

Din sökning på "*" gav 533177 sökträffar

The Cheerleader of The United States

How does Donald Trump’s passionate Twitter usage impact consumer confidence? This paper develops a new time series measure of Donald Trump’s Twitter based on a sentiment analysis using data from June 2016 to March 2018. Furthermore, we capture the economic sentiment based on computational text analysis using economic news articles from January 2000 to March 2018, assuming that Trump acts as an ext

Dashboard - ett verktyg för beslutstöd

De senaste åren har mängden data expanderat och det ställs högre krav på företag att kunna hantera denna data. Business Intelligence, vidare kallat BI, underlättar för verksamheter att samla in, lagra samt analysera sin data och ta beslut utifrån analysen. Ett sätt att presentera datan är genom BI-dashboards. Det är ett verktyg som visualiserar en verksamhets nyckeltal, även kallat KPI:er. För att

Finnes: Osäkra föräldrar med osäkra barn Sökes: Säkra experter i risksamhället

This study is about understanding how contemporary, popular experts in parenting and children's behavior advices insecure parents how to deal with scared anxious children. The studies empiricism is retrieved from books, parenting sites and newspapers. The analysis and results is based on a method where the empiricism is studied from a problems perspective, analyzed in categories that answers q

"Den du bråkar med är du kär i" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av kuratorers perspektiv på sexuella trakasserier i skolan

“The one you mess with is the one you like”. A qualitative interview study on school counsellors perspectives on sexual harassment in school. The aim of this study was to investigate school counsellor's perspectives on sexual harassment by looking at how school counsellors describe sexual harassment in their schools, how they describe the cause of the problem in their school and how they thin

Visualising Balance, Balancing Visualities: Race, Epistemology and Equality in Visual Culture

This thesis is based on my interpretation of three particular visual examples that were created in relation to the racial tensions that were occurring at the time of their production. My visual examples are (1) the 2016 campaign advert commissioned by Operation Black vote (2) The music video I’m not Racist by the American rapper Joyner Lucas relaesed in 2017 (3) Sir Davey’s Proclamation Board to t

Solving the steady-state heat equation using overdetermined non-overlapping domain decomposition methods

Domain decomposition methods can be used to numerically solve partial differential equations for certain problems, for example in cases where the domain has an irregular shape, or if there are differences in material constants. By splitting the domain into subdomains, these problems can be solved using domain decomposition methods. In this thesis, the topic is solving the steady-state heat equatio

The startling plight of urban women and marriage: a research overview of entrenched gender inequality in China

Discussions on issues of marriage squeeze which resulting from the gender demographic imbalance has a long history in China. However, since the advent of 21st century, much media attention has shifted to an emerging phenomenon: highly educated, urban career women are at the forefront of a trend of un-marrying or delaying marriage. Labeled “leftover women” (shengnv), they are perceived less marriag

Klimatpåverkan från privat och offentlig konsumtion i Kungsbacka kommun

Beräkningsmodeller för konsumtionsbaserade utsläpp, vad är vitsen? Julia Nordström i juni 2018 År 2015 skrev Sverige tillsammans med andra nationer under det internationella klimatavtalet - Parisavtalet. För att nå de mål som Parisavtalet satt upp måste de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser minska drastiskt de kommande åren. Sverige är ett av de mest framstående länderna i världen när det kommer tIn recent years, it has become increasingly recognized that the traditional production-based methods for calculations of greenhouse gas emissions have shortcomings. This is justified by the fact that such inventories only include emissions that occur within a particular geographical area. As major emissions also arise as a result of imports of goods and services and from international travel, such

Introducerandet av nya innovationer i transportsystemet - en studie av Skånetrafikens planering för integrerade mobilitetstjänster

This essay investigates how new innovations are introduced and implemented in the transportation system, and serves to illustrate this through a case study of Skånetrafiken and its plans to integrate mobility services. Mobility stands at the precipice of structural changes which will effectively challenge the social position of the car as the most common and self-evident choice of transportation.

Gruppen som en förmildrande omständighet

Uppsatsen utreder huruvida det är förenligt med grundläggande straffrätts-liga principer att beakta gruppens agerande som en förmildrande omständig-het vid fastställandet av straffvärdet. För att undersöka detta granskas de straffrättsliga principerna, begreppet rättssäkerhet och den del av det straffrättsliga påföljdssystemet som rör förmildrande och försvårande omständigheter. Därefter har gälThis thesis aims to determine whether it is consistent with criminal law prin-ciples to consider the group's actions as an attenuating circumstance in de-termining the penal value. In order to investigate this, the criminal law principles, the concept of rule of law and the part of the criminal justice system relating to attenuating and aggravating circumstances are examined. Subsequently, cu

Handelshinder på den inre digitala marknaden, en väg till nationellt dominerande ställning?

2018 - Ett år människan lever i ständig förflyttning, ett år marknader sträcker sig över flera länder, ett år rättigheter och skyldigheter tar plats genom multilaterala avtal över hela Europeiska unionen. Vi lever i en tid av ständig teknisk och rättsutvecklande förändring. Streaming genom sändningsrättigheter över nätet är idag en del av vardagen, vi tittar på sport genom Viaplay, filmer via Netf2018 - A year in which European citizens are constantly on the move, a year when markets extend across several countries, a year when rights and obligations take place through large multilateral agreements across the European Union. We live in a time of constant technological and legal development. Streaming through broadcasting rights over the Internet today is part of our daily life, we are watc

Integrationsklausuler i svensk avtalsrätt

Integrationsklausuler har sitt ursprung i den angloamerikanska rätten och är numera vanligt förekommande i svenska kommersiella avtal. Avsikten med en integrationsklausul är att göra enbart det skriftliga avtalets innehåll giltigt som underlag för avtalets innebörd. Frågan om integrationsklausulers rättsverkan i svensk avtalsrätt har inte besvarats i varken lagtext eller praxis. Emellertid har detMerger clauses originate from Anglo American law but have become a commonly used type of clause in Swedish commercial contracts. The purpose of a merger clause is to exclude all considerations apart from the written contract from the interpretation of the contract. The question of what legal effect the merger clauses have in Swedish contract law has not been answered, neither in written law nor in

Meddelarfriheten i förhållande till förundersökningssekretessen

Meddelarfriheten är en viktig del av yttrandefriheten och offentlighetsprincipen. Den skapar förutsättningar för allmän granskning och allmän debatt om vad som sker i den offentliga verksamheten. Det finns dock en naturlig intressekonflikt mellan insyn och sekretess. Gällande avvägningen mellan insyn och sekretess i förundersökningar har det uppstått debatt om i vilken utsträckning regleringen är The freedom to communicate information is an essential part of the freedom of speech. Together with the principle of public access to official records, it seeks to ensure a public and open debate on the work of the governmental and municipal authorities. But, there is a natural conflict of interest between transparency and confidentiality. The legislation regarding transparency and confidentiality

Läkemedelspatent - En kritisk analys av den internationella patentregleringen

Denna uppsats har intentionen att behandla det patentsystemet som reglerar läkemedelsutvecklingen. I uppsatsen har det utretts vad som är skälet bakom patentsystemen. Området är unikt gentemot andra patentsystem på så sätt att den innehåller andra skyddsskäl. Det har ansetts att ett väl utvecklat patentsystem för läkemedel ska ta tillvara på mänsklighetens högst skyddsvärda intresse, nämligen folkThe intention of this essay is to process the patent system and its regulations in the department of pharmaceutical development. An analysis has been made of what the purpose behind the regulation of patents are. This field is unique towards other fields of patent law since it aims to protect different purposes. It has come to the conclusion that a well regulated patent system means to achieve a h

The Relation Between the Credit Default Swap and Corporate Bond Market

The European credit default swap (CDS) market has experienced noticeable changes and remarkably developed over the last decades. Today, the relation between the CDS and corporate bond market is a prominent topic in the financial literature. According to the arbitrage argument, the CDS spread equals the corresponding credit spread of a corporate bond. However, substantial deviations between the mar

Natur(s)kön feminism: en analys av fyra feministiska teoriers förhållningssätt till människans (könade) natur

This thesis explores the ontological assumptions made about the (sexed) nature of humans in four feminist theoretical accounts of sex and gendered power. The four works analysed are: Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex, Gayle Rubin’s ”The Traffic in Women”, Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble and Elisabeth Grosz’ Time Travels. The ontological assumptions are analyzed with a critical realist approach an

Eradicating the Use of Child Soldiers: Framings of Child Soldiery in Canadian Forces Joint Doctrine Note 2017-01 Child Soldiers.

The aim of the study was to examine the problem representations embedded in Canadian Forces Joint Doctrine Note 2017-01 Child Soldiers, published by the Government of Canada in March 2017. It is the first ever document to provide armed forces with clear instructions on how to interact with child soldiers. The study took the form of a single instrumental case study carried out through the applicati

Resistance Stories: An experience-centred narrative analysis of the political biographies of asylum rights activists opposing the post-2015 migration regime in Sweden

The autumn of 2015 constituted a major break with the prior migration regime in Sweden, as the government implemented temporary migration laws in order to curb the large-scale arrival of migrants, which had taken the authorities by surprise at the time. Following this, the question of migration has gradually to a greater extent come to be framed as a threat by government officials and the politica

Prostitution Laws and Sex Trafficking: A Market Approach

Policy making concerning prostitution is an element of ongoing processes in Europe. Recent changing in laws shed light on the double targets of the policies, they not only regulate economic activities of a discussed moral value, but they also attempt to contract sex trafficking illegal markets. Research is housing debates concerning the actual relationship occurring between prostitution laws and s