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Flätflickans revansch. Med Kulla-Gulla och Pippi Långstrump i huvudrollerna.

Maria Österlund skriver i sin avhandling Förklädda flickor: könsöverskridning i 1980-talets svenska ungdomsroman (2005) att ”[f]risyren spelar en avgörande roll i flickskildringen som en markör för vilken sorts flicktyp karaktärerna tillhör”. Flätflickan är en flicktyp som länge har figurerat i barn- och ungdomslitteraturen. Flätflickan är en variant av den så kallade duktiga flickan, vilken är en

Riskhänsyn i detaljplaneprocessen - En fallstudie av Kristinebergs Slott 11 och Samverkancentralen Park 1

As populations and cities grow, spatial planning is crucial. As the planned environment becomes more and more complex, so does managing risk and experts within the field are still debating how this is best done. To asses this undefined area of practice, a case study of the land use plan Kristinebergs Slott 11 was conducted. The main feature of the plan was a crisis management centre which was to b

Fuktberäkning av vindar och jämförelse med mögelprover

The purpose of this thesis was to study how well the MRD-model (Mould Resistance Design) co-using the hygrothermal calculation software WUFI Pro 6 can predict mould growth in roof structures within long periods of time. The study was done on eleven roof structures situated at Malmberget within Gällivare Municipality between the years of 1961 – 2012 in WUFI Pro 6 (the structures were built around 1

CPV-connected ES for Multiple Services

In this master thesis, the topic of energy storage connected to concentrator photovoltaic power production is assessed. The end goal is to propose the optimal energy storage technology and its sizing, regarding power and energy capacity, for an existing concentrator photovoltaic power plant. The plant is located in the province of Algarve in Portugal, the installed production capacity is 4.5 MW, a

CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated DGCR8 Deletion in a Human Stem Cell Line and Exploration of In Vivo Applications

The CRISPR-Cas9 system for genetic engineering has recently emerged as promising tool for studying gene functions in a variety of systems and organisms. Here, we are particularly interested in studying the role of DGCR8 in a human neuroepithelial-like stem (hNES) cell line. Beyond its characterized role in the microRNA biogenesis pathway, recent studies have implicated the enzyme’s involvement in

Kvalitet och läsbarhet för svenska hemsidor med information för vuxna med hörselnedsättning

Syfte: Utvärdera kvaliteten och läsbarheten för svenska hemsidor med information för vuxna med hörselnedsättning. Metod: De två sökorden hörselnedsättning och hörapparater, skrevs in i den mest använda sökmotorn i Sverige under januari 2016, Google. Därefter valdes de 20 första relevanta hemsidorna av varje sökord, det vill säga sammanlagt 40 hemsidor. Dubbletterna togs bort och totalt utvärderadeAim: Evaluating the quality and readability of Swedish websites with information for adults with hearing loss. Method: Two keywords hearing loss and hearing aids, were entered in Google (the most used search engine in Sweden, January 2016).The first 20 relevant websites were elected of each keyword, making a total of 40 websites. Removing duplicates resulted in 29 websites that were assessed. Eval

REFSHALEØEN - A Collective Future

This master thesis is concerned with the site of Refshaleøen in Copenhagen and how a proposal of buildings would enhance the identity of the place, attract more people while maintaining the qualities of the old industrial area. A contradiction in itself and thus not an easy task. As method, the first steps were to document the site, attain background material and history of the site to better unde

Synthesis of anti-β-Hydroxy-α-amino Esters via Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation Coupled with Dynamic Kinetic Resolution

Om du tar dina två händer, så ser du att de är spegelbilder. Däremot är din vänsterhand inte identisk med din högerhand. De går inte att placera på varandra, utan måste läggas handflata mot handflata för att passa ihop. Detta kallas kiralitet. Kroppen är enda ner på molekylnivå kiral, det vill säga även de minsta byggstenarna i cellerna är kirala. När ett läkemedel designas vill man att det ska paWe have investigated the synthesis of anti-β-Hydroxy-α-amino Esters from the corresponding β-Keto-α-amino Esters. The coupling of Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation (ATH) with Dynamic Kinetic Resolution (DKR) allows us to control the relative and absolute stereochemistry of the product. The procedure uses a 1:2 mixture of formic acid and triethylamine as hydrogen source, and (S,S)-[RuDPAE(mesitylen

The effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v on the flocculating behaviour of beer starter culture yeast strains

The aim of this project was to investigate the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v on the flocculating behaviour of beer starter culture yeast strains isolated from both top and bottom fermenting yeasts from a previous study (Li.Yu.,2014 unpublished). In the present study,microbial enumeration was done through basic culturing and plating techniques. Yeast strains and isolates of Lactobacillus p

Preparation and characterization of nanocellulose from wheat bran

Kan vetekli bidra till en hållbarare värld? Med ökad medvetenhet om vikten av ett hållbart samhälle ställs hårdare krav på företag att minska, och helst sluta, använda oljebaserade produkter. Nanocellulosa har visat sig vara ett bra alternativ till oljebaserade produkter i blandningar med andra material. Nanocellulosa har t.ex. börjat användas i skönhetsprodukter då det är ett naturmaterial som haNanocellulose is being studied to a great extent around the world as it has great potential and many possible applications, for example, as an additive in greener polymers in a world where the need for replacements for fossil fuel based polymers increase. Different sources of cellulose are being considered for the production of nanocellulose as this can add value to what otherwise often is a by-pr

Genomic and metabolic response of citrate in human lung fibroblasts

Citrat ger cellerna mer energi Njurarna är ett organ i kroppen vars huvuduppgift är att avlägsna överflödig vätska och rena blodet från restprodukter. Njursvikt innebär ett tillstånd där njurarna helt eller till största delen förlorat sin funktion och kan leda till ett livshotande tillstånd då vätskenivån i kroppen ökar. Detta kan bl.a. leda till ett förhöjt blodtryck och att nivån av olika giftiObjective: Citrate is widely used in dialysis, either as an acid in dialysis fluids or as a regional anticoagulant. In both cases, the concentration of citrate in the plasma of the patients will increase above physiological levels, up to 5-foldes in some cases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of citrate on the transcriptional level, as well as on the metabolic level and elucida

Nanowire Peel-Off for Tandem Solar Cell Applications

Med hjälp av nanotrådar kan vi effektivisera solceller och minska åtgången av dyra och sällsynta material. Detta projekt har genomförts som ett led i att utveckla en metod där vertikala nanotrådar som var och en innehåller en solcell överförs till en plan solcell för att bygga så kallade tandemsolceller med förbättrad effektivitet.Nanowires provide interesting features for photovoltaic applications. Materials with desirable band gaps can be combined into heterostructures with very little strain and with a fraction of the material consumption seen in conventional solar devices. Moreover, nanowires show outstanding optical absorption and InP and GaAs nanowire solar cells have been shown to reach efficiencies of 13.8 % and 15.

Automatiserad sjunkspärr för lyftbord av saxliftsprincip

Den vanligaste typen av lyftbord inom industrin är uppbyggda med en saxlift som får sin vertikala rörelse med hjälp av hydraulcylindrar. Enligt standard SS-EN 1570-1 finns det i vissa situationer krav på att en mekaniskspärr ska finnas som förhindrar lyftbordet från att sjunka. Existerande produkter som företaget Marco AB utvecklat och säljer finns, men antingen kräver de ett omkringliggande schakThe most common types of lift tables in the industry is structured with a scissor lift that gets its vertical movement by means of hydraulic cylinders. According to the standard SS-EN 1570-1, some situations demand that a mechanical lock must be provided to prevent the table from sinking. Existing products that the company Marco AB have developed and are selling are available, but either require a

Cylinder Volume Deviation for Heavy Duty Combustion Engines

The automotive industry is a field of enormous competition. Customers and regulations demand economical and sustainable products. To achieve maximum efficiency, engine systems require detailed control. To increase the accuracy of the models that describe the combustion process, a demand has arisen at Scania for an exact prediction of the combustion chamber volume. During engine operation, the com

Numerical analysis of vibrations due to impact pile driving

Vibrations originating from constructional work can affect the nearby soil and structures. Depending on the properties of the vibrations, these can result in settlements in the soil and damages to existing structures. Along with blasting, impact pile driving is one of the greatest sources of vibrations on a construction site. When installing a concrete pile with an impact hammer, a weight is drop

Development of a Base Station for a Control Center

In this thesis, the objective was to design a base station for a startup company as a compliment to their main product, a control center device. The thesis resulted in a prototype that worked as intended and it fulfilled all desired criteria; charging ability, mountable on walls and placeable on flat horizontal surfaces. The prototype is divided into two parts: One unit, the station, and one unit

Elucidate number of cytosolic siRNA molecules necessary for knockdown

RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological gene silencing mechanism that functions in every cell, and has the last two decades become a promising approach for genetic therapeutics. With small interfering RNA (siRNA) complementary to the target gene sequence, the siRNA together with the RNA induced silencing complex (RISC), can degrade the coding mRNA, inhibit protein from translation and thus mediate

Datainsamling från multipa PLC

This thesis investigates the options for data logging for PLC:s produced by Automationspartner AB. The thesis investigates the three most common brands of PLC used by Automationspartner, and will for each brand determine which is the most suited, based on criteria provided by the company. This thesis compare a number of solutions but only a few of these are analyzed in greater detail. The thesis r

Validation of TEKNOsim 5: Verification Against Different Standards and Building Energy Simulation Tools

The growth of building energy simulation tools has provided users with a variety of alternatives to model and simulate buildings. The algorithms used in each building energy simulation software are different and range from simple to highly complex. TEKNOsim is a simple design tool based on analytical and empirical algorithms. It is used for calculating building thermal loads and simulating indoor