

Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar

Diskrepansen mellan 40 a URL och 3 § LAU

Denna undersökning utreder den diskrepans som finns mellan 40 a § URL och 3 § 2 st LAU. De två paragraferna kan framkalla motsägelsefulla situationer för arbetsgivare och arbetstagare när både upphovsrätt och patenträtt kan ges ett datorprogram. Ämnet berör till stor del det immaterialrättsliga området, men ses utifrån ett arbetsrättsligt perspektiv. Denna typ av undersökning är intressant då de oThis study investigates the discrepancy between 40 a § URL and 3 § 2 st LAU. The two sections can produce contradictory situations for employers and employees when both copyright and patent law can be given a computer program. The subject is mainly linked to intellectual property law, but is viewed from a labor law perspective. This type of study is interesting, because the different fields of law

Den obligatoriska besvikelsen - en studie om kärlek/förälskelse, genus och sexualitet i populärmusiken

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur låttexter om kärlek/förälskelse representerar genus, sexualitet och relationer. Utifrån en queerteoretisk utgångspunkt utför jag en kritisk lingvistisk analys av texter till populärmusik och hämtar inspiration från den kritiska diskursanalysen. Det resultat jag kommer fram till är att jag finner mönster i låttexterna där ett ouppnåeligt ideal gällande The purpose of this essay is to investigate how lyrics of love songs represent gender and sexuality. My method for examining the lyrics of popular music is a critical linguistic analysis with influences from critical discourse analysis. Throughout my analysis I found patterns which shows that love songs often represents an ideal of a relationship to be monogamous, heterosexual and everlasting wher

En nationalitet- många sneda blickar. En kvalitativ studie om kosovoalbanska ungdomar i Landskrona

Authors: Shpresa Gucati and Pajtesa Panxhaj Title: One nationality- many devious gazes. A qualitative study about kosovoalbanian adolescents in Landskrona [Translated title] Supervisor: Anders Lundberg Assessor: Katarina Hollertz The aim of this study was to examine how kosovo albanian adolescents looked upon the general public’s negative picture of Landskrona and how they have handled their repo

Beyond the typical twin crises: an examination of banking and sovereign debt crises

This paper examines potential determinants of banking and sovereign debt crises for the period 1970-2008 using a multivariate logit model. In addition, the paper analyzes links between these types of crises through conditional and unconditional probabilities. The empirical results for banking crises suggest that higher inflation and real interest rates increase the likelihood of a banking crisis,

Ett integrerat Öresund. En studie av löneutvecklingen i Sydsverige 2000-2010

This thesis analyzes whether the wages in the south of Sweden grew faster than in other regions in Sweden during the first decade of the 21st century. The hypothesis stated is that higher wages in Denmark and the opening of the Öresund Bridge in July 2000 have led to a process of wage convergence between the two regions. The study examines the wages of nurses in order to detect a Swedish wage adju

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Controversy (Patents Involving Ethical and Human Rights Concern)

Present thesis concerns one of the controversial topics of this era - the embryonic stem cell debate, more precisely in connection with their patents, ethics and human rights. The thesis deals with various alternative opinions that make this issue a hot topic. While different viewpoints will be discussed, I bring up human rights issues into this debate, which will emphasize a possible conflict bet

Från katekisation till livsfrågor. En studie av konfirmandläroböckers utveckling. 1962-1978.

The purpose of this essay is to study how the course books for confirmation candidates in the Church of Sweden relate and correspond to the steering documents drawn up and adopted by the Church on the one hand, and by the public system of elementary schools on the other, between the years 1962 and 1978. The research is based on printed literature, where the primary sources are the steering documen

Idrottande ungdomar har inte optimala kostvanor!

Idrottande ungdomar, i åldern 12-20 år, har ett specialbehov vad gäller kosten i jämförelse med andra individer. Då ungdomarna fortfarande växer och utvecklas är en sund kosthållning ytterst angeläget för upprätthållande av en normal kroppslig utveckling. Dessutom ställs i och med idrottandet högre krav på näringsintaget eftersom mer energi- och näringsämnen samt vätska förbrukas på grund av den fYoung athletes, between 12-20 years, have special dietary needs in comparison to other individuals. Since these individuals are still growing and maturing, a healthy diet is of utmost importance for the maintenance of a normal physical development. Moreover; due to physical activity the requirements of energy, nutrients and fluids are higher for young athletes. In order to achieve optimal physical

Att etablera tillit efter separation - En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande flyktingbarns relationer till personal på HVB-hem

Trust is considered to be a key factor in creating lasting and supportive relationships. The aim of this paper was to explore the trust-building process in the relationship between unaccompanied refugee minors and their residential staff. Do the unaccompanied minors living in Swedish residential care trust the personnel and what factors promote or inhibit trust? This questions where explored throu

Sources of stress that correlate to level of burnout among Swedish physicians.

Bakgrund: Utbrändhet har blivit ett populärt ämne som det forskas allt mer på. Internationellt har många studier om läkares utbrändhet gjorts och de har visat att läkare har en hög nivå av utbrändhet. Dessa studier samt andra studier inom stressforskningen har visat på att det finns många olika orsaker som kan leda till stress och utbrändhet. Mycket lite forskning är dock gjord på svenska läkare fTheory: Burnout has become a popular research field with lots of studies being done within the area. Internationally, many studies on physician burnout have been made and they show that physicians have a high level of burnout. These studies as well as other studies within stress research have shown that there are many different factors that can lead to stress and burnout. However, very little rese

Fel signaler- en diskursanalys av den kommunpolitiska sprutbytesdebatten

In 1980 an epidemic outbreak of hiv occurred around the world. One of the bigger target groups was drug addicts. This was the start point of what came to be called the harm-reduction movement. One of the main interventions of this movement was and still is needle exchange. Sweden, along with Holland was one of the first countries to introduce a needle exchange program. Even though Sweden is one of

Kan LSD-inducerade transpersonella upplevelser främja den interreligiösa förståelsen?

I have studied the results that Stanislav Grof reports from his research into nonordinary states of consciousness induced by LSD. The focus has been on the transpersonal domain, which mediates experiential identification with other species and mythic figures, visits to archetypical realms, access to past life memories, and union with the cosmic creative principle. Many of these experiences have a

Kvinnor,makt och politik i Iran

Using Steven Luke’s famous Three-Dimensional Power theory this thesis aims to explain how much political power the Iranian women had during the secular Pahlavi era compared to the Islamic Republic of today. I will outline the reasons for change of formal and informal power structures from 1942-2010.I find that Iranian political system has a complex structure with a multitude of loosely connected p