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Lasarus kvinnor
Flax and Hemp Fibres and Their Composites : A Literature Study of Structure and Mechanical Properties
Our Selves in the Future : New Angles on Possible Selves
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om den aspekt av människans självbild, eller självet, som på engelska kallas possible selves, och som på svenska skulle kunna kallas "möjliga själv" (en etablerad svensk översättning saknas). Detta är framtidsföreställningar eller framtidsbilder där vi ser oss själva i framtida situationer eller tillstånd, och teorin om möjliga själv presenterades fPossible selves are conceptions or images of ourselves in future states or situations. The theory about possible selves used in the present thesis was developed in a social cognitive tradition of research on the self, where the self is seen as a knowledge structure (Markus & Nurius, 1986). Possible selves are parts of this knowledge structure and possible selves are of importance for motivatio
Hidden Markov modeling of noise periodograms using Rayleigh mixture models
In this paper, we derive an Expectation-Maximization algorithm for hidden Markov models (HMMs) with a multivariate Rayleigh mixture model (RMM) in each state. We compare the use of multivariate RMMs to multivariate Gaussian mixture models in the general case where the HMM is a dynamic model and for the special case where it has a single state and reduces to a static model. We evaluate the proposed
QoS in Today's Internet
To be able to guarantee service quality end-to-end Quality of Service has to be deployed. This thesis addresses the problems with applying QoS end-to-end over today’s Internet. A rather pessimistic conclusion states that QoS over Internet is hard (impossible?) to realize without introducing virtual circuits or similar. The concept of flows and label switching is introduced. Some QoS techniques are
Polarized-Light Processing in Insect Brains: Recent Insights from the Desert Locust, the Monarch Butterfly, the Cricket, and the Fruit Fly
The pattern of linearly polarized light in the sky can be used for orientation behavior by many insects. Although such behavioral responses have been well described in bees and ants over several decades, until recently it remained largely elusive how polarized-light information is processed in the insect brain. However, over the last decade, substantial advances in understanding polarized- light p
The Baltistan Movement: Tibetan History and Identity in the Northern Areas of Pakistan
Regional Innovation Policy beyond ‘Best Practice’: Lessons from Sweden
This paper deals with policy measures in the regional innovation system of Scania, Southern Sweden. Focus is dedicated to requirements on innovation policy from actors representing different industries. Previous studies have identified profound differences with regard the organization of knowledge sourcing between firms and other actors in industries drawing on different knowledge bases. In corres
Studies for the Low Emittance MAX-IV Storage Rings
This thesis discusses the feasibility of a low emittance lattice proposed for the MAX-IV storage rings. The MAX-IV facility will have two storage rings that are identical but operated at two different energies, 1.5 GeV for soft X-ray and 3 GeV for hard X-ray production. The lattice is built to take advantage of the small gap insertion devices that imply small apertures in the magnet elements whic
Religionsblindhet och den moderne juristen
Instance-aware assemblies of services in pervasive computing
With computers embedded almost everywhere, in domestic, industrial, and medical appliances and devices, computing is becoming increasingly pervasive. Services in pervasive systems can be combined and coordinated through user-defined scripts called assemblies, a light-weight and understandable way for end users to adapt services to fit their specific needs. Previous languages for assembly scripts
High-spin study of rotational structures in Br-72
High-spin states in Br-72(35)37 were studied using the Ca-40(Ar-36,3pn) reaction. The existing level scheme has been significantly modified and extended. Evidence has been found for a spin reassignment of -1h to the previously observed negative-parity band, which carries implications for the interpretation of a signature inversion in this structure. One signature of the previously assigned positiv
Photodynamic therapy in interplay with fluorescence diagnostics in the treatment of human superficial malignancies
Quantitative WinWin - a new method for decision support in requirements negotiation
Defining, prioritizing, and selecting requirements are problems of tremendous importance. In this paper, a new approach called Quantitative WinWin for decision support in requirements negotiation is studied. The difference to Boehm's WinWin groupware-based negotiation support is the inclusion of quantitative methods as a backbone for better and more objective decisions. Like Boehm's original WinWi
Makten över marken. Om tillämpningen av regler för förändrad markanvändning i fem länder i Europa
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Our investigation of two EPR and waste management programs in California, U.S. revealed two common features: involvement of the state government is small, and the establishment of concrete recycling/waste management systems is to a large extent left in the hands of entities who have direct responsibility for their implementation. Based on the degree of government involvement, we categorized recycl
Hybrid zones and speciation – insights from the European crow hybrid zone
In hybrid zones genetically differentiated populations meet and interbreed. As they result from ongoing divergence and potential speciation, such zones provide opportunities to study how different factors affect this process. The hybrid zone between the all black carrion crow (Corvus corone corone) and the grey and black hooded crow (Corvus c. cornix) stretches c. 2400 km throughout Europe. I have