

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Impact of a Truck as an Obstacle on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications in Rural and Highway Scenarios

Shadowing from other vehicles can degrade the performance of vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems significantly. It is thus important to characterize and model the influence of common shadowing objects like trucks in a proper way. However, the scenario of a truck as an obstacle in highly dynamic rural and highway environments is not yet well understood. In this paper we analyze the distance de

Model-based Analysis and Design of Atomic Layer Deposition Processes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tunna skikt av olika material har en framträdande roll inom både vetenskap och teknik idag. Det bakomliggande intresset för denna typ av ytbeläggningar är främst möjligheten att kombinera egenskaper hos de tunna filmerna med övriga egenskaper från det underliggande materialet för att därigenom erhålla förbättrade kemiska, mekaniska eller elektriska egenskaper. DärutöverAtomic layer deposition (ALD) is a thin-film manufacturing process in which the growth surface is exposed to non-overlapping alternating injections of gas-phase chemical precursor species separated by intermediate purge periods to prevent gas-phase reactions. ALD is characterized by sequential self-terminating heterogeneous reactions between highly reactive gas-phase precursor species and surface-

The question of solvability

We give a proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture: that local solvability of principal type pseudodifferential operators is equivalent to condition (Psi). This condition rules out sign changes from - to + of the imaginary part of the principal symbol along the oriented bicharacteristics of the real part. We obtain local solvability by proving a localizable a priori estimate for the adjoint operat

Birgitta profeten och uppenbarelsens dynamik

St. Birgitta as prophet in the Old Testament sense: inspired person who acts and speaks on God's behalf to various social classes and individuals, telling her addressees what should be done and avoided, sometimes also the future (hardly the important feature, however). Her universe is totally biblical, something that can be proved through linguistic and narrative correspondences between the Revela

Introduktion: Yrkesutbildningen och den ekonomiska historien

Yrkesutbildningen har både påverkat och påverkats av den ekonomiska historien och det finns åtminstone två olika teoretiska perspektiv som kan användas. Det ena är det strukturanalytiska perspektivet som utgår från att ekonomin förändras i cykler. En insikt och förståelse som projektet har gett är att yrkesutbildningen inte alltid entydigt följt dessa cykler, och framförallt inte för alla bransche

Confidence intervals and accuracy estimation for heavy-tailed generalized Pareto distributions

The generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) is a two-parameter family of distributions which can be used to model exceedances over a threshold. We compare the empirical coverage of some standard bootstrap and likelihood-based confidence intervals for the parameters and upper p-quantiles of the GPD. Simulation results indicate that none of the bootstrap methods give satisfactory intervals for small s

Representing the Absent: A Study of Memorialisation and Its Material Culture in Spontaneous and Official Memorial Places in Contemporary Sweden

The general aim of this thesis was to study how memorial places and objects serve as links and meeting points between the bereaved and their conceptions and memories of the departed. This has been examined in several different ways, from various viewpoints, and placed in different contexts and periods in time. The general result is that there are several and complementary ways through which materi

TRIPS competition flexibilities

International trade legislation and TRIPS in particulate contain elements of a competition law system. Flexibilities in the system leave substantial discretion to developing countries, which can apply these rules to counterbalance demands imposed on them by the IPR obligations contained in the Agreement. To create a reasonable balance, precise standards regarding competition law interpretation and