

Din sökning på "*" gav 530346 sökträffar

Contesting Kurdish Identities in Sweden: Quest for Belonging among Middle Eastern Youth

Contesting Kurdish Identities in Sweden explores how young Kurdish immigrants living in Sweden experience and articulate their ideas about citizenship rights, belonging, and statehood as they are shuttled between different citizenship regimes and exclusive structures of belonging. Unlike immigrants who come to Sweden from countries where their groups are dominant, Kurds who immigrate to Sweden re-

Biased magnetic materials in RAM applications

The magnetization of a ferro- or ferri-magnetic material has been modeled with the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. In this model demagnetization effects are included. By applying a linearized small signal model of the LLG equation, it was found that the material can be described by an effective permeability and with the aid of a static external biasing field, the material can be switched b

Solution properties of a hydrophobically modified polymer

The influence of hydrophobic modification on solution properties of water-soluble polymers in the semi-dilute regime have been studied. The nonionic ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC) and its hydrophobically modified analogue (HM-EHEC) are used as model substances. Interactions between the polymer molecules in solution and a third component are investigated, and in particular the influence of the

Cultural (In)Sensitivity in International Management Textbooks: A Postcolonial Reading

The aim of this paper is to analyze, with a broadly postcolonial sensibility, the discourses on culture found in some of the international management books that: 1) especially claim to emphasize the cultural factor, and 2) claim to be ‘international’, supposedly appropriate for reading in all parts of the globe. We intend to show that very similar discursive patterns characterize the conceptualiza

Involvement of Heparan Sulphate Biosynthesis and Turnover in Cell Proliferation. A Novel Role for Nitric Oxide in Recycling of Heparan Sulphate Proteoglycans.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteoglykaner (PG), framför allt sådana som bär glykosaminoglykan-sidokedjor av heparansulfat (HS) typ, utgör multifunktionella receptorer på cellytan och i pericellulär matrix hos alla adherenta celler i högre organismer. HS-proteoglykaner är inblandade i många olika cellprocesser, bl.a. koagulation, celltillväxt, och aktivering av enzymer, antienzymer samt bindning tThe present investigation focuses on the role of HS metabolism in cell proliferation. The effect of the HS priming ß-D-xyloside, 2-(6-hydroxynaphthyl)-O-ß-D-xylopyranoside (Xyl-2-Nap-6-OH) on the proliferation of normal and transformed cells was studied. Xyl-2-Nap-6-OH inhibited growth of transformed cells to a significantly greater extent than normal cells. The growth inhibition exerted by the xy

Functionally-associated target antigens in cancer. Defined by human antibodies and small interfering RNAs.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer är ett samlingsnamn på sjukdomar som kännetecknas av okontrollerad celltillväxt. I friskt tillstånd växer kroppens celler kontrollerat. Cancertillståndet startar när någon av dessa celler förändras så att tillväxten ökar. När tillväxten ökar så tilltar också celldelningen. Om ingen åtgärd vidtas kommer cancern till slut att slå ut funktionen hos det organ som denCancer is the collective name for diseases that have one thing in common ? uncontrolled cell growth. The increase in cancer cell proliferation eventually results in tumor formation and, in the worst case, metastatic spread to other organs. Common treatment modalities of cancer include chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, these methods are associated with severe side effects as well as indu

Bird Vision: Spatial acuity and colour discrimination in bright and dim light

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under dagen, när det är ljust, har fåglar både överlägsen synskärpa och färgseende jämfört med de flesta andra djur, inklusive människan. Men vad händer när det skymmer och under natten när det är mörkt? Vi människor tappar mycket av vår synskärpa i svagt ljus och vi förlorar vårt färgseende när det blir mörkare än ungefär en månupplyst natt. Det här beror på att ljusetBirds use vision to guide navigation, foraging and mate choice, and studies of the limitations in bird visual perception are most helpful for the understanding of bird ecology. Here, I present four studies of bird vision in bright and dim light. Paper I is a quantification of how sensitive colour vision modelling is to variation in data, such as the spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors and recep