

Din sökning på "*" gav 530026 sökträffar

Asymmetrisk information och etiska krav i offentlig upphandling- risker för marknadsmisslyckande och botemedel

I denna uppsats diskuteras risken för marknadsmisslyckande vid etisk offentlig upphandling i Sverige, dvs. upphandling i vilken krav ställs på att grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter efterlevs i produktionen av de varor som upphandlas. Eftersom upphandlande enheter har små möjligheter att observera att kraven efterlevs, är sannolikheten stor att producenter fuskar. Denna uppsats försöker med hjälp

Portföljinvestering med daglig riskminimering

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if it is meaningful to use a portfolio strategy that minimizes the portfolio risk every day, when the investment horizon is 10 years. To minimize the portfolio risk a EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) method is used to calculate the conditional variance-covariance matrix. This matrix is used to calculate the portfolio weight that minimizes th

Risodling i EU - till vilket pris?

This study aims to analyze the development in the rice market in the EU15 during the period 1990-2007. During this time the common agriculture policy (CAP) has been subject to some major reforms, leading to a significant decrease in the level of import tariffs and intervention prices and the introduction of the decoupled system of single farm payments. The effects of the reforms are discussed, but

On the Economic Sources of Changes in Credit Ratings

In this thesis, the focus lies on the determinants of changes in credit ratings. Multiple regression is used to study the relation between credit ratings and a quantity of selected economic variables. The study is restricted to the US market and the ratings have been assigned by Moody’s during the period 1999-2008. In line with previous studies, the short-term interest rate and corporate profits a

Stress Testing the Corporate Loans Portfolio of the Swedish Financial Sector

In this study, a macroeconomic credit risk model is applied to Sweden to judge the stability of the Swedish financial system to changes in the macroeconomic environment. Default rates for each industry are regressed against the macroeconomic variables to which Sweden has the greatest exposure and then stress tests are performed on the Swedish corporate loans portfolio to determine whether structur

The Role of Geography and Agriculture in the Establishment of Property Rights

The subject of institutions and their impact upon economic growth has been widely explored by a variety of literature. What has often been ignored, however, is the topic of how institutions arise in the first place. This paper thus takes the view that institutions are shaped by geography, and specifically, the agricultural sector. It is found that there exists some statistical and legal evidence t

How much does Origin Affect Earnings? Evidence on American Second Generation Immigrants

This paper examines the parental background effect on male and female second generation immigrants’ annual earnings by comparing their annual income to that of workers with American descent on the US labor market. It uses data from the Current Population Surveys for the period 2000 - 2008 and utilizes the human capital earnings function into an OLS regression model to capture the income differenti

Design of a Coffee Machine

This master thesis is written in collaboration with the company Caran AB in Lund, now known as Semcon Caran AB. Semcon Caran AB is a large Swedish consulting firm who were hired by the principal LG Håkansson, an entrepreneur from Svedala. The purpose of this thesis is to design a coffee machine for use in the home environment. The thesis is written in collaboration with two other students, Sevan

The Future Weapon Packaging - The Future Weapon Packaging

The purpose of this thesis was to introduce new and innovative solutions in the field of weapon packaging. Integration of the concept Insensitive Munitions1 (IM) in the packaging was also a main objective. The method used to achieve this thesis is a merge of the product development methods derived by Ulrich and Eppinger and methods taught in the course Designmetodik IDE062. Designer tools li

Våtrum - Krav och regler

Wet room - demands and rules This paper explains how the legislative system is built concerning wet rooms within the construction industry. Legislation is developed by all involved authorities. The state has created laws and regulations through parliament and government. These laws are used as a foundation for Boverket, who has produced BBR, which specifies the minimum requirements for the propert

Transformable Crutch

The overall aim of this project was to make an everyday life for people with reduced mobility better. This crutch helps its users to perform everyday activities easier and feel more comfortable. It provides: - Better mobility; - Better stability, - Comfort; - Possibility to switch from one type of the crutch to another that not only allows stressed body parts to relax but also helps a user to be

Inhaler Device. Design concept of Turbuhaler.

Improving an inhalation device so that the patient has full control of his health status, is the #1 objective of the project. Being a futuristic project, carried out from a patien's prespective, the ambition is still to perform a realistic industrial design assignment. The project concentrates on aesthetical qualities, as well as matching them with the fundamental functions of the device. Th

The Relationship between Inflation and Economic Growth of China: Empirical Study from 1978 to 2007

This thesis is to research the relationship between inflation and economic growth of China from 1978 to 2007. No unambiguous conclusions on this problems have been obtained from previous literatures. This thesis will employ co-integration and error correction models accompanying with correlation matrix and the Granger Causality Test to examine the inflation-economic growth relationship. The data i

Granskning av svenska revisionsbolag - hur påverkas de av globaliseringen

Syftet med uppsatsen är utreda vad SOX och EU:s åttonde bolagsdirektiv innebär, och hur dessa regleringar kommer att påverka svenska revisionsbolag. Syftet är också att undersöka hur en optimal övervakning av revisionsbolagen bör se ut och om det är negativt för revisionsprofessionen att bli av med sin självreglering. Vi använder oss av en kvalitativ metod för att skapa oss djupare förståelse för