that can develop include unpleasant memories of nightmares and hallucinations. Previous favourite foods can suddenly taste awful. Many intensive care patients

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/after-covid-19-important-intensive-care-patients-are-followed - 2025-03-18

The company Alfa Laval gains unprecedented insights on stainless steel at MAX IV

Published 23 April 2020 From the left, Lin Zhu, beamline scientist; Alexei Zakharov, MAXPEEM beamline manager; Axel Knutsson, Material Specialist at Alfa Laval; Oskar Darselius Berg, Alfa Laval. A team from the Swedish company Alfa Laval used MAX IV beamline MAXPEEM to gain unprecedented insights on the oxide layer of stainless steel. The information they obtained will be highly beneficial for the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/company-alfa-laval-gains-unprecedented-insights-stainless-steel-max-iv - 2025-03-18

Can stem cells treat COVID-19?

Published 24 April 2020 Niels-Bjarne Woods, a researcher at Lund University in Sweden, has developed lung-specific mesenchymal stem cells to treat inflammation of the lungs and fibrosis. This research now may be the needed breakthrough for treatment of the severe respiratory issues related to COVID-19. A clinical study may soon be underway contingent on a successful application to the Swedish Medi

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/can-stem-cells-treat-covid-19 - 2025-03-18

How to include human connection with nature in biodiversity goals

Published 27 April 2020 Photo by Camila Cordeiro on Unsplash We need new ways of understanding how people depend on nature in our efforts to protect biodiversity. A new thesis from Lund University in Sweden suggests that we rarely take into account people’s place-based, varied and often emotional relationships with nature. “Up to now, a common approach has been based on cost-benefit analysis, wher

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-include-human-connection-nature-biodiversity-goals - 2025-03-18

Arctic wildlife uses extreme method to save energy

Published 28 April 2020 The Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Photo: Andreas Nord) The extreme cold, harsh environment and constant hunt for food means that Arctic animals have become specialists in saving energy. Now, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered a previously unknown energy-saving method used by birds during the polar night. Researchers from Lund University and the University o

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/arctic-wildlife-uses-extreme-method-save-energy - 2025-03-18