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Relationen mellan hemmiljö och dagshemsmiljö. 1. Metodstudier avseende miljövariabler
"Kyrkan och vetenskapen kan gå hand i hand"
Classes of DNA associated with telomeres in the chironomids C. pallidivittatus and C. tentans
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur slutar det? Är inte detta en fråga vi ofta vill ha besvarad? Så är åtminstone fallet i min avhandling, närmre bestämt gäller det här slutet på kromosomerna, de så kallade telomererna. Telomerer definieras som den DNA/proteinstruktur som avslutar linjära kromosomer. Gener återfinns ej i denna region vilken dock har andra viktiga funktioner. Kromosomer utan telomerer Telomeres in Chironomus consist of long complex tandem DNA repeats, which in C. pallidivittatus have been shown to extend to the extreme end of chromosomes. In C. pallidivittatus the telomeric repeats are present in large blocks, 50-200kb in size, most of them belonging to four major subfamilies. The main issue of this thesis has been to elucidate possible functional roles for these different subf
Ett lagrådsyttrande om 10 kap. 3 § regeringsformen
Perssons kardiologi- hjärtsjukdomar hos vuxna
Utmaning på topp: kreativitetsfrämjande ledarskap
"I wrote this chapter as a rondo" - om att använda musikalisk kunskap till handledning
The different roles of crayfish in benthic food webs
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad pysslar kräftorna med? Kräftor äter allt! Jag har visat att kräftor äter gamla blad från träd, alger, vattenväxter och även smådjur som till exempel sländlarver, iglar och sövattensgråsuggor. Dessa olika typer av mat har olika näringsvärde. Om vi jämför med vad vi äter så är det ju uppenbart att t.ex. västerbottenpaj och kokta kräftor har olika näringsvärde. Pajen I show that crayfish consume detritus, algae, macrophytes, and an array of invertebrates. Crayfish were found to reduce invertebrate densities. However, prey mobility seemed to be a key factor regulating the strength of interactions between crayfish and prey. Since crayfish seek to maximize growth, they benefit from feeding on invertebrates, shown to promote high growth rates. I found crayfish to
BiB 2010: Bedömningsinstrument inom behandling och forskning för missbruks- och beroendevård
BiB 2010 är en sammanställning av information om bedömningsinstrument med relevans för behandling och forskning inom missbruks- och beroendevården. Gemensamt för alla instrument i boken är att de är översata till eller utvecklade på svenska. Redan 1998 publicerades en första sammanställning, BIB 1998, som svar på ett uttryckt behov av en översikt över användbara mätmetoder och bedömningsinstrument
Seeing the wood for the trees: 25 years of renewable energy policy in Sweden
Specific Language Impairment in Children: A Comparison of English and Swedish
We report a cross-linguistic investigation of English-and Swedish-speaking children with specific language impairment (SLI) in an attempt to determine whether Wexler's (1998; 2003) (Extended) Unique Checking Constraint (EUCC) can account for the grammatical profiles of these groups of children. In Study 1, a group of Swedish-speaking preschoolers with SLI showed greater use of finite verb inflecti
Models for chloride ingress into concrete - From Collepardi to Today
The first model to predict chloride ingress into concrete was presented by Collepardi in 1970, in Italian! That model was used for some 20 years for design of concrete structures before it was realized that the main parameter, the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient, is not a material property! Since then the Collepardi model has been significantly improved and developed into more or less soph
Budgetary Control in Public Health Care - A Study about Perceptions of Budgetary Control among Clinical Directors
Health care expenditures have increased rapidly in most OECD-countries, and several reforms have been considered for the improvement of cost-containment in the health care sector. Physicians in particular have been recognized to have considerable impact on health care expenditures and as a result they have become increasingly involved in budgetary control with the hope of a more efficient use of r
Nordic medieval laws revisited
Factors predicting patient withdrawal from long-term treatment of schizophrenia
Basic Body Awareness Therapy , assessment, treatment and interaction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen innehåller fem delarbeten som behandlar olika aspekter av metoden Basal Kroppskännedom (BK) undersökning, behandling och interaktion. I en första delstudie undersöktes validiteten (begreppsvaliditeten) av BAS-hälsa (BAS-H). Sambandet mellan kropp och själ studerades enligt teorierna om kroppsjaget (Roxendal 1993), med hjälp av två patientgrupper och en gruThe purpose of the present thesis was to investigate Basic Body Awareness Therapy (Basic BAT) in psychiatric outpatient care and the BAS-H, an assessment method for analysing movements and movement behaviour. Important factors in the interaction, therapeutic relationship and working alliance between patient and physiotherapist (PT) were also explored. The results revealed the construct validity of
Dimensionering av vägöverbyggnad med skumbetong
On the QoS tree construction in WiMAX mesh networks based on genetic algorithm approach
We study the influence of tree's depth and nodes' fan-out on the performance of WiMax mesh networks. For a given tree topology, we first analytically obtain per-node delay and per-node throughput. Then among plenty of tree topologies, extractable from a given network's graph, we search feasible trees which fulfil some per-node and network QoS requirements. Since the searching space is potentially