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Online Estimation of Multiple Harmonic Signals
In this paper, we propose a time-recursive multipitch estimation algorithm using a sparse reconstruction framework, assuming that only a few pitches from a large set of candidates are active at each time instant. The proposed algorithm does not require any training data, and instead utilizes a sparse recursive least-squares formulation augmented by an adaptive penalty term specifically designed to
Visioning Labs with displaced academics as a design strategy for sustainable post-conflict reconstruction
Post Conflict Futures is an ongoing project, where displaced Syrian academics meet in Visioning Labs and a global scenario group to jointly reflect on possible future developments and to look for actionable leverage points to work proactively for sustainable transitions. The collective visioning aims to identify aspects that may be critical in strategies for sustainable post conflict reconstructio
Teaching in the ‘edgelands' of the school day : The organisation of Mother Tongue Studies in a highly diverse Swedish primary school
To promote attainment and inclusion, Sweden offers tuition in migrant pupils’ mother tongues as a regular school subject. However, the formulation of learning aims is problematic, and resources allocated to the subject do not correspond to ambitions expressed in steering documents. This case study presents an analysis of the organization of Mother Tongue Studies at a highly diverse urban primary s
Forming chondrules in impact splashes-II Volatile retention
Solving the mystery of the origin of chondrules is one of the most elusive goals in the field of meteoritics. Recently, the idea of planet(esimal) collisions releasing splashes of lava droplets, long considered out of favor, has been reconsidered as a possible origin of chondrules by several papers. One of the main problems with this idea is the lack of quantitative and simple models that can be u
Long-term trends in numbers of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus breeding and wintering in Sweden
The Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus was a rare breeding species in Sweden during the early years of the 20th century, when total numbers likely consisted of only 20 pairs. Recent decades have however seen a marked increase in numbers and a spread in the swans’ distribution, with the number of pairs breeding in the two northernmost provinces rising from 310 to 2,700 pairs between two main surveys, in 19
Postprandial Glucagon Reductions Correlate to Reductions in Postprandial Glucose and Glycated Hemoglobin with Lixisenatide Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : A Post Hoc Analysis
Introduction: The extent to which postprandial glucagon reductions contribute to lowering of postprandial glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is currently unknown. The aim of this analysis was to determine whether a reduction in postprandial glucagon following treatment with the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist lixisenatide correlates with a reduction in postprandial g
Burden of Diarrhea in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990-2013 : Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013
Diarrheal diseases (DD) are leading causes of disease burden, death, and disability, especially in children in low-income settings. DD can also impact a child's potential livelihood through stunted physical growth, cognitive impairment, and other sequelae. As part of the Global Burden of Disease Study, we estimated DD burden, and the burden attributable to specific risk factors and particular etio
Phenotypic map of porcine retinal ganglion cells
PURPOSE: Porcine retina is an excellent model for studying diverse retinal processes and diseases. The morphologies of porcine retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) have, however, not yet been described comprehensively. The aim of the present study was to créate a classification of the RGCs using the 1, 1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) tracing method.METHODS: About 17
Varför får vi inte se museernas samlingar?
Humlesugan i Skåne och Danmark under 500 år
Humlesugan, Betonica officinalis L., är en avden skandinaviska florans sällsyntaste växteroch samtidigt en av de arter som har denlängsta dokumenterade historien. Den rapporteradesfrån Stehag väster om Ringsjön i Skåneav Christiern Pedersen redan 1534, Skånesäldsta litteraturuppgift där en växtart knytstill en lokal. I övriga Danmark beskrevs denmed lokaluppgift första gången av Peder LauridsenKyl
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 1-(3,3-dimethylcyclohexyl)pent-4-en-1-one, CAS Registry Number 56973-87-6
No title
The Marquis de Condorcets "Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progres de l'Esprit Humain" was one of the first books by Klaus Henrik Seidelin translated into Danish and published in Copenhagen in 1797. The chapter examines how Seidelin worked as a writer, translator and printer in Copenhagen. What were the conditions like for freedom of the press in 1797? How did Seidelin interpret the Enlighten
Satellite tracking of Bean Geese Anser fabalis fabalis and A. f. rossicus from spring staging areas in northern Sweden to breeding and moulting areas.
In order to determine their breeding and moulting siteswe fitted eight Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis fabalisand two Tundra Bean Geese A. f. rossicus with satellitetransmitters in 2007–2009 at their spring roosting sitesat Umeå and Luleå, Sweden. Nine of these transmitterstransferred GPS positions for 1–4 months. All positionswere N–ENE of the catching sites. The Tundra BeanGeese migrated to Finnm
Changes of numbers and distribution of wintering waterfowl in Sweden during forty years, 1967 - 2006.
Regular midwinter counts of waterfowl (included in theInternational Midwinter Counts, IWC, organized by whatis now Wetlands International) has been undertaken inSweden since the start in 1967 and are still going on,now as a part of the National Environmental MonitoringProgramme. After the first exploratory years includingcountry-wide surveys in 1971–1973 undertaken bothfrom the ground, the air and
A strong visible line in the spectrum of W11+
We have investigated the visible spectrum of W11+ and found a very strong line at the wave length of 527.61 nm from the 4f135s25p2 (2F7/2-2F5/2) transition. We show that this line is strong since the excitation energy of the upper level opens up the possibility to capture a large population. We discuss the possibility that this strong line could be the unknown line seen in charge exchange spectra
Review of the film "Förbjuden kärlek", regi Anders Wahlgren
Årets Böcker : Historia
Prevalence and Prognostic Implications of Bundle Branch Block in Comatose Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
This study reports the prevalence and prognostic impact of right bundle branch block (RBBB) and left bundle branch block (LBBB) in the admission electrocardiogram (ECG) of comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). The present study is part of the predefined electrocardiographic substudy of the prospective randomized target temperature management trial, which found no benefit of
Benchmarking Geant4 for spallation neutron source calculations
Geant4 is becoming increasingly used for radiation transport simulations of spallation neutron sources and related components. Historically, the code has seen little usage in this field and it is of general interest to investigate the suitability of Geant4 for such applications. For this purpose, we carried out Geant4 calculations based on simple spallation source geometries and also with the the