

Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar

Brandteknisk riskvärdering, Akademiska Barnsjukhuset I Uppsala

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Uppsala University Children’s hospital which is the largest part of the course Fire safety evaluation VBR054 at Lund University. The report is focused on identifying the current risks. This was accomplished by using various computer programs, experiments and hand calculations. Different measures were developed in order to minimize the risks.

The Search for Professional Identification - An interpretive case study examining identity work at a consulting firm.

This thesis purpose is to examine what impact employer branding and organisational culture has on individual’s identity construction from a socially constructed view. We have used a qualitative research method based on an anti-positivistic epistemology and a socially constructed ontological perspective. We have conducted a case study at Quarter Consulting (a pseudonym for one of "The big 4&qu

Unemployment and alcohol-related health in Sweden

A large number of studies have explored the relations between unemployment and alcohol-related health, but so far there is no consensus among the results. This paper contributes to the literature by exploring how unemployment is related to overall alcohol consumption as well as to the rates of alcohol poisoning, alcohol addiction and alcohol-related liver disease. A fixed effects model is used on

Approximating Capital Requirement Due to Name Credit Concentration Risk

Since banks provide various forms of credit, they consequently expose the business as well as society to risks. Therefore, global banking regulations exist to ensure that banks keep enough capital for the risks they are taking. One such risk is name credit concentration risk, arising when exposures in a portfolio have a skew distribution across different counterparties. Regarding the treatment of


In June 2013 the Commission published its consultation paper “Towards more effective EU merger control” whereby the Commission was seeking to i) extend the scope of the EU merger control to the acquisition of non-controlling minority shareholdings and ii) reform the referral system. The paper proposed several options on how to successfully achieve the set objectives without creating undue burdens

Macroprudential Policy:The Case of Brazil

In the wake of 2008 financial crisis there has been growing interest in issues related to macroprudential policy and the coordinated attempt to ensure financial stability as a whole. The main objective of the paper is to provide a combination of both theoretical and empirical analysis of the effectiveness of macroprudential policy, implemented in Brazilian economy in 2010. Based on an existing met

The symbolic meaning of creativity - perceptions of routines and creativity in a contemporary office setting

Our main finding was that creativity could be understood as a symbolic. The perceptions of creativity can be contagious, when the routinized worker associates him or herself with the creative outcome of the team. For the employee the symbolic meaning might also work as a distraction from alienation and provide more meaning to performing routinized tasks. We also saw how routines can be perceived e

Temporary formworks as torsional bracing system for steel-concrete composite bridges during concreting of the deck

A critical stage for the construction of steel-concrete composite bridges occurs during casting of the bridge deck, when the wet concrete has still not hardened. The entire construction load is then taken by the non-composite steel sections. Bracing may be needed to make the slender girders rigid enough to resist lateral torsional buckling during this phase. If temporary formwork could be attached

Selling Stories and Consuming Culture : The Connection between Literature and Marketing in Max Barry's Syrup (1999) and Jennifer Government (2003)

Literature and marketing are closely connected. This statement might be considered surprising. This thesis, however, aims to explore this connection by applying an interdisciplinary approach anchored in both marketing and literary theory. The multifaceted nature of the relationship between the fields can be discussed from various angles. The novels Syrup (1999) and Jennifer Government (2003) by Au

Samtal som metod - En studie om samtalsgrupper som utvecklingsmetod i en svensk skolkontext

I föreliggande psykologexamensuppsats kombinerades kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i syfte att explorativt undersöka innehållet i pedagogers samtalsgrupper samt för att utforska samtalsledarens roll. Studien utformades i samråd med utbildningsförvaltningen i den studerade kommunen. Åtta samtalsgrupper deltog i en observationsundersökning. Ett strukturerat observationsschema, IPA, användes förIn the presented Master’s Thesis qualitative and quantitative methods were combined in order to, with an explorative approach, examine the content of the Teacher Learning Communities (TLC) and to examine the role of the facilitator. The study was developed in agreement with the Department of Education in the participating municipality. Eight TLCs were observed. A structured observation chart, IPA,

Den nationella innovationskapaciteten - En empirisk och teoretisk studie av variabler som påverkar den nationella innovationskapaciteten i OECD-länder

Denna studie är av empirisk och teoretisk karaktär och undersöker variabler som har en inverkan på den nationella innovationskapaciteten i OECD-länder. Då det inte finns ett välfungerande och internationellt erkänt mått på innovationskapacitet har studien använt antal nationella patentansökningar som proxy för den nationella innovationskapaciteten. För att identifiera de variabler som antas ha en

EU Ecolabel och dess påverkan på konsumenten : en kvantitativ studie om miljöproduktmärkning och konsumentbeteende applicerat på den Europeiska Unionens ställning som supranationellt organ

Utifrån ett hypotetisk-deduktivt angreppssätt behandlar denna uppsats det rådande konsumtionssamhället och dess påverkan på miljön genom att angripa miljöproduktmärkning i sin roll som miljöförstöringshämmande verktyg. Problematiseringen tillämpas på miljöproduktmärket EU Ecolabel och dess påverkan på konsumenten i form av svenska universitets- och högskolestudenter. I miljömärkets roll som ett me

The Safeguarding of Employees’ Rights Arising from Collective Agreements in the Event of Transfers of Undertakings - Balancing the Tension between Employees’ and Employers’ Interests

Directive 2001/23/EC on the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, aims primarily to protect employees from being placed in a less favourable position solely as a result of a transfer of an undertaking. Article 3(3) of the Directive, more particularly, provides that, upon a transfer of an undertaking, the new employer is bound by terms and conditions agreed in

More than wine : cultural ecosystem services in vineyard landscapes

Problem area: Ecosystem services, the benefits that people obtain from nature, are essential for human well-being, but are declining globally. Even though research on ecosystem services has increased in the last decade, knowledge on cultural ecosystem services (CES), which are the non-material benefits people gain from ecosystems, is still limited. Wine production shapes special landscapes that pr

The Importance of Education for the Relationship between Economic Integration and Female Labor Market Outcomes: A Developing Country Analysis

Women in developing countries have been and are still suffering from various disadvantages on the labor market. We use a fixed effects model with a hierarchical structure to assess the empirical relationship between economic integration, measured by trade, exports and imports, and the female labor force participation rate (FLFPR). The relationship between economic integration and the female employ

Axial load determination using modal analysis

The report investigates the use of measured transversal vibrations to estimate the axial load on beams/columns. A literary review of the basic theory is performed, which clearly shows the theoretical relation between natural frequency and axial loading of linear structural elements (strings & beams). Current journal articles show that research has been done on mathematical models as well as so

Ojämlikhet i den svenska skolan: Ett problematiserande av kvalitet och jämlikhet i den svenska skolan utifrån Skollagen och Sveriges utbildningspolitiska historia

The Swedish educational system has during the last few decades gone through a process of liberalization and privatization. The political reforms and processes shaping the state of the Swedish school today have to a large extent changed the shape of the Swedish welfare state in general and the overall view on education in particular. This paper attempts to locate and dissect ambitions of equality a

Kvalifikationskrav på arkivarier : en undersökning av svenska myndighetsarkiv

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine which competencies and qualifications Swedish government agencies require when hiring records managers today. Recently, the archival sector has encountered several challenges regarding technical solutions for electronic archiving. This thesis also attempts to address whether these changes affect the need for specific qualifications in records managers.

Elektronisk legitimering i en fysisk kontext - en designstudie om Mobilt BankID som legitimation hos postombud

Den digitala plånboken är ett nytt kapitel i smartphonens historia som i och med mobila betalningslösningar kan agera substitut för traditionella betalningsmedel. Något denna plånbok däremot inte innehåller är en motsvarande lösning för legitimationen, ett plastkort som i digitaliseringen inte verkar ha någonstans att ta vägen. Faktum är att legitimering med smartphonen blev möjligt i takt med lan