Din sökning på "*" gav 527347 sökträffar
Insights from simulations with high-resolution transport and process models on sampling of the atmosphere for constraining midlatitude land carbon sinks
Normer som kommunikation - i samtida omvandling
Thomas Merton - en radikal mystiker
Regiopera och folkopera
Consuming lives, creating community : female Chinese-American diary writing on the Web
Ett Jerusalem i Skåne
The parish church of Dalby is probably the oldest preserved church in Scandinavia and thus also the oldest building in Scandinavia that is still in use. Its construction began around 1060. Some features of the original church display influence from Northern Germany, more specifically Hildesheim; significant additions and alterations made in the 12th century display influence from the Cathedral of
Kalendariska tidsuttryck under senmedeltid och reformationstid
Övergången från den medeltida kyrkoårskalendariska dateringstypen till den nutida månadskalendariska kartläggs kvantitativt för danska och svenska i ett senmedeltida och 1500-tals-material. Också utvecklingen med hänsyn till de båda typernas struktur undersöks.
The surface complex of Euglena gracilis. Involvement in cellular movements and biochemical and molecular analyses of the components
The flagellate Euglena gracilis shows rhythms in phototaxis and cell shape changes between oblong and round. Artificial UV-B radiation of 0.5 W m-2 caused a loss in phototaxis, but the peak of activity occurred at the same time as for control cells. The transition from round to oblong cell shape was slower after UV-B radiation, but the amplitude between the roundest and the most oblong cell shape
On heat load caculations in gas turbine combustors
Feminist Activist Performance in Sweden
In the 2000s, Sweden has experienced a veritable explosion of feminist performing arts. Although feminist actions, theatre, shows and performance existed previously, feminist events with a distinct political and activist approach have emerged strongly in the current decade. Feminist culture festivals are held in rapid succession, and feminist performance, dance and theatre occasionally attract bro
From War to Reconciliation: Vulnerable Post-War Vietnam-USA Relations
Alltid när jag sätter på mig svart kavaj får jag mjäll. Om metonymier som argumentationsanalytiska redskap
Skilj på tro och vetande
The growth mechanism of freestanding III-V nanowires
Life cycle thinking – a new approach in environmental policymaking
Industrial Induction Heating - with a focus on multi coil solutions
Most types of materials and components use heating during the manufacturing process, with a large potential for cost and energy savings. Induction heating is the most energy efficient industrial heating technology for many applications, but so far technical limitations has delayed large scale introduction. The difficulties relate to heating of large flat and curved surfaces, and, perhaps most impo
Rosa Bandet - mellan folkrörelse och identitetsmarkör
Krishantering, hushåll och stormen Gudrun : Att analysera hushålls krishanteringsförmåga och sårbarheter
Popular AbstractStörre kriser och katastrofer som stormen Gudrun och dess konsekvenser är sannolikt att vänta i framtiden. Det råder dock ovisshet om vilka kriserna kommer att vara och under vilka förutsättningar. Nya och kompletterande vetenskapliga studier och metoder inom kris- och katastrofforskningen måste till för att öka samhällets kunskap om och förmåga att hantera kända och okända hotbildSevere crises and disasters such as the Hurricane Gudrun and their consequences will probably occur in the future. However, there are many uncertainties concerning disasters and their effects. New scientific approaches and methods for crisis and disaster research must be developed to increase the knowledge and ability of societies to manage known and unknown threats. Substantial research on the em
The IT potential of haptics: Touch access for people with disabilities
In his licentiate thesis, Calle Sjöström sums up his own and Certec's experience from almost five years' work on haptic interfaces for people with disabilities. The haptic technology tested have great potential for future development, but need refinement