Båstad Masterclass - Composition (2025)
Kursen genomförs 23-27 juni 2025, med 22 juni som resdag. Mer info om antagningen finns nedan. Lärare: Professor Rolf Martinsson www.rolfmartinsson.com Kursen vänder sig till tonsättare och musikstudenter som vill utveckla sina kompositionsfärdigheter och få konstruktiv kritik på sina verk. Ämnen som komposition, form, instrumentation, analys och notation kommer att tas upp. Undervisningen Course will take place 23-27th of june 2025, with 22nd of june as arrival day. More info about the admission down below. Teacher: Professor Rolf Martinsson www.rolfmartinsson.com The course is aimed at composers and music students who want to develop their composition skills and receive constructive criticism about their works. Topics such as composition, form, instrumentation, analysis and