

Din sökning på "*" gav 533914 sökträffar

Konstruktivt förändringsmotstånd - En fallstudie kring implementeringen av ett nytt ERP-system.

Problembakgrund: Att organisationsledningar ofta betraktar förändringsmotstånd som en destruktiv kraft som man bör motarbeta. Syfte: Ett ifrågasättande av det antagonistiska synsättet kring förändringsmotstånd och hanteringen av det inom ERP-implementeringar. Frågeställningar: Vad för faktorer är det som skapar förändringsmotstånd utifrån fallstudiens empiri? Hur skiljer sig chefers och deras u

Hållbara Transporter? Hur aktörerna i den svenska transportbranschen ser på vägtransporter ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv

Målet med uppsatsen är att se hur media framställer den svenska transportbranschen samt att klarlägga aktuella aktörers syn på den svenska vägtransportsektorns hållbarhet. Vidare läggs största delen av fokus på hur de sociala och miljömässiga aspekterna upplevs. Dessa kan dock inte ses isolerade från den ekonomiska aspekten och därför berörs även den till viss del i arbetet. Syftet blir därmed att

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Based on an ethnographic survey of the 26th Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, this article analyses the ways in which youth participate in climate negotiations. We show how youth actors are characterised by diverse modes of engagement, and particular sociodemographic anchors. Presenting themselves as the voice of youth worldwide, youth actors have gradually c

Policy translation and dynamics : The role of Dutch ideas in developing South Korea's coastal management policies

In the literature on coastal land reclamation and ecological restoration policies, the role of policy translation has received limited attention vis-à-vis domestic political factors. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by clarifying the role of Dutch actors in developing South Korea's coastal management policies. To do so, we first develop an analytical framework that operationalizes the ‘poli

Study of C12(γ→,p)11B reactions with polarized photons at energy 40-65 MeV

The photon beam asymmetry of the C12(γ→,p01)11B and C12(γ→,p2−6)11B reactions has been measured in the energy range 40–65 MeV, using a tagged, linearly-polarized photon beam at the MAX-lab facility in Sweden. The asymmetry of the C12(γ→,p01)11B reaction to ground and first excited state of B11 is Σ≈0.82 over the measured energy range. The main contribution to the C12(γ→,p2−6)11B reaction to higher

Opinion : New directions in atmospheric research offered by research infrastructures combined with open and data-intensive science

The acquisition and dissemination of essential information for understanding global biogeochemical interactions between the atmosphere and ecosystems and how climate-ecosystem feedback loops may change atmospheric composition in the future comprise a fundamental prerequisite for societal resilience in the face of climate change. In particular, the detection of trends and seasonality in the abundan

Derived equivalences of upper-triangular ring spectra via lax limits

We extend a theorem of Ladkani concerning derived equivalences between upper-triangular matrix rings to ring spectra. Our result also extends an analogous theorem of Maycock for differential graded algebras. We illustrate the main result with certain canonical equivalences determined by a smooth or proper ring spectrum.

Growth and Redox Properties of Boron on Al(111) : Competing Affinities in the Case of Honeycomb AlB2

The complexity of the geometric and electronic structure of boron allotropes is associated with the multicentric bonding character and the consequent B polymorphism. When growth is limited to two-dimensions (2D), the structural and electronic confinement yields the borophenes family, where the interaction with the templating substrate actually determines the stability of inequivalent boron phases.

Effects of Coumarins from Roots of Paramignya scandens (Griff.) Craib on LPS-induced IL-1β and IL-10 Cytokine Production in RAW 264.7 Macrophages

Based on our previous study, we evaluated the modulatory effects on LPS-induced IL-1β and IL-10 cytokine production in RAW 264.7 macrophages of several medicinal herbs, including P. scandens. The results showed that P. scandens extract showed significant effects on LPS-induced IL-1β and IL-10 cytokine production in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Therefore, in the current research, we focused on the P. sca

The influence of different ultrafiltration set-ups on the mineral partitioning between skim milk streams

In this study, the partitioning of minerals in ultrafiltration (UF) streams of skim milk using cross-flow (CF-UF) and dead-end (DE-UF) was investigated using 50 kDa membrane at different temperatures (5, 10, 25, 35, 55°C). CF-UF showed higher protein retention (6.02–10.9%) compared with DE-UF (3.44–4.70%), along with more retention of calcium, with values ranging from 29.8 to 41.5 and 57.8 to 112

Swelling kinetics of mixtures of soybean phosphatidylcholine and glycerol dioleate

Lipid-based drug delivery systems offer the potential to enhance bioavailability, reduce dosing frequency, and improve patient adherence. In aqueous environment, initially dry lipid depots take up water and form liquid crystalline phases. Variation of lipid composition, depot size and hydration-induced phase transitions will plausibly affect the diffusion in and out of the depot. Lipid depots of s

Homelessness - An Individual or Structural Failure? A Discourse Analysis of the Swedish Government Between 1993-2017

Homelessness is one of the crudest manifestations of poverty, and addressing homelessness is thus always urgent. Discourse affects our perception, knowledge and, in the end, policymaking, and hence the perception of what the causes to homelessness are, affect what strategies and policies that are implemented. There has since long been a split in perception on whether homelessness is a result of th

The eco-social-growth trilemma and eco-social taxation: The case of Sweden

Eco-social policy seeks to provision welfare by upholding ‘social floors’ while operating within ‘ecological ceilings’, de-centering economic growth as a narrative of development. Advocates explore the role of policies integrating ecological and social goals in providing sustainable welfare. By focusing on Sweden, this thesis aims to explore the role of taxation as a tool for fostering change by a

Organisation inom förändring

Företagsorganisationer tvingas till förändringar på grund av olika drivkrafter medan medarbetarna ofta tar ställning mot förändringar. Förändringar där företaget lägger större delen av sitt fokus på att tillfredsställa de externa utmaningarna. Dessa förändringar kan öka belastningen på de anställda (internt), som leder till försämrade relationer mellan ledningen och de anställda. Medarbetare upple

Förpackningspåfrestningar som uppstår under en tempererad transport - hur innovativa förpackningar kan bli verktyget för kvalitetssäkring

Bakgrund: Dagens logistik måste aktivt arbeta med att minska på mängden matsvinn som uppstår i försörjningskedjor. Denna studie visar hur livsmedelsindustrin kan använda sig av innovativa lösningar så som intelligenta förpackningar för att förbättra kvalitetssäkringen av logistiktjänsterna. Under tempererade transporter exponeras förpackningar för varierande temperatur, luftfuktighet samt vibratio

Climate Change Adaptation in River Management : A Comparative Study of Germany and South Korea

This book examines the approaches to climate change adaptation in water governance taken by South Korea and Germany. By comparing their political decision-making processes, this book explores the factors behind their differences. Adaptation to the changing climate is critical to human society and water is the principal medium through which climate change will affect us. Due to high levels of indus